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Click two or more of the word chunk buttons on the left to form words that match the clues listed below.
8 letters Term that describes a burial casket that has seals and other features that retard the entrance of water and protect against rust.
9 letters Getting to and from the toilet, getting on and off the toilet and performing the associated personal hygiene.
8 letters Sex hormone found primarily in women, but also in men. This hormone has many roles, one of which is to slow thinning of bone as one ages, but it also may help prevent fraility and disability.
9 letters Negative attitude toward a category or group of people based not on current experience but on preconceived beliefs; favorable or unfavorable belief about the characteristics of a category or a group.
8 letters Smallest unit into which a substance can be divided.
9 letters Person who provides unpaid care to someone who requires help with activities of daily living (ADLs) or instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs).
5 letters Aggregate of many different cells, held together by a supporting structure, that performs a specfic function in the body.
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Created by: lastorer@cox.net
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