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U.S. History Flashcards

Description Date Stars ▼
Chapter 8 Vocabulary  (26 cards) 2015-11-16 3
Chapter 9 Vocabulary Matching  (21 cards) 2019-03-01 3
Civil War  (18 cards) 2016-09-25 3
Civil War  (32 cards) 2023-03-08 3
Civil War Study Guide  (53 cards) 2020-02-26 3
Constitution/ Bill of Rights Test  (19 cards) 2013-10-15 3
Content and academic vocab. for WWII  (10 cards) 2024-02-15 3
Content and academic vocab. for WWII  (11 cards) 2024-02-29 3
Creating a Government  (39 cards) 2015-11-18 3
Early English Colonies of North America  (18 cards) 2019-10-29 3
Early Explorers  (24 cards) 2024-08-08 3
flash cards for Regents US Review  (80 cards) 2024-06-04 3
Foy Ch. 10 Test  (30 cards) 2015-01-29 3
Foy Ch. 13 Test  (30 cards) 2015-03-06 3
History 11 ch 1  (13 cards) 2016-09-19 3
History 1302 - Test 3  (15 cards) 2023-10-12 3
History 1302 - Test 3  (15 cards) 2023-10-12 3
History 1302 - Test 3  (15 cards) 2023-10-12 3
History 1302 - Test 3  (15 cards) 2023-10-12 3
History 8 ch 18  (27 cards) 2019-10-17 3
Immigration & Social Reform Study Guide  (30 cards) 2023-02-06 3
Kansas Ch1 Study Guide  (21 cards) 2014-11-05 3
Key Terms on WWII the Homefront Ch 16  (15 cards) 2020-11-17 3
Minnesota Newcomers  (12 cards) 2023-02-27 3
Minnesota Studies  (16 cards) 2022-11-29 3
Mr. D's "Age of Jefferson" Study Stack  (70 cards) 2014-12-17 3
Mrs. Grieve's Top 250 APUSH Terms  (248 cards) 2018-05-07 3
Part 1  (11 cards) 2022-10-24 3
Prelude to the War for Independence  (12 cards) 2009-01-03 3
PRESIDENTS AND VICE PRESIDENTS  (43 cards) 2023-08-09 3
Progressive Era (1900-1920)  (56 cards) 2015-12-15 3
Reconstruction vocabulary  (39 cards) 2009-01-03 3
Review early colonies for test  (31 cards) 2022-09-07 3
Review for the NC EOC by Matt Ingram  (23 cards) 2014-11-13 3
Roaring 20s Mr.Y  (20 cards) 2012-01-25 3
S.S. Quarter 2 Test  (29 cards) 2022-12-06 3
Semester One U.S. History Review  (104 cards) 2016-05-16 3
SLO Review SC Hist  (32 cards) 2019-04-01 3
SOL History Review  (300 cards) 2021-05-18 3
STAAR PREP Events/Acts US History  (30 cards) 2016-05-08 3
STAAR Review  (61 cards) 2019-05-24 3
The Civil War  (13 cards) 2023-03-16 3
The Cold War  (63 cards) 2013-02-23 3
The Great Depression and the New Deal  (46 cards) 2020-01-27 3
The STAAR Chapter 5 game.  (5 cards) 2016-03-01 3
The War of 1812 Questions  (7 cards) 2024-01-29 3
third grade social Studies  (33 cards) 2016-10-02 3
U.S. History Review  (148 cards) 2006-05-31 3
Unit 1 Vocab for AP US History  (40 cards) 2016-08-21 3
unit 3  (41 cards) 2021-11-08 3
Unit 8--Part 1-- APUSH  (24 cards) 2024-07-24 3
Unit 8--Part 4-- APUSH  (18 cards) 2024-08-03 3
Vocabulary  (7 cards) 2017-08-22 3
WEST REGION  (11 cards) 2018-04-25 3
WGU History Hints and Mnemonics  (10 cards) 2007-01-23 3
WGU IOC4 Modules-Key Terms  (531 cards) 2009-01-22 3
WKMS Civil War  (19 cards) 2024-03-12 3
WKMS Road to the Civil War  (31 cards) 2024-02-19 3
"DMS" The American Journey Ch. 1  (16 cards) 2015-09-13 2
"DMS" The American Journey Ch. 2  (21 cards) 2015-09-13 2
"DMS" The American Journey Ch. 3  (18 cards) 2015-09-13 2
"DMS" The American Journey Ch. 4  (20 cards) 2015-09-13 2
"DMS" The American Journey Ch. 5  (13 cards) 2015-09-13 2
11 Guide  (120 cards) 2013-03-04 2
13 Colonies 8th  (98 cards) 2010-11-02 2
1866 - 1892  (43 cards) 2007-02-19 2
1870-1915  (19 cards) 2005-01-05 2
1880 - 1890;s  (18 cards) 2005-02-28 2
1900 - 1920's  (23 cards) 2010-02-09 2
1920's  (29 cards) 2010-01-11 2
1920's Honors US History  (53 cards) 2016-11-20 2
1920's Slang Terms  (59 cards) 2010-03-08 2
1920-1945  (7 cards) 2009-03-11 2
1950's Quiz  (20 cards) 2014-01-27 2
1st 25 Words  (25 cards) 2016-03-01 2
2011 Final Review  (160 cards) 2011-12-12 2
20th Century America and Beyond  (68 cards) 2009-02-26 2
5th Grade Civil War Study Guide  (20 cards) 2018-04-28 2

If you don't see a study stack on the subject you are looking for, please create your own to share with the rest of the world!