CSA Vocabulary Test
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| A. Beneficiary's choice to leave life insurance proceeds with the insurer to accumulate interest at a guaranteed rate. MAny insurers pay interest above the guaranteed rate, consistent with investment earnings.B. Persistant delusions in the absence of other symptoms.C. Hormone that appears to play a part in regulating seasonal changes in the body and assists with sleep.D. Guideline for use by proxy, physician or hospital ethics committees for determining health care decisions when a senior's treatment wished are unknown.E. Coverage for various custodial care expenses in the event the insured becomes incapacitated as defined in the poicy.F. Network that provides people with a sense of being loved, cared for, esteemed and valued.G. Fluctuation of ability to perform tasks. Many seniors vacillate between being capable and incapable to do many tasks, never being fully able, but also never being completely able.H. Space in a mausoleum that encloses a casket with the remains of the deceased.I. Amount of insurance benefit (in dollars) paid to a beneficiary for daily long-term care expenses.J. Certain trust that may be set up to create an exemption to help an applicant qualify for Medicaid.K. Relating to or expressed in terms of quality. Qualitative research is based on individual, often subjective analysis.L. Scientific study of the biological, psychological and social aspects of aging.M. Insurance sold by private companies that is intended to supplement Medicare coverage.N. Development of a disease in which the disease's presence is not apparent at the beginning.O. Group of people, composed of family members, friends and neighbors, who collecively care for someone who face chronic illness or disability.P. Partial or total loss of the ability to speak or understand speech due to a disorder in the cerebellum of the brain.Q. Transportation business or agency that picks up clients at home, guides them through appointments and then returns them home.R. Retirement product in which the $ amount of payout must be at least the amt of prem pd. If the annuitant dies before full receipt of amt the remainder is payable to a beneficiary. The annuitant receives pmt til death even after the guaranteed amt is pd.S. Spouse who lives in a nursing facility while the partner continues living at home.T. Act of attention to one's legacy for future generations. |
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