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CSA Vocabulary Matching
Acute illness
severe illness with a rapid onset and a generally short duration.
Chronically ill
Term used in a tax-qualified long-term care contract to describe a person who needs long-term care either because of an inability to do everyday activities of daily living (ADLs) without help or because of a severe cognitive impairment.
Family partnership
Business agreement limited to only family members. Used by senior family members to transfer intersts in the business to junior family members at a reduced gift tax cost by means of valuation discounts.
Life span
Maximum length of time biologically possible for a given species.
Term that describes a burial casket that has seals and other features that retard the entrance of water and protect against rust.
Informal support network
Group of people, composed of family members, friends and neighbors, who collecively care for someone who face chronic illness or disability.
Termlife insurance (pure protection)
Life insurance that providesprotection for a stated period and pays benefits only if the insured dies within that period.
Body donation
Means of final disposition in which the deceased's remains are given to research to a medical school or dental school.
Funreal practice in which the deceased lies in a casket and family and friends are allowed to view the embalmed remains.
Hormone that appears to play a part in regulating seasonal changes in the body and assists with sleep.

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