Name, what for, and how to perform
show | Testing for a third degree strain or rupture in the Achilles tendon.
show | Place client in supine position with feet over the edge of the table, squeeze the affected gastrocs/soleus.
What is a positive result for the Thompson's test? | show ๐
show | Strain or Tendinitis.
What does the 'Drop Arm' test for? | show ๐
show | Place client in seated position, abduct arm to 90 degrees and instruct client to hold this position, then ask client to slowly adduct the arm back to the starting point.
show | It is positive if the client is unable to return the arm smoothly and slowly to the side or there is pain on the attempt.
show | Strain and tendinitis.
show | To assess the compression of a cervical nerve root or for facet joint irritation in the lower cervical spine.
How do you perform the Spurlings test? | show ๐
show | Radiating pain or other neurological signs on teh affected side. IF there is pain local to the neck it means facet joint irritation.
For what conditions would you use the Spurlings test? | show ๐
show | To assess for circulation deficiency of the vertebral artery at the transverse foreman.
show | Client is in the seated position, instruct the client to rated head fully to one side then extend the neck and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.
What indicates a positive vertebral artery test? | show ๐
show | Whiplash.
What is the swallowing test used for? | show ๐
show | Place client in seated position, palpate the SCM in a pincer grasp and maintain pressure at a tender point, instruct the client to swallow.
show | If the pain diminishes while the client swallows the test is positive for TP as the cause of the pain.
show | Whiplash.
What is the anterior-posterior drawer test used for? | show ๐
How do you perform the a/p drawer test? | show ๐
show | IF the tibia moves anteriorly more then 6mm it is positive for ACL and posterior jt capsule damage.
How do you use the A/P test to test the posterior cruciate ligament? | show ๐
What test can be used to assess for a meniscal injury? | show ๐
How is the Apley's Compession test performed? | show ๐
show | If the client reports pain on the medial aspect of the joint the test is positive for medial meniscus damage, if on lateral side = positive for lateral meniscal injury.
show | Length test for gastrocs and soleus.
show | Place client supine with knee is fully extended and heel over the edge of the table, grasp the calcaneous with one hand and stabilize the lateral plantar surface in the other, apply traction with dorsiflexion (prevent evert/invert).
show | Reduced dorsiflexion and shortened gastroc.
What test can be used to test tendinitis? | show ๐
show | A third degree strain or rupture of the achilles tendon.
How do you perform the Thompson test? | show ๐
show | Absense of plantar flexion when the muscles are squeezed.
How do you perform the drop arm test? | show ๐
What is a positive outcome for the drop arm test? | show ๐
show | To assess the integrity of the rotator cuff, especially the supraspinatus muscles and tendons.
show | The ober's test = Pelvis and the shoulder = Painful arc.
What is the purpose of the Ober's test? | show ๐
show | Client is sidelying with affected leg up, place affected knee in full extension, and abduction instruct client to relax fully. Allow leg to lower.
What is a positive indication of the Ober's test? | show ๐
What is the painful arc test used for? | show ๐
How is the painful arc test performed? | show ๐
show | Pain starting at about 70 degrees of abduction and eases off at about 130 degrees.
show | Apleys scratch, Spurlings.
show | To assess combined movements of thfushoulder.
show | Client seated, instruct the client to reach behind the head and touch as far down the spine as possible, also reach up the back - then reverse.
Is there a positive test for Apley's? | show ๐
What does the Spurling's test do? | show ๐
How do you perform the Spurling's test? | show ๐
What is a positive indication for Spurlings? | show ๐
show | Compression/distraction and Spurlings.
When do you use a cervical compression test? | show ๐
How is the cervical compression test performed? | show ๐
What is a positive indication of the C-compression test? | show ๐
What is the purpose of the cervical distraction test? | show ๐
How is the cervical distraction test performed? | show ๐
show | If the clients pain is relieved, which indicates reduction of facet joint pressure or muscle spasms.
show | Morton's neuroma.
How do you perform the test for Morton's neuroma? | show ๐
What is a positive result for Morton's neuroma? | show ๐
show | Ober's and Thomas.
show | Have client supine with gluteal fold at the end of the table, have a hand at the lumbar spine, have them flex unaffected knee and hip hold and then flex affected knee and hip, hold with both hands. Instruct the client to slowly extend affected leg.
show | If the client cannot fully touch the table at the posterior knee it is a sign of hip flexor shortness.
show | The functional or structural scoliosis test.
What is the purpose of the functional or structural scoliosis tests? | show ๐
How is the functional structural scoliosis test performed? | show ๐
show | IF the curve does NOT correct during lateral bending and is symmetrical.
What is a positive indication of functional scoliosis? | show ๐
What is a test for pes planus? | show ๐
show | Place client seated, compress medial and lateral aspects of the foot at the MTP joints.
What is a positive result for Morton's neuroma? | show ๐
show | Ober's and Thomas.
show | Have client supine with gluteal fold at the end of the table, have a hand at the lumbar spine, have them flex unaffected knee and hip hold and then flex affected knee and hip, hold with both hands. Instruct the client to slowly extend affected leg.
show | If the client cannot fully touch the table at the posterior knee it is a sign of hip flexor shortness.
What are tests for scoliosis? | show ๐
show | To determine whether spinal curves are structural or functional.
How is the functional structural scoliosis test performed? | show ๐
What is a positive indication of structural scoliosis? | show ๐
What is a positive indication of functional scoliosis? | show ๐
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