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Politics AS Level Fill In The Blanks

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When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on.
Term: 'Politics'Definition: How we are governed and by whom, the ways in which big decisions are taken concerning public affairs etc. including whether we are a democracy, dictatorship or whether we have tyranny or
Term: 'Political Power'Definition: The to get things done, whether through force or coercion. The ability to reward or punish, like the Government can jail people who break the law
Term: Define 'Political 'Definition: The ability to Government to direct their citizens towards a goal because the majority of people accept their right to rule. Implies that force will not have to be used, 'power in righfullness', like the Government's mandate to rule
Term: 'Democracy'Definition: Literally 'people power', the govern. In the UK we have a representative democracy, because we elect representatives, another form is representative democracy as used in Ancient Greece, would be infeasible now
Term: 'Equality'Definition: The idea that everyone should be treated equally, i.e given the same opportunities, there is no reason for treating them differently
Term: PluralismDefinition: The idea that the candidate with the most votes wins, whether or not this constitutes an overall
Term: ElitismDefinition: Society should be governed by a small of elite (superior) people
Term: 'Electorate'Definition: Everyone in Britain who is registered to vote, or on the electoral roll, and therefore everyone who has a say in who runs the , through all types of elections
Term: 'Apathy'Definition: A lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern for political matters, apathetic voters usually abstain from , because they fail to see the point or benefit
Term: 'Alienation'Definition: A of voters who are disenchanted with the current political climate, but unlike apathetic voters, they take an interest. They might not see a candidate standing for what they believe in, or see politicians as corrupt
Term: Reasons why Britain is a (think one set for Mr R, and one for Miss F)Definition: - Participation (referenda 1997, pressure groups and single issue parties, turnout increase) - Our system is democratic (free and fair elections (?), open opposition, free press, checks and balances, protection of civil liberties)
Term: Reasons why is not a democracy (one set for KR, one for SF)Definition: - Participation (low in local elections, EU elections and referenda, single issue parties do not win power, FTPT system means all votes not equal) - Not a d-cratic system (HoL unelected, erosion of CL, presidential government, increase in )
Term: Give examples of the main of participationDefinition: Voting, pressure groups, writing to MP, joining a party, standing as an MP, canvassing, political
Term: Why is there less today?Definition: - in voting, can't be bothered, apathy/'hapathy' - Feel parties 'all the same' not representative - Reptutation of MPs decline, no trust, alienation - Post-materialistic society, no duty - Milbrath's Framework of Political Participation (1965)
Term: Give some of declining participationDefinition: A high after the WW2 of 84%, but now has declined to a low of 59% in 2001, even now in the 2015 Election it is just 66%
Term: All time low of participation in a General Definition: 2001- 59%
Term: General Election from 1997 onwardsDefinition: 1997- Blair- 71% 2001- Blair- 59% 2005- Brown- 61% 2010- Coalition- 65% 2015- - 66%
Term: What did the et al. 1992 survey show?Definition: 25% of the population were to a significant degree, 50% participated and the remaining 25% were inactive
Term: Reasons why participation does not Definition: - People have more demands on time etc. - low part. suggests 'hapathy' - we do will make any difference
Term: Reasons why participation does Definition: - We need to hold MPs to , have ultimate authority - Sign of a good citizen - grassroots opinion - moderate majority - duty to
Term: the Social Structure ModelDefinition: People will vote based on social constructs, like gender, class, age, ethnicity, and region. Not a big nowadays, greater electoral volatility, voting is not as class based
Term: Explain the Identification ModelDefinition: Partisan alignment plays a strong role, people will favour one party, and always vote for them- not so much
Term: Explain the Dominant Ideology Definition: People believe what they read in the press, like Murdoch press Conservative bias. TV and radio coverage responds to agenda set by the press. Has several careers, like bacon sandwich gate
Term: Explain the Rational Choice Definition: People will look back at what has happened recently, and think forward to what the parties are promising and make an informed decision. I.e Conservative Party 2015 "long term economic plan"
Term: the Voting Context ModelDefinition: People will be most influenced by what is directly going on around them, like safe seats, marginal seats or protest
Term: Explain the term 'short term voting 'Definition: Includes the dominant ideology, rational choice, and voting context models (media coverage, prospective and retrospective models, image of the , and protest voting/electoral volatility)
Term: Explain the term 'long term factor'Definition: Includes the social structure and party identification (class, ethnicity, gender, age, party, partisan alignment)
Term: Give some of issue votingDefinition: - Economy is said to be the biggest issue (Tony 's terms under good economic conditions)
Term: Approximately how many live in a constituency?Definition: 75,000-100,000
Term: When were constituency boundary changes brought in?Definition: 2010
Term: Give statistics of voting Definition: 2015 General Election C1- 41% , 29% Labour DE- 41% Labour, 26% Conservative
Term: Give General Elections as evidence of dealignmentDefinition: 1979- Thatcher reached out to working class (Labour isn't working) 1997- Blair reached out to aspiring middle class with taxation policy
Term: Give figures for Alignment Definition: 1945 election- Labour and Conservative won 90% of the vote 2005- 13% of the electorate felt a strong support to one of the main parties
Term: Give for gender as a voting factor Definition: 2015- 38% men voted conservative, 37% of
Term: Give figures for age as a factor Definition: 2015- 27% vote 18-25 y/o increases to 47% among the 65+
Term: Give figures for ethnicity as a factor Definition: 2015- vote share among minorities is 65% compared to 28% from white British - 6% of Black Africans, compared to 22% of Indian origin
Term: Region as a factor figures Definition: North-South divide. 31% of Northern voters voted Conservative, 12 behind the rest of the UK
Term: Why was chosen as Conservative party leader in 2006?Definition: Seen to the party, take them away from being the 'Nasty Party', was also young, eager and good-looking
Term: Arguments that the plays a big roleDefinition: - Agenda setter for politicians - Revealing interviews and exposees - Hidden bias can be seen - Changes people's , i.e Murdoch Press
Term: Arguments that the media do not play a big Definition: - People expose themselves to media whose views they most agree with - only views, does not change them
Term: Why do we have ?Definition: - Live in a democracy, lets people have say - Legitimacy for the gvmt, holds them to account - Allows us to MPs
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