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Click two or more of the word chunk buttons on the left to form words that match the clues listed below.
6 letters A lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern for political matters, apathetic _____ usually abstain from voting, because they fail to see the point or benefit
6 letters How we are governed and by whom, the ways in which big decisions are taken concerning _____ affairs etc. including whether we are a democracy, dictatorship or whether we have tyranny or equality
9 letters The idea that the candidate with the most votes wins, whether or not this constitutes an overall majority
10 letters - Live in a democracy, lets people have say - _____ for the gvmt, holds them to account - Allows us to recruit MPs
8 letters People believe what they read in the press, like Murdoch press Conservative bias. TV and radio _____ responds to agenda set by the press. Has ruined several careers, like bacon sandwich gate
8 letters Everyone in Britain who is registered to vote, or on the electoral roll, and therefore _____ who has a say in who runs the country, through all types of elections
8 letters People will be most influenced by what is directly going on around them, like safe seats, _____ seats or protest voting
give up
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Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets