AICP Transpo/Housing Test
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| A. The Bureau of Transportation StatisticsB. In 1952, the act authorized $25 Million for the construction of interstate highways and $175 Million two years later. Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 authorized major funding: $25 Billion between 1957 and 1969.C. TIP lists all projects for which federal funds are anticipated, along with non-federally funded projects that are regionally significant. FHWA planning regulations require this regional transportation plan.D. 1966. Launched model cities program. Gave financial incentives for coordinated metro area planning for open spaces, water supply, sewage disposal, + mass transit. Established a loan guarantee program to encourage development of "new communities."E. 1944. Designated a 65,000-km national system of interstate highways, to be selected by state highway departments. Act authorized highway system, but did not provide any funding.F. Examines travel w/in traffic zones. TD generally provides info on how many trips are made between each zone and every other zone. Also provides info on trip dist., time & cost, nature of trip, socioeco characteristics, & nature of the transpo system.G. A 43,000-km system of highways.H. 1935. Used New Deal funds to develop new towns: Greendale, WI, Greenhills, OH, and Greenbelt, MD + 99 other planned communities.I. The imaginary line that denotes the boundary of the study area in an Origin-Destination Survey. J. More vehicles are on the road to meet growing employment, errand, and other travel demands. Can also mean trip origins and destinations are getting further apart and travel times are becoming longer.K. 1934. Established Federal Housing Administration with the purpose of insuring home mortgages.L. Areas with populations of 200,000 or more. M. 11 daily trip ends per 1,000 SF of gen office space; 9.6 daily trip ends / single family residential dwelling; 6.6 daily trip ends / apartment unit; 43 daily trip ends / 1,000 SF of shopping ctr space; 7 daily trip ends / 1,000 SF of light industrial dev.N. 1970. This body of gov. in Ohio adopted a housing plan that called for low and moderate income housing to be allocated on a fair share basis.O. New: transit/peds/bikes. Intermod Surface Transpo Efficiency 1991 (ISTEA); Transpo Equity 21st Century (TEA-21); Transportation Equity 3 (TEA3); Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity (SAFETEA); Moving Ahead for Progress (MAP-21)P. Measure of vehicular mobility obtained from travel inventories. Function of many factors: topography, population density, travel dist btwn home + daily destinations (work, shopping, recreation), and availability of mass transit.Q. Created federal mandate for urban transpo planning. Passed when urban areas newly planning Interstate hwys. Act req. transpo projects in urbanized areas w/ pop of 50,000+ be based on a "continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative" (3 C's) planning processR. Clarence Perry, 1920 as part of the NY Regional Plan. Concept defines a neighborhood based on a five minute walking radius; At center is a school. Each neighborhood is approximately 160 acres.S. Called for slum prevention and urban renewal. Additionally, provided funding for planning for cities under 25,000 population. The 701 funds later expanded to allow for statewide, interstate, and regional planning.T. Responsible for implementing highway system. In 1947, designated 60,640 km of interstate highways. |
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