In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Question: assignmentAnswer: Irrevocable transfer of ownership of a life insurance policy to another. Question: apartmentAnswer: of area in a home to a separate living unit w/own kitch, bath, entrance. Question: Accelerated death benefit life provision (also known as living ) Answer: Provision in life ins policy that dictates conditions owner is able to receive reduced benefits while alive - onset of serious illness or to nursing home Question: assignmentAnswer: Claim filing system that in Medicare Part B that control seniors out-of-pocket costs & expedites pmts t drs & other providers. Question: Accidental death riderAnswer: Supp. rider that provides for an amount of money in addition to the basic death benefit of a life insurance policy. Only payable if insured dies or loses any 2 limbs or sight of both eyes. Question: adult (retirement) communitiesAnswer: Residential developments that offer living in a planned facility with organized leisure and , plus no maintenance duties. Thet are designed for seniors, but younger guests are welcome. Question: Activity of living (ADL)Answer: 6 basic personal care activities: eating, toileting, , bathing, transferring & continence. The ability to perform ADLs can help pros assess their personal self-maint. LTC policies use ADLs unaided as a gauge for deciding when to pay benefits. Question: Acute Answer: severe illness with a rapid onset and a short duration. Question: Acute infarctionAnswer: Also as a heart attack. Occurs when an area of heart muscle dies or is permenantly damaged because of an inadequate supply of oxygen to that area. Question: Adjusted Answer: The owners original basis in an , plus improvements or minus depreciation. Question: Adjusted gross Answer: Accumulated assets of a decedent, minus administrative expenses to settle the estate, funeral expenses, debts of the decedent, uninsured theft and casualty losses to estate property and against the estate. Question: gross income (AGI)Answer: Total amount of a person's wages, dividends, and other financial receipts, minus adjustments to , such as alimony paid and deductible contributions to IRAs. Question: Adjusted taxable Answer: A decedents post-1976 taxable gifts, reduced by gifts included in the gross estate, which are added to a decedents taxable estate to form the estate's tax base. Question: disordersAnswer: Distress leading to impairment in daily functioning and which occurs within 3 months of a event and does not last longer than 6 months after the end of the stressful event. Question: Adjustments to Answer: The deductions used to arrive at AGI, adjustments to include IRA contributions, half self-empl taxes, self-employ health insurance, job related moving expenses, alimony paid and penalty on early withdrawal from savings. Question: (Administratrix)Answer: Person who settles the estate when an individual dies . Question: Adult day Answer: Care provided at a community-based center for adults who need assistance or supervision the day but who do not need around the clock care. Question: Advanced Answer: Statement made by individual, in written document, concerning the medicall treatment to be provided and decision-maker to be appointed if the patient becomes terminnally ill or incapacitated. Question: -tax returnAnswer: Amount of income on investments after applicable income taxes are subtracted. Question: AgeismAnswer: Prejudices and stereotypes that are applied to persons based soley on age. Question: Age-period-cohortAnswer: Method of understanding the psychology of growing older by analyzing 3 : aging effects, process of growing older; period effects, events of specific time in history; and cohort effects, common characteristics of a generation born in same part of time Question: Answer: Regular changes that occur in organisms as they live for chronologically longer periods. Question: Aging in Answer: Concept describing a senior remaining in the same residence & coping successfully with associated vulnerabilities by or with assistance. Question: AgnosiaAnswer: Inability to recognize familiar objects in the absence of deficits. Question: Answer: Extreme fear of being in places from it is not easy to escape. Question: Alternative Answer: A container, used in lieu os a casket usually used for immediate burial. Alternative containers are of simple pine boards, particleboard or hard cardboard. Question: minimum tax (AMT)Answer: Payment that may be required of taxpayers who would otherwise have significantly reduced taxation thru high use of tax items or adjustments. Question: Alzheimer's Answer: Progressive, degenerative form of dementia that sever deterioration of mental functioning, including memory loss, impairment of judgement, abstract thinking and deterioration of personality. Question: AneurysmAnswer: Localized enlargement of an artery. This can cause enough pressure to rupture and spill blood into the surrounding brain cells. Question: Answer: Localized pain related to the demands made on the heart, most commonly for the performance of exercise, but also to cope with emotional . Question: medicationsAnswer: Used to treat symptoms associated with . Question: Answer: used to widen vessels narrowed by stenoses or occlusions. Variuous types of these procedures and their names are associated with the type of vessel entry and equipment used. Question: Annual Answer: Maximum amount a person may give each year as a gift without to pay a gift tax. Question: AnnuitantAnswer: Recipient of annuity . Question: Answer: from capital investment paid in a series of regular payments. Question: Answer: Partial or total loss of the to speak or understand speech due to a disorder in the cerebellum of the brain. Question: Answer: Cellular suicide to prevent a genetic error (as found in cancerous cells) from passed on. Question: Applicable Answer: Amount of an individual's assets that can be held not subject to estate tax. Question: Answer: Difficulty with movement despite otherwise normal physical functioning. change in gait (walking) is one common example. Question: Answer: of the joints Question: Artificial nutrition and Answer: Provision of food and to a patient using a tube inserted into the esophagus or surically implanted into the stomach. Question: Asset allocation Answer: Method of diversification aimed at reducing variablility of return from a portfolio of investments. The point of assest allocation is to invest in different types of assets that have low correlation with in the portfolio. Question: AssetAnswer: What a person owns. include cash and cash equivalents, invested assets and use assets. Question: Answer: Act of a person transferring ownershio of a life policy to another person. Question: Assisted facilityAnswer: Residential housing meant for seniors with physical or cognitive impairments that make it difficult for them to an average of two ADLs without assistance. Question: Assisted Answer: Deliberate hastening of death by a terminally ill patient with assistance from a , family member or other individual. Question: technologyAnswer: Device used to improve the capabilities of an individual with disabilities. Assistive technology is an umbrella term that also durable medical equipment. Question: Answer: Blockage within vessels that contributes to the development of heart disease and other circulatory disorders. Question: At-needAnswer: or burial at the time of death. Question: Authentic Answer: Intentions for the that are genuine, real and a truthful reflection of a person's beliefs. Question: sheet (also called statement of financial position)Answer: Financial listing a client's assets, liabilities and net worth as of a specific date. Question: Answer: Rate of the body's processes at baseline or at rest. Question: Basal rate (BMR)Answer: Rate of the body's chemistry at a or at rest. Question: BasisAnswer: Amount a has invested in an asset, or the tax cost of an asset. Question: BathingAnswer: Washing oneself in either a tub or shower. This activity included the task of into or out of the tub or shower. Question: Answer: Sense of community that our need to be part of a group that shares and validates our values and beliefs, and in which we feel ssafe, secure and free to be ourselves. Question: Answer: In the context of insurance, the or entity who has remainder interest in policy proceeds. In the contexts of trusts, the person who benefits from the trust and who beneficial ownership of trust assets. Question: Benefit Answer: Length of time used to measure use of svcs 4 inpatient hosp & skill nursing fac care & separately for hospice. Benefit period begins 1st day bene enters an inpatient hosp & ends when they have not rcvd hosp/skill care for 60 days in a row. Question: triggerAnswer: Term used by companies to describe the criteria and methods they use to determine when a person is eligible to receive benefits. Question: BenzodiazapinesAnswer: Any of the group of chemical compounds with a common molecular structure and similar effects. Used as anti-anxiety agents, muscle relaxants, sedatives, hypnotics and sometimes as anticonvulsants. Question: Answer: Experience of the death of a one. Question: BiointerventionsAnswer: designed to retard or reverse the aging process. Question: Answer: Act of personal property by a will. Question: Biological familyAnswer: Kinship unit that of a husband and wife living together with children by birth or adoption only (i.e. does not include blended families) Question: Answer: Key factors associated with aging. Question: Biomarkers of ageAnswer: Physiological factors used to the rate at which the very fundamental processes of aging occur wihin individuals. Question: Bipolar Answer: Mental process in which mood cycles back and between periods of mania, normal functioning and depression. Question: familiesAnswer: Husband and wife living together with children to the family by one or both partners from previous marriages or relationships; may also include children from their union. Question: and careAnswer: Residential setting-often lg, conventional, single-family house-consisting of multiple bedrooms, each occupied by 1 person or alternatively by 2-4 . They may share bathroom facilities, and most activities will occur in the bldg's common areas. Question: Body Answer: Means of final disposition in which the 's remains are given to research to a medical school or dental school. Question: Answer: Debt that represents a legal obligation of the issure to pay principal and when due. Question: BoundariesAnswer: Psychological fences that define emotional limits and delineate what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. In healthy caregiving relationships, boundaries act as operational parameters that outline how the /care recipient relationship works. Question: Answer: statement listing expected income and expenses for a future period of time. Question: Answer: of mental or physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. Question: Business Answer: that should govern the conduct of business, whether at the individual or collective level; the way that people should act in business. Question: Answer: Various malignant neoplasms characterized by the proliferation of anaplastic cells that tend to surrounding tissue and metastasize to new body sites. Question: Capital gain / Answer: Increase or decrease in value a seller realizes on the sale or exchange of a capital asset. A net short-term capital gain is treated as ordinary income. A net long-term gain is generally subject to a maximum 20 percent tax rate. Question: resuscitation (CPR)Answer: Emergency that compresses the heart and forces air into the patient's lungs. It is applied when the patient's heart or breathing stops. Question: Answer: Time of introspection to help potential determine if they can embrace the role. Introspection is an honest appraisal of capabilities when caregivers take a truthful look at who they are & what they can handle physically, emotionally & mentally. Question: Answer: Person who provides unpaid care to someone who requires help with activities of daily living (ADLs) or instrumental activities of living (IADLs). Question: Care managers (also called managers)Answer: Persons who help navigate seniors thru the sometimes confusing long-term supportive system. Question: (Medicare Part B)Answer: Private companies who contract with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to make coverage and process Medicare claims. Question: Cash-flow Answer: Personal financial analysis that lists inflows and expenditures made by a or family over a particular period. Question: Cash Answer: Method of funds distribution in which the recipient decides how to spend $ for care, including purchasing svcs from vendors, hiring a friend to help with ADLs, purchasing technology, or modifying their home to make it more accessible. Question: Cash value optionAnswer: Insurance policy provision allowing a policyholder to surrender the contract in exchange for $ equal to an insurance policy's accum. , less any loans on the policy. Upon payout of the cash surrender value, the insurer no longer provides coverage. Question: CasketAnswer: Metal, wood or plastic container in which a 's remains are interred. Question: Categorically Answer: Definition of financial deficiency required of individuals who receive federally assisted income maintenance payments such as Aid to with Dependent Children (AFDC) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Question: CellAnswer: living unit of the body. Question: Answer: Owner or staff of a . Question: of Deposit (CD)Answer: Fixed-income investment vehicle available through financial institutions. Interest rates and maturities of CDs are fixed at the time of . Maturities vary from a few months to a few years and early redemption may result in the pmt of penalties. Question: gift annuityAnswer: Agreement by a charity to provide a lifetime annual payout in exchange for received from donor. Question: lead trust (CLT)Answer: Instituition that assets from donor and in return pays income to one/more charities while remainder is distributed to family at trust termination. Char. lead trusts generally don't reduce a donor's taxable estate for fed estate tax purposes. Question: Charitable trust (CRT)Answer: Irrevocable agreement between an institution and donor designed to pay income to living bene. A donor transfers assets into a CRT, reserves an annuity income interest in the prop & the remainder int in the prop to the charity at donor's death. Question: Answer: Treatment of cancer using specific chemical agents or that are selectively destructive to malignant cells and tissues. Question: Chronic Answer: Medical condition with one or more of the following characteristics: permanency, residual disability; requiring rehabilitation training, or requiring a long of supervision, observation or care. Question: Chronically Answer: Term used in a tax-qualified long-term care contract to describe a person who needs long-term care either because of an inability to do everyday activities of daily living (ADLs) help or because of a severe cognitive impairment. Question: ageAnswer: Calculation of age in terms of number of a person has lived; calendar age. Question: ChurningAnswer: trading (overtrading) by an investor of a client's assets to earn commissions rather than improve the client's situation. Question: Code of Answer: Open disclosure of the way an organization , providing members or employess visible guidelines for behavior. Question: impairmentsAnswer: Deficiency in a person's short- or long-term memory; orientation as to person, place, and time; deductive or reasoning, or judgement as it relates to safety awareness. Question: ColumbariumAnswer: Building with niches or spaces for urns containing the cremated remains of the . Question: annuityAnswer: Agreement by an insurance company to pay a sum of to an individual in exchange for receipt of money or property from the individual. Question: -law stateAnswer: A state that deems property originally purchased in that may not be held as community property. Question: propertyAnswer: Assets acquired by either or both spouses during a marriage, if couple lives in a community state. Each spouse is considered to own half of property, regardless of who provided the means to purchase the property & regardless of how title is held. Question: property stateAnswer: A state that deem spouses can own property as community property. These Alaska, Arizona, CA, Idaho, LA, Nevada, New Mexico, TX, WA, and WI. Question: spouse (CS)Answer: A spouse who continues to live at home in the while his/her spouse lives in a nursing home. Question: Community spouse resource (CSRA)Answer: that Medicaid regulations permit a community spouse to retain. Question: Answer: In the context of health care, of a patient to make independent decisions about medical treatments. Question: rateAnswer: Percentage of interest earned on an investmens, expressed either as an rate or a rate per compounding period. Question: Answer: Process of interest accumulating on both a principla balance and previously interest. Question: Comprehensive financial Answer: A financial plan that covers just about all of a 's financial objectives, including consdideration of risk management, investment planning, tax planning, retirement planning and estate planning. Question: Answer: Repeated behaviors (e.g. hand washing, reciting a word to prevent someone from getting hurt, locks, cleaning) intended to reduce a person's anxiety, often an obsession. Question: Conductive lossAnswer: Inability of sound wave to pass satisfactorily to the inner ear. Common causes of this are wax in the ear canal, perforated eardrum, fluid in the middle ear or damage to the ossicles. Question: Conduit Answer: Unofficial term for an IRA used to park a from one qualified plan until it can be rolled over to another qualified plan. With a conduit IRA, the forward-averaging potential of the distribution can be preserved. Question: (disorientation)Answer: Loss of sense of position in relation to time, space or other aspects of the environment. Confusion may be the first sign of an illness, such as a tract infection. Question: plansAnswer: Intentions for the that are consistent, corresponding and harmonious with each other. Question: (guardian of the assets)Answer: Person appointed by the court to manage the financial and legal affairs of an incapacitated . Question: ContinenceAnswer: Ability to maintain contol of bowel and bladder function or when unable to maintain of these functions, to perform associated personal hygiene (including caring for catheter or colostomy bag). Question: beneficiaryAnswer: Person who stands next in line to receive an asset if the primary beneficiary predeceases the owner or the asset. Question: Continuing care retirement community (CCRC, also as life care)Answer: Communities that provide a type of combined health, housing & social care insurance for older persons. A person signs a contract and agrees to pay an fee & a monthly service fee in exchange for a living unit, health care & lifetime nursing care. Question: Continuity Answer: that as people get older they usually seel to pursue the same activities they engaged in earlier in life. Question: of incapacityAnswer: Fluctuation of ability to perform . Many seniors vacillate between being capable and incapable to do many tasks, never being fully able, but also never being completely able. Question: arteriesAnswer: Vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen to the heart . Question: artery bypass graft (CABG)Answer: Surgical procedure in which one or more blocked coronary arteries are circumvented by a blood vessel graft to restore normal blood flow to the heart. These grafts usually come from the patient's own leg, arm or chest & veins. Question: Cost Answer: Amount paid to purchase a asset. Question: Cost of adjustment (COLA)Answer: Annual fluctuations in wages used to offset a change in purchasing power, as measured by the Consumer Index (CPI). Question: Credits (previously quarters of coverage)Answer: Units of work history that determine a worker's eligibility for future SS benefits. Workers can earn a max of 4 credits each yr & most need 40 credits to qualify for benefits. Younger peeps need credits to qualify for disablity or survivor benefits. Question: Answer: Means of final disposition in which the body is . Question: (crematory)Answer: Facility where a body is . Question: Crossover Answer: of claim & pmt info from a Medicare intermediary or carrier used to inform a Medigap insurer of deductibles or coins charges required. The Medigap insurer uses crossover claims to pay provider for deductibles or coinsur charges the beneficary owes. Question: CryptAnswer: in a mausoleum that encloses a casket with the remains of the deceased. Question: care (personal care)Answer: Care, often provided by someone without professional , to help individuals meet personal needs such as bathing, dressing and eating. Question: Daily Answer: Amount of insurance benefit (in dollars) paid to a for daily long-term care expenses. Question: Answer: Act of levying a state tax that is not dependent on the rules of the federal . Question: Default Answer: Person, in the absence of an advance directive, who has decision-making authority to advise the . Question: annuityAnswer: Investment product in payments do not begin immediately upon funding; rather, they are deferred until a future date. Question: DeliriumAnswer: Reversible organic mental disorder characterized by disturbances of attention, memory and orientation with altered levels of consciousness from mild confusion to stupor. Delusions, illusions or hallucinations may be present. Question: Answer: False belief that persists despite logical argument and evidence. Question: Delusional Answer: Persistant delusions in the of other symptoms. Question: Demand Answer: Stmt of cost submitted by medical care poviders to Medicare, even if they think that Medicare won't pay for a . After a Medicare fiscal intermediary or carrier issues a denial, the senior can request reconsideration of the adverse decision. Question: response (also called dial-a-ride)Answer: Service that provides transportation from one specific location to . Question: Answer: Pervasive cognitive decline: sleep disturbances; lost interest in activities; poor attention/concentration; loss of appetite; agitation or retardation of movement; irritability; memory loss; difficulty ; lang deficits & later incontience. Question: transitionAnswer: Change in population structure identified w/ countries & associated improvements in public health & medicine. As countries become developed they experience a shift from rapid growth rate to slow growth to zero growth to reduction in population. Question: Answer: Metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to properly utilize . May be Type 1 IDDM (insulin-depependent diabetes mellitus) or Type 2 NIDDM (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus). Question: ketoacidosisAnswer: Emergency condition in which extremely high blood glucose levels, along with a sever lack of insulin, result in the breakdown of body fat for and an accumulation of ketones in the blood and urine. Question: pressureAnswer: Measurement (the bottom number of a blood pressure reading) of the remaining in the arteries betwen heart beats. Question: cremationAnswer: Disposition where the is cremated without embalming or funeral service with the body present. Question: Direct Answer: Tax-free transfer of cash or other property between two taxdeferred retirement plans where transferred cash or never passes throught the hands of the owner. Question: Answer: Reduction in functional capacity that results from physiological, psychological or social impairments. Short- or long-term disability are a result of acute and conditions, respectively. Question: Answer: Act of waiving the right to an inheirtance, resulting in the inheirtance passing to the next in line, in accordance with the terms of the will, trust or laws of . Question: DiscriminationAnswer: Behaviors, specifically that restrict, impair, exploit, humiliate or otherwise hurt seniors. Question: DiseaseAnswer: Interruption in the process of health, manifested by abnormalities or of functioning. Question: Answer: Personal loss of normal behavioral limits of self-restraint, as through the influence of external stimuli such as drugs, , or as a result of brain damage, Question: Answer: from a retirement plan. For mutual funds, a payment by a mutual fund to shareholders, either in cash or shares, for dividends received from securities in the fund or capital gains generated from the sale of securities in the fund. Question: DiversificationAnswer: The process or stategy of investing in types of assets to reduce risk. Question: Domestic elder Answer: Mistreatment of an older person by someone who has a special with the elder (spouse, sibling, child, friend or caregiver) in either the older person's home or in the home of the caregiver. Question: Do not resuscitate (DNR) Answer: Physician's order, inserted into a patient's medical chart, stating that CPR shall not be used as a procedure. Question: DressingAnswer: Putting on and taking off all items of clothing and any braces, fasteners or artificial limbs. Question: power of attorney for health care (proxy stmt)Answer: Legal document prepared by an individual authorizing a family or friend to make health care decisions on their behalf in case of incompetence. Question: Dual Answer: covered by both Medicare and Medicaid. Question: DysphagiaAnswer: Condition in which stroke patients have trouble eating and . Question: DysthymiaAnswer: Chronic; less severe form of depression including depressed mood most of the day, most days, for at least two years that causes significant distress or in daily functioning. Question: Earned income (EIC)Answer: Refundable tax credit to assist low-income working families. Question: EatingAnswer: Feeding by getting food into the body from a receptacle (such as a plate, cup or table) or through feeding tube or intravenous delivery. Question: cottage housing opportunity(ECHO)Answer: Small, freestanding, removable housing units, typically in the side or backyard of a -family home to provide housing for elderly parents so that they can be near their adult children for mutual aid and support but sill live independently. Question: Electroconvulsive Answer: Treatment that involves inducing a brain seizure by passing an electrical current the brain for a few seconds via small electrodes attached to the head. Question: Elimination period (waiting )Answer: of time an individual must pay for covered services before the insurance company will begin to make payments. It serves as a kind of deductible. The longer the elimination period in the policy, the lower the premium. Question: Answer: in which the body fluid of a decedent are drained and chemicals inserted to retard decay. Question: fundAnswer: Reserve cash available to handle emergencies. Financial planners typically an amount equal to three to six months of fixed and variable expenses. Question: EmpathyAnswer: Process of identifying with and another's circumstances, feelings and motives. Question: Employee Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)Answer: Federal law governing the operation of private tax-deferred retirement plans. Qualified employer-sponsored plans must comply with ERISA. Question: activityAnswer: Activity that at least 30 minutes conducted to increase breathing and build stamina, which supports independence and enjoyment of activities. Question: Answer: Onwnership in particular pertaining to having the right to share in profits or appreciation in value (e.g. of property or stock). Question: Error Answer: that aging is caused by environmentsl attacks to our body systems, resulting in damage over time. Question: serviceAnswer: Transportation business or agency that picks up clients at home, them through appointments and then returns them home. Question: Answer: All property interests a person owns, including properrty over which the person exercises control. Question: Estate Answer: Documents that detail the instructions to be during disability or after death. People without an estate plan in effect choose to let the laws of the state provide the instructions to be followed during disability or after death. Question: planningAnswer: Process of directing one's affairs to provide income, investments and appropriation of assets for or others during life or upon disability or death. Question: Estate Answer: Tariff levied upon a decedent's estate by the federal government and some states, based on the value of the decedent's assets at . Question: EstrogenAnswer: Sex hormone found primarily in women, but also in men. This hormone has many roles, one of which is to slow thinning of bone as one ages, but it also may help prevent fraility and . Question: Ethical Answer: Systematic writing down or communicating one's intangible legacy of values to and family members. Question: Answer: Act or practice of terminating (which can take a variety of forms) the life of a . Question: chargeAnswer: Fifteen percent markup on Medicare's approved allowed to physicians who do not accept assignment. Question: Answer: For tax the amt not considered when calc gross inc. includes amt that would be included in a taxpayers gross income except that a code section excludes it. Common exclus-muni bond inc, gift, inheritance, death ins proceeds, pers resid sale gain. Question: functioningAnswer: Group of mental processes that includes problem solving, abstract thinking (recognizing, i.e. that an and an orange are both fruit), organization and judgement. Question: Executor (executrix or personal (PR)Answer: Representative responsible for distributing property when an individual dies with a will. Question: Extraordinary measuresAnswer: Medical treatment that not provide a distinct benefit, would not serve a patient's best interest or would be considered unreasonable in improving or saving a patient's life. Question: Family Answer: Group of two or more people related by birth, marriage or adoption and residing together, along with other unrelated people who may be living in the unit. Question: Family partnership (FLP)Answer: Agreement family members about how to manage and own family wealth. In this agreement, it is common for the business owner to maintain control of the business while trasferring title. Question: Family Answer: Business agreement limited to only family members. Used by family members to transfer intersts in the business to junior family members at a reduced gift tax cost by means of valuation discounts. Question: Answer: Portions of plants that mammals cannot and therefore cannot be absorbed through human intestines. Question: Filing Answer: Categorization of taxpayers used to determine deduction amounts and tax assessments. Each filer declares a filing status in their tax returns: married filing jointly or , single, head of household , estates and trusts. Question: planningAnswer: Development and implementation of total, coordinated designed to achieve an individual's financial objectives. Question: intermediaries (Medicare Part A)Answer: Private companies contracted by the government to make coverage and process Medicare claims. Question: Fixed-amount optionAnswer: Provides the a stated amount of income each mo. until life ins proceeds are exhausted. Each pmt consists partly of interest and partly of principal. The insurer guarantees a min. rate, but usually pays the rate actually earned on investments. Question: Fixed-amount Answer: Retirement product in which the $ amount of payout must be at least the amt of prem pd. If the annuitant dies before full receipt of amt the remainder is payable to a . The annuitant receives pmt til death even after the guaranteed amt is pd. Question: Fixed-income Answer: Investment that promises a stated amt of income either in form of periodic pmt or as a stated ending payout. B/c payouts are fixed these securities tend to be subject to rate risk & purchasing power risk. Question: Fixed-period Answer: Retirement product where # of pmts a recipient rcvs is guaranteed. If recipient dies b4 the guar # of distributed pmts the bal paid to bene. If the outlives the guaranteed period they will cont to rcv pmts until death but no benefits to bene. Question: Fixed-period settlement Answer: Retirement product stipulation that establishes a fixed period of time over which payments of life insurance policies are made to a beneficiary. Payment amounts vary on the payout term chosen. Question: -route and scheduled servicesAnswer: Services that seniors along an established travel circuit with designated stops where riders can board and be dropped off. Question: Freedom-of-choice Answer: State statute that the next of kin to make funeral arrangements. Question: Free Answer: Period of time during which an may review contract and agreement papers while reserving the option to cancel or not commit to an investment or plan. Question: Fully Answer: Having earned enough under Social Security. A fully insured person is eligible for survivor benefits for qualified spouse, child or depend parent; a death benefit pmt & retire benefits for himself, a spouse & child. Most need 40 credits to qualify Question: Functional Answer: Age as determined by what or actions a person is capable of. Question: FuneralAnswer: Ritual conducted to honor a decedent whose body is . Question: directorAnswer: Individual licensed by the states to or prearrange funeral services. Question: Funeral Answer: Trade rule by the Federal Trade Commission requiring funeral homes to disclose prices and prohibiting certain deceptive and unfair practices. Question: plotAnswer: Cemetary gravesite that has no -ground marker. Question: GasketedAnswer: Term that describes a burial casket that has seals and other that retard the entrance of water and protect against rust. Question: GatekeeperAnswer: In the context of home observation programs, a service person who visits a home regularly and is trained to notice anything unusual or indication of need and report it to the local Area on Aging. Question: General periodAnswer: Time span (Jan 1 - Mar 31 of each year) during which eligible seniors may sign up for . The effective date of coverage is the following July 1. Question: anxiety disorderAnswer: Medical condition that impairs daily functioning, in the sufferer experiences excessive worry or anxiety about multiple things. Question: Answer: Act of attention to one's legacy for future . Question: Geriatric practitioner (GNP)Answer: Nurses who have completed advanced clinical education (often master's degree level) that focuses on the health and disease issues by seniors. Question: Answer: doctors (MD) or osteopaths (DO) who have completed a fellowship-training program in geriatrics. Question: Answer: Medical study of . Question: GerontologyAnswer: Scientific study of the , psychological and social aspects of aging. Question: Answer: Distinctive path toward age-connected spirituality that that srs are predisposed to consider the spiritual dimension, including a preoccupation with the interconnection among generations, the relation between life & death & the mystery of life. Question: Gift Answer: Act of doubling tax exclusion amounts of $11,000 per person per year by each exercising the , effectively allowing a couple to gift a total of $22,000. Question: Answer: Elevated within the eye that can result in damage to the retina. Question: toleranceAnswer: Ability of the body to blood sugar (glucose). Question: Grave Answer: Product used to limit ground settlement with in-ground . Liners are usually made of concrete. Question: Answer: response to the loss of a loved person or object. Question: Gross Answer: Amt used as the starting for calculating income taxes. It includes all inc from all sources - wages, commissions, tips, honoraria, int, div, net biz inc, rent, royalties, gambling inc, and partnership inc. Question: Growth Answer: Human hormone that promotes physical growth the complex interaction of several hormones and growth factors. Question: Guaranteed Answer: Condition of an insurance policy that unless its benefits have been exhausted it cant be by an ins co & must b renewed when expires. Under this condition the co cant change the coverage or refuse to renew coverage other than non-pmt. Question: Answer: Court-appointed fiduciary responsible for a or incompetent person. Question: HallucinationAnswer: perception believed to be real that occurs in the absence of adequate sensory experience. Question: Hands-on Answer: Physical help (minimal, moderate or maximal) without an individual would not be able to perform one or more activities of daily living. Question: careAnswer: Treatment or procedure to diagnose or attempt to relieve or cure a physical . Question: care proxyAnswer: Individual in an advance directive named to make health care decisions when the patient is . Question: Health Insurance Portability and Act (HIPAA)Answer: Federal health insurance legislatin passed in 1996 that allows under specified conditions long-term care insurance policies to be for certain tax benefits. Question: maintenance orgniztion (HMO)Answer: Institution that provides comprehensive service benefits, with emphasis on care. Care typically provided through physicans and facilities that contract with or are managed by the organization. Question: Answer: Person entitled to inherit property under state intestacy . Question: HemiparesisAnswer: One sided weakness, though less than paralysis. Question: Answer: Paralysis on one side of the body, a common disability that results from . Question: Hemorrhagic Answer: of a brain artery that spreads blood into the surrounding tissue. Question: High-density (HDL)Answer: "Good cholesterol" that appears to act as a kind of scouring agent, the arteries of plaque. Question: Home and -based service (HCBS)Answer: Service that allows people of all ages who have limitations to remail independent in the lest restrictive setting possible and to be connected with their community. Question: Home and community-based waiverAnswer: Also caled 1915(c) waiver, stipulation that gives states flexibility to develop and creative alternatives to institutionalization. Question: Home careAnswer: In-home services for nursing care or occupational, physical, respiratory or speech therapy. Also are medical, socail worker, home health aide, and homemaker services. Home health care services may be temporary, intermittent or long-term. Question: Answer: Condition in which a patient has a normal inability to leve home and leaving home requires a considerable and effort. Question: Homemaker Answer: Companies who assume duties required in a normal household when a or resident is unable to complete such duties themselves. Question: HomesharingAnswer: Living arrangement in which a homeowner rents out a room or in exchange for either rent or a combination of compainionship, housework, yard work, grocery shopping, or rent. Question: Answer: Medical institution focused on meeting the physical, emotional and needs of those dying and their grieving families. Question: HouseholdAnswer: People who occupy a single housing unit. HH includes related family members & all unrelated people, if any, such as boarders, foster children, etc who live together. A person living alone or group of unrelated living together is counted as a HH Question: Housing Answer: Apartment, house, or any other structure designed for people to live in. Question: HyperosmolarityAnswer: Condition when the blood is concentrated w/ sodium, glucose & other molecules normally attract into the bloodstream. When kidneys are conserving water, however this creates a vicious cycle of increasing blood-glucose levels & increasing dehydration. Question: Answer: Abnormally high blood Question: Immediate Answer: Final in which the deceased is buried without embalming or a funeral service with the body present. Question: Answer: Outliving one's income or . Question: (loss of capacity)Answer: Patient's inability, as determined by a physician, to make their own health care , caused by pain, medications, brain damage or an unconscious state. Question: cap statesAnswer: States that set an threshold for MEdicaid disability and deny applications based upon the existance of income that exceeds the threshold. Question: Answer: Inability to control the release of urine and . Question: methodAnswer: Process of paying insurance benefits in which the benefit is a set dollar amount and is not based on a specific service received or on expenses incurred. The company needs to decide only if you are eligible for benefits. Question: rolloverAnswer: Transfer of cash/property between tax-def retirement plans not limited to qualified plans or IRAs when takes temporary receipt of funds. The amt rolled over is tax-free & w/o penalty by the 60th day after distribution. Subject to mandatory W/H. Question: Individual Answer: Investment product that provides pmts over the life of one individual. Question: retirement account (IRA)Answer: Investment plan that any with earned income can establish and fund. An individual may contribute no more than $3,000 in one year to an IRA and the contribution may be fully deductible, patially deductible or not deductible. Question: InfantilizeAnswer: To or condescend a person as if they were still a young child. Question: InfarctionAnswer: Death of cells Question: Answer: General increase in the level of prices within the economy due to the devaluation of the dollar (i.e. more dollars are to buy a particular item). Question: Inflation Answer: Insurance policy option that provides for increases in benefit levels to help pay for expected in the costs of long-term care services. Question: Answer: Pertaining to the cash flow statement, the dollars, such as from salary, dividends, interest, rental income, , child support or investment redemptions, received by an individual during a particular period. Question: Informal support Answer: Group of people, composed of family members, friends and neighbors, who collecively care for someone who face chronic or disability. Question: Information Answer: Tax return that provides information to the tax collector but does not the tax liability. Question: triageAnswer: Narrowing of information by the brain to a level or amount the mind can handle Question: consentAnswer: Legal condition a person can be said to have agreed or given consent to allow something to happen based on a full appreciation and understanding of the facts and implications of the action. Question: enrollment periodAnswer: Span of time during which seniors who did not to take early retirement benefits may enroll in Medicare. They have seven months to enroll, starting three months before the month of their 65th birthday. Question: Institutional Answer: Mistreatment of an older person living in a residential by people who have a legal or contractual obligation to provide the elder victim with care and protection. Question: Institutionalized (IS)Answer: Spouse who lives in a facility while the partner continues living at home. Question: activity of daily living (IADL)Answer: Activities needed for independent living, including using the telephone, preparing food, shopping and handling . Question: Answer: Device by which an individual can contract with another party to exchange a large, uncertain risk for a small, certain premium. Question: Insidious Answer: of a disease in which the disease's presence is not apparent at the beginning. Question: Interest settlement Answer: Beneficiary's choice to leave life insurance proceeds with the insurer to accumulate interest at a guaranteed rate. MAny insurers pay interest above the guaranteed rate, consistent with earnings. Question: Answer: In-ground Question: InterdependenceAnswer: Mutual, reciprocal relationship two or more people, whereby people get their needs met better together than they would alone and can also increase the resources available to a person. Question: IntestateAnswer: Condition in which a person dies without a valid will in place. Property in such cases is distributed in accordance with law. Question: IntimacyAnswer: Mutual, of affection, trust and confidence. Question: IntubationAnswer: a tube to a patient's lungs to provide ventilation or mechanical respiration. Question: InurnmentAnswer: Placing cremated in an urn. Question: Invasive Answer: Cancer that to invade surrounding tissues. Question: Irrevocable beneficiary Answer: Assignment of a beneficiary to a life insurance policy in which the policy owner does not retain the to change the named beneficiary. Question: Irrevocable life trust (ILIT)Answer: Institution that owns the life insurance policies of a person. It pays the premiums to keep the insurance in , collects the death benefits when the insured dies and distributes the money according to the terms of the trust. Question: strokeAnswer: Sudden block of an artery supplying the brain with blood that decreases or blood flow to the brain. Question: Itemized Answer: Specialized expenses that are totaled and then subtracted from the AGI in the tax calculation process. Total deductions are used in place of the standard deduction if the total itemized deduction amount exceeds the std. ded. amt for the taxpayer. Question: Joint and last annuityAnswer: Annuity product option in which the annuity is paid over the lifetimes of more than one person. When the first annuitant dies, the annuity payments for the survivor continue, but are reduced by a quarter or half. Question: survivorship life insuranceAnswer: Life insurance that more than one life. First-to-die life insurance pays benefits upon the death of the first of the two parties to die. Question: Joint Answer: Property that is owned by more than one person. Question: Lawn Answer: Below-ground Question: Lean body Answer: Total of all parts of the body that are not body fat and are active tissues (e.g. bones, vital organ tissue, central nervous system) Question: Level of burden Answer: Scale that measures the challenges caregivers face. The index combines the of ADL's and IADL's that require help, as well as the amount of time devoted to care giving. Question: Life Answer: Length of time that estimates the of years a person will live. Question: Life annuityAnswer: Annuity product in which payments are distributed only until the dies. No benefits are payable to a beneficiary. Question: Life with period certain settlement optionAnswer: Life ins option when pmts are guar for stated time (10-20 yrs) then if the annuitant is still alive, they cont. to rec pmts until death w/ no benefit for a bene. If the annuitant dies b4 the guar period is over, pmt cont to a bene until end or guar Question: Life Answer: Maximum of time biologically possible for a given species. Question: Life Answer: Combination of and social attributes that define periods of a person's life such as adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood, middle age, later maturity and old age. Question: Lifelines (life )Answer: Activity in which participants recall key events and life altering or meaningful experiences that powerfully affected lives. Question: Life-sustaining Answer: Medical treatment used to prolong life without reversing underlying conditions. This could include medical ventilation, renal dialysis, chemotherapy, artificail nutrtion and hydration and other treatments. Question: Lifetime daysAnswer: Sixty days of coverage to each Medicare beneficiary who has exhausted a standard benefit period's 90 inpatient days and remains hospitalized. Question: LipoproteinAnswer: Combination of cholesterol and protein that in the bloodstrem. Question: Living trust (inter trust)Answer: Trust that is established during the life of the . A revocable trust is a trust that can be changed or revoked at any time by the individual who established it. Question: willAnswer: Document signed by a competent person stating what health care measures should or should not be taken in terminal situations if the person is incompetent to make such at that time. Question: Look-back Answer: Span of time beg. on the date of a Medicaid application going back 36 for transfers of money to an individual and 60 months for transfers to trusts. Transfers within the look-back period create a period of Medicaid ineligibility. Question: Long-term care (LTC)Answer: Coverage for various custodial care in the event the insured becomes incapacitated as defined in the poicy. Question: Long-term care Answer: Sometimes included as an attachment to life insurance policies, provides coverage for various care expenses in the event that the insured person becomes incapacitated as defined in the policy. Question: Low-density (LDL)Answer: "Bad cholesterol" that contributes to the development of heart disease by causing waxy, obstructive plaque within the coronary arteries of the heart. Question: Lump-sum Answer: Retiremt plan distr with 4 req: made in 1 tax yr, representative of the full bal to the participant's credit from all qualified plans of a single type; payable at death, attainment of age 59 1/2 or separation of serv & made from qualified plan. Question: Macular Answer: Deterioration of the tissue in the center of the retina (the macula) resulting in decreased central vision and reduced ability to see fine . Question: Magnetic imaging (MRI)Answer: Procedure using a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer to produce electronic images of atoms and molecular structures in solids, especially human cells, tissues and organs. Question: Major episodeAnswer: Period more than 2 wks a feels sad or lost interst or enjoyment in life; & changes in appetite & sleep, agitation or retardation of movement, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, attention & concentration problems or thoughts of suicide. Question: Major medical Answer: Insurance that covers medical expenses incurred inside and outside of a hospital. It features cost sharing devices (such as deductibles and coinsurance) and a relatively high maximum for covered expenses. Question: ManiaAnswer: Period of elevated or irritable mood, inflated self esteem, decresed need for sleep, extreme talkativeness, racing thoughs or shifting , high distractability, increased activity or dangerous behavior that impairs daily functioning. Question: Marginal tax Answer: Tax rate at which the last of income is taxed. Question: Married couple household with own Answer: Husband and wife living together with children by birth, adoption or marriage who are under the age of 18 and never . Question: deductionAnswer: Tax deduction that allows for gifts to a spouse who is an AMerican citizen. Question: trustAnswer: that mandates that the income of the trust be paid to the surviving spouse. Question: Answer: containing crypts for the burial of the dead. Question: -testedAnswer: Description of a program that is available to those who meet financial such as Medicaid. Question: Answer: Program that provides medical assistance for certain individuals and families who have low and resources. It is a jointly funded cooperative program between the federal and state governments. Question: Medical Answer: Delivery of care under the supervision of physicians and nurses. Question: needyAnswer: Definition of Medicaid applicants whose income are higher than others receiving assistance but who have medical bills in excess of their income. Question: MedicareAnswer: Federal providing hospital and medical insurance to people ages 65 and older and to certain ill or disabled persons. Benefits for nursing home and home health services are limited. Question: Answer: Insurance sold by private that is intended to supplement Medicare coverage. Question: MelatoninAnswer: Hormone that appears to play a part in regulating seasonal changes in the body and with sleep. Question: Member of a classAnswer: Individuals residing in a family home who qualify it as a non-countable resource in the Medicare application. The members include dependents, bro/sis w/ int in home & resided in home @ least 1 yr, or child residing @ least 2yr caring for applicant. Question: parkAnswer: Cemetary restricting burials to garden or sites with no above-ground markers. Question: Memorial Answer: Ritual to honor the dead the body being present. Question: Answer: Installation of a grave or memorial to honor the dead. Question: Mercy Answer: act of a health care provider or individual to take the life of a patient. This is a criminal offense, regardless of the motivation. Question: MetabolismAnswer: Body's chemical processes that and destroy tissue and release energy, thereby generating heat. Question: cancerAnswer: Cancer that migrates to locations. Question: Mild cognitive (MCI)Answer: Subtle but measurable memory disorder. A person with MCI experiences memory problems greater than normally expected with aging, but they do not show other symptoms of dementia, such as judgement or reasoning. Question: Miller Answer: Certain trust that may be set up to create an to help an applicant qualify for Medicaid. Question: Minimum monthly maintenance needs (MMMNA)Answer: Certain portion of an institutionalized spouse's income permitted to a community spouse to bring the community spouse's income up to the monthly maintenance needs allowance. Question: required distributionAnswer: AMount that must be withdrawn from a account once a cretain age is reached. Question: MoleculeAnswer: Smallest unit into a substance can be divided. Question: market deposit accountAnswer: Investment vehicle available through savings & loan associations and banks. Earnings rates are determined by the and tend to be lower than rates for money market funds. Question: Answer: and cultural response to loss. Question: fundAnswer: Open-end investment tool that pools money of many investors and hires an investment advisor to invest that money in order to one or more financial objectives. Question: Net Answer: Residual value after liabilities are subtracted from assets. Net worth represents the that is owned by an individual or family if unencumbered by debt. Question: NeuroplasticityAnswer: Ability to learn new things even into age. Question: IRAAnswer: Individual retirement account in which contributions are as part of current income. Question: optionAnswer: Limited to permanent life insurance policies, the three standard non-forfeiture are: lump-sum distribution of cash value, reduced paid-up insurance and extended term insurance. Question: Nonparticipating life Answer: Insurance agreement in which premium payments (dividends) are not distributed to the policy owner. Question: Noncancelable Answer: contract that cannot be cancelled nor have its rates changed by the insurance company. Question: householdAnswer: Person alone, or two or more people who live together but who are not related, such as roommates or boarders. Question: Normal retirement Answer: Age at which full Social Security old-age benefits are available or otherwise in documents. Question: home Answer: Specifically qualified facility with staff & equipment to provide round-the-clock skilled nursing care or rehabilitation services & other related health . Its occupants need at least some assistance w/ an avg of 3.8 activities of daily living. Question: Old-Age, Survivors, Disability, and Insurance (OASDHI) programAnswer: Protection for qualified participants and their beneficiaries against losses associated with retirement, , disabilty and illness. Question: Old-Age, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Answer: name for the Social Security program. Question: ObsessionAnswer: Persistent thought, idea or image that is anxiety provoking and at least initially, believed by an to be absurd. Question: Obsessive-compulsive (OCD)Answer: Mental condition defined by recurrent obsessions or compulsions that are enough to impair the individual's daily functioning. Question: therapistAnswer: Health professional who works with patients to their ability to perform activities of daily living and tasks in their work environment. Question: OrganAnswer: Aggregate of many different cells, held together by a supporting structure, that performs a specfic in the body. Question: Organizational Answer: Date from which a person has 60 days to request review of denial under a Medicare Advantage plan. Question: Answer: Noninflammatory of movable joints characterized by an imbalance between the synthesis and degradation of the articular cartilage, leading to the classic pathologic changes of wearing away and destruction of the cartilage. Question: Answer: Weakening of the bone structure as bone cell breakdown outpaces new bone cell . Question: Answer: or use of cash. Question: Outer containerAnswer: term used to describe grave liners and vaults. Question: Out-of-hospital do not (DNR) orderAnswer: Doctor's order authorizing emergency medical services to honor a DNR order. Patients may wear some form of identification, such as a bracelet to inform technicians of the DNR. Question: care (comfort care)Answer: End-of-life care focused not on curing a disease or condition, but on treating pain and physical symptoms, along with providing and spiritual support. Question: attackAnswer: Limited period (usually several ) of intense fear that comes on unexpectantly, accompanied by multiple physical symptoms. Question: 's diseaseAnswer: Progressive nervous disease, occuring most often after age 50, associated with the destruction of brain cells that produce dopamine. Characterized by muscular , slowing of movement, partial facial paralysis, peculiarity of gait & posture & weakness. Question: Participating Answer: Type of insurance in which dividends (actually return of premiums that were excessive, given the insurer's actaul claims experience or level of expenses) may be paid to the policy owner. Question: Partnership Answer: Type of policy that allows the insured to protect (keep) some assets if they for Medicaid after using policy benefits. Question: Patient's best Answer: Guideline for use by proxy, physician or hospital ethics committees for determining health care decisions when a senior's treatment wished are . Question: Patient Self Determination Act (42 U.S.C. (f) & 1396a(w)Answer: Federal legislation requiring institutional health care providers participating in the Medicare or Medicaid programs to inform patients of their right to complete directives. Question: -on-death (POD) accountAnswer: Savings account opened with a funeral director or cemetarian used to fund services, or cremation upon death of the accountholder. Question: Pension Answer: Qualified employee retirement plan. Defined benefit plan=provides retirement benefit to employee, Defined contribution plan=provides for from employees & an retirment benfit = to value of account balance at retirement. Question: Permanent life Answer: Policy that has cash value and is designed to be kept until death. These contracts include: adjustable life, endowments, interst sensitive whole life, limited pay policies, universal life, variable life, variable universal life and life, Question: careAnswer: Service and fund to maintain a site forever. Question: vegetative stateAnswer: Condition that limite cognitive function, caused by injury to the cortex. Question: emergency response system (PERS)Answer: Electronic device designed to let a user summon help in an . Question: exemptionAnswer: Dollar amount that a taxpayer generally may deduct for each person supported by the income reported on the tax form. Exemptions are subject to phase-out (elimination) on an excess Question: Personal planningAnswer: Process of determining whether and how an individual can meet life goals through the proper management of income and assets. Question: Personal model (consumer-directed personal assistance )Answer: Method of health care delivery in which a senior receives in-home services from personal assistants who are not supervised by medical professionals. Question: Answer: Extreme fear of a specific situation or Question: therapistAnswer: Health professional who provides services to help patients restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain and prevent disabilities. Question: Answer: Management of multiple prescription medications for seniors dealing with several illnesses simultaneously. Question: Power of Answer: Written document executed by one person who authorizes person to act on his or her behalf. Question: Planned Answer: Method of distributing assets that provides donors with addtl economic benefits for themselves or other beneficiaries. Planned giving incl the use of charitable gift annuities, pooled inc , char trust split int gifts & char family lmtd partnerships. Question: Planned senior apartment (independent )Answer: Housing designated for and designed with specific features for older people. Services offered can range from basic maintenance to housekeeping, meal plans, social activities, transportation and exercise . Question: Posttraumatic stress (PTSD)Answer: Mental condition from traum event. May involve recurrent thoughts /nightmares /reliving , great distress, avoiding thoughts of people involved, feeling distant, difficulty w/ emotions, irritability /trouble sleeping /concentrating /hyperawareness Question: Pour-over Answer: Provision of a will that instructs a court to transfer or pour over a dead 's probate assets into a trust, used if a senior has a trust and dies owning property that was not transferred to it. Question: PrearrangementAnswer: Advance planning for a funeral or burial, sometimes structured with an agreement to deliver specific goods and . Question: PrejudiceAnswer: Negative attitude toward a category or group of people based not on current but on preconceived beliefs; favorable or unfavorable belief about the characteristics of a category or a group. Question: Answer: or cemetary purchase made before a death. Question: Preneed Answer: for a funeral or burial in advance of need. Question: PresbycusisAnswer: The most common age-related loss; a sensoineural disturbance by death of the hair cells in the inner ear. Question: insurance amount (PIA)Answer: Monthly payment to retired workers who begin receiving benefits at full retirement age of if they are disabled and have never received a retirement benefit for age. Question: annuityAnswer: Transfer of to an individual not regularly engaged in the issuance of annuities, in exchange for an unsecured promise of periodic lifetime payments. Question: contractAnswer: Agreement for medical between a patient and a provider who does not give services through Medicare. Assignment does not apply to private contracts. Question: Answer: Legal process of abministrating and distributing an estate after . Question: Productive Answer: Concept of the older population w/ greater capacity for employment, , caregiving. As the older pop has become healthier, more active & econ secure, productive aging emerges 2 contrdict negative views-frail, immobile, vulnerable, uncontributing Question: managed serviceAnswer: Care arrangement in which someone other than the senior makes the decisions about care and . Question: Program of All-Inclusive Care for the (PACE)Answer: Health insurance benefit that features a comprehensive medical and social service delivery system and integrated Medicare and funding. Question: Programmed Answer: Hypothesis that aging a biological timetable. Question: Answer: Condition in which an individual exhibits symptoms of not being in touch with reality, primarily through hallucinations and . Question: Pure life optionAnswer: Life insurance stipulation that pays proceeds over the of the beneficiary, with no residual benefits available to a second beneficiary if the first one dies. Question: Answer: Relating to or in terms of quality. Qualitative research is based on individual, often subjective analysis. Question: Answer: Relating to or involving the of quantity or amount. Quantitative research is often considered objective and repeatable by separate researchers under similar conditions. Question: of coverageAnswer: Measurement used to determine worker's insured status & therefore, the and type of benefits available under Social Security. A worker is credited with 1 qtr of coverage, up to a max of 4 annually for each $500 of earnings thru covered employment Question: Radiation Answer: Use of x-rays or gamma rays to kill tumor cells in difficult to reach locations. Radiation is also used to eliminate a tumor w/o destroying large amounts of good . Question: Reasonable and necessary Answer: Medicare rule used to categorize individual care decisions. Question: Answer: Giving and promising a valuable gift if in exchange for the purchases of an insurance policy or other . Question: Reduced paid-up optionAnswer: Life insurance stipulation allowing a policyholder to take the cash value of a policy as paid-up but for a face amount. Question: Refund life settlement optionAnswer: Life insurance option that provides the beneficiary with income with the guarantee that if the beneficiary dies before receiving the full amount of the original life proceeds, the shortfall will paid to an alternate beneficiary. Question: Answer: Devoutness or excessive devotion to . Question: Answer: Body of the deceased. (Cremains are of a cremated body.) Question: payeeAnswer: or organization that receives Social Security or SSI payments on behalf of an individual who cannot manage or direct someone else to manage his or her money. Question: Required date (RBD)Answer: For individual retirement accounts (IRAs), qualified plans, and section 403(b) arrangements, the date by distributions must begin. Question: Required distributionAnswer: Lowest annual required amount for an IRS holder who reaches age 70 1/2. Question: careAnswer: Occasional care provided by a third party for the purpose of relieving family for a period of a few hours to several days. Question: Revocable designationAnswer: Naming of a life beneficiary in which the policy owner retains the right to change the beneficiary. Question: arthritisAnswer: Chronic disease marked by stiffness and inflammation of the joints, weknessm loss of and deformity. Question: Answer: Addition to an insurance policy that changes the provisions of the . Question: Ridesharing Answer: Service that arranges for seniors to be driven by volunteer drivers to destinations. Question: Right of Answer: Right inherent to some of property ownership that entitles surviving owners to succeed to a deceased owner's interest in the property outside of probate. Question: Answer: Pattern of individual activity that occurs a specific type of social situation. Question: RolloverAnswer: of funds from one retirement plan to another. Question: Roth Answer: Nondeductible IRA with several unique features: withdrawals are not if left in the acct for 5 yrs; the owner may continue to make contributions to the acct after they are 70 1/2; & there is no req. beg date for withdrawals. Question: SarcopeniaAnswer: muscle loss and increased body fat that results in overall weakening of the body. Question: SchizophreniaAnswer: Chronic and severely disabling disorder with symptoms of hallucinations and delusions, speech and behavior and deficiency of motivation, emotional expression or speech. Question: Section 1115 demonstration Answer: Medicaid rule that flexibility to states in delivering Medicaid long-term care services. Question: Self taxAnswer: Social security tax on income earned by selfemployed individuals. Question: Self-neglectAnswer: Behavior of some older adults, such as refusing or failing to acquire adequate food, water, clothing, shelter, personal hygiene, medication or precautions, which threatens their health and safety. Question: Answer: Progressive deterioration of many bodily functions over a of time. Question: propertyAnswer: Property that was acquired by either spouse b4 marriage or funds. Ownership of this property belongs exclusively to the spouse that held it prior to marriage, inherited or received it or purchased it w/ individual funds. Question: SepsisAnswer: Infection in the or other tissues. Question: Serial Answer: Care giving in which each successive caregiver burns out and is replaced by another . Question: Serotonin inhibitorAnswer: Medicine that relieves symptoms of . Question: careAnswer: Daily nursing & rehab care performed only by or under the superv of skilled medical personnel. This care is usually needed 24 hrs/day, must be ordered by dr & must follow a plan of care. Indiv usually get skilled care in a nursing home or in other . Question: gerontologyAnswer: Study of the social lives of people. Question: Social Answer: Extreme fear of public or performance in which an individual may feel threatened or embarassed. Question: SecurityAnswer: Government program that covers workers certain past-service requirements & their qualified dependents are eligible for limited retirement, medical, disability & death benes. The program is funded thru a special inc tax on covered workers. Question: Social Security Disability (SSDI)Answer: Benefit for disabled people under full retirement age who have enough Social Security credits and a medical impairment that is expected to prevent them from doing substantial work for a yr or more or have condition that is to result in death. Question: supportAnswer: Network that provides with a sense of being loved, cared for, esteemed and valued. Question: Answer: group of relationships that has a distinctive cultural and economic organization. Question: Special enrollment Answer: Time after an employer's health plan coverage ceases to be a person's primary insurance (usually at ) during which a senior may enroll in Medicare without penalty. Question: Spending Answer: Expending assets in order to qualify for . Question: Answer: Basic value around which all other values are ; central philosophy of life that guides a person's conduct; supernatural and nonmaterial dimensions of human nature. Question: Stage model of Answer: Theory of emotional progession distinct stages in response to a traumatic event or loss. Question: deductionAnswer: Deduction from AGI that any taxpayer may take, with the amount available being determined by the taxpayers filing status. The standard deduction is used in of itemized deductions if the standard deducation exceeds the itemized ded amt available. Question: assistanceAnswer: Arrangement in which a caregiver stays close to an individual to over and provide physical assistance if necessary. Question: Health Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (SHIP)Answer: Program with trained volunteers who offer unbiased, one-on-one counseling to help Medicare beneficiaries their health insurance benefits and options. Question: Statement of position (balance sheet)Answer: Declaration that identifies the assets, liabilities and net of an individual or family. Question: Stock insurance Answer: For-profit insurer by stockholders. Question: Stop loss (upper )Answer: Maximum out-of-pocket . Question: Stretch-out Answer: Retirement account with a named who will keep money in a retirement account as long as possible after the death of the original account holder. Question: STUG (Sudden, Temporary Upsurge of Grief) Answer: Behavior seen in response to a specific event. Question: Subdural Answer: Collection of blood and blood breakdown products between the surface of the brain and its outermost (the dura) that remains even several weeks after an injury. Question: Substance Answer: Mental disorder surrounding abuse of specific medication or drug. Includes development of tolerance for the substance; withdrawal symptoms; considerable time obtaining, consuming & recovering from use; desire/ unsuccess efforts to reduce amt or stop Question: assistanceAnswer: Hands-on or standby help required for a to accomplish activities of daily living. Question: gainful activity (SGA)Answer: Income-producing work that enough money to make a person ineligible for benefits. Question: judgementAnswer: An interpretive decision based on a 's advance directive. Question: Subtrust (bypass trust, family trust, credit shelter )Answer: Investment vehicle used to avoid the marital deduction & apply the estate tax coupon of the first spouse to die. A subtrust provides that the surviving spouse is primary beneficiary & may even provide that the surviving spouse is of the subtrust. Question: SundowningAnswer: Behaviorial disorder associated with an increase in confusion and agitation during hours. Question: Supplemental Security (SSI)Answer: Federal funded by general tax revenues designed to help the aged, blind and disabled people who have little or no income & require help meeting basic needs for food, clothing and shelter. Question: Systolic Answer: Measurement (the upper number of a pressure reading) of the pressure blood exerts on the arterial walls during heartbeats. Question: Task model of Answer: Concept of dealing with grief in which an individual has a number of tasks to complete. The effort given to each task may increase or decrease in importance over the of grief. Question: Tax Answer: $ for $ deduction that offsets calculated tax. Credits are allowed for the elderly & permanently & disabled, child & dependent care expenses, foriegn tax pd, exp for the construction & rehab of qualified low-inc housing & certain education expenses Question: Tax (or reduction)Answer: Technique that uses deductions, exemptions and credits to reduce otherwise taxable or the tax itself or a technique that results in nontaxable income or economic benefit that is not taxable. Question: incomeAnswer: upon which the appropriate income tax is calculated. It consists of income after subtracting adjustments, deductions and personal exemptions. Question: Tax-deductibleAnswer: Term that describes expenses that may be from current taxable income. Question: Tax-deferredAnswer: Term that describes earnings or income not subject to federal income taxes until a later date. Regarding earnings produced within an IRA, taxdeferred earnings are taxed only upon distribution to the owner. Question: Tax-qualified long-term care insurance Answer: Policy that conforms to standards in law and offers certain federal tax advantages. Question: Tenant-based housingAnswer: Program that makes it possible for eligible low-income applicants to afford rental housing available in the market. Question: Termlife (pure protection)Answer: Life insurance that providesprotection for a stated period and pays only if the insured dies within that period. Question: Answer: Hormone primarily found in men, but also in women in amounts. Although production of testosterone peaks in early adulthood, most men in older age still produce amounts within normal limits. Question: ThermogenesisAnswer: Body's way of generating heat shivering. Question: Answer: Hearing condition accompanied by some hearing loss, frequently referred to as in the ears but often sounding more like buzzing, chirping crickets, blowing, roaring or popping. Question: TissueAnswer: of cells that makes up a part of the body. Question: Answer: Getting to and from the toilet, on and off the toilet and performing the associated personal hygiene. Question: TrustAnswer: Simple trust agreement that makes a funeral director or cemeterian the beneficiary. The consumer is the owner and during life controls the account and pays taxes on any earnings. At death, the and earnings are paid to the funeral home/ cemetary. Question: TRaditional Answer: End-of-life ceremony with a series of rituals and customs to the dead, including embalming of the body, an open casket arrangments, services at a house of worship and an interment. Question: Traditional Answer: Method of distributing assets when donor enjoys satisfaction of supporting worthwhile causes while recvig tax deduction. In addition to outright lifetime gifts, traditional giving may include leaving items to charity @ death or gifting life ins to Question: nuclear familyAnswer: Living arrangement consisting of a husband and wife living together with children by birth or adoption only; with the father as the sole breadwinner and the as a full-time mother. Question: TransferringAnswer: Act of moving into and out of bed, or wheelchair Question: ischemic attack (TIA)Answer: Mini-stroke caused by temporary disturbance of blood supply to an area of the brain, resulting in a sudden, brief decrease in brain function. It lasts less than 24 hours, most lass than one hour. Question: griefAnswer: Syndrome w/ 2 clusters of symptoms: separation distress symptoms inc searching & yearning for deceased, having intrusive thoughts about deceased & experiencing excessive since death & trauma symptoms similar to posttraumatic stress disorder. Question: Treasury Answer: Short-term obligation of the United States government that is issued at a discount & redeemed at face value upon maturity. Income received upon maturity is not at a state or local level. Question: Treasury Answer: Long-term obligation of the United States government. Interest is paid semi-annually and is not at a state or local level. Question: Treasury Answer: Intermediate-term of the United States government. Interest is paid semi-annually and is not taxed at a state or local level. Question: TrustAnswer: Fiduciary arrangement set up by a grantor whereby property is held and managed for a named beneficiary by a third party, known as a . Question: Answer: Person or organization that holds legal title to held in a trust. The trustee holds and manages the property for the benefit of the trust beneficiary or beneficiaries. Question: Answer: Use of term, jargon, language that is confusing. Question: UnderwritingAnswer: Process of examining, accepting or rejecting insurance risks, then classifying those selected, in order to the proper premium for each. Question: UrnAnswer: used to hold cremated remains. Question: Values Answer: used to understand what is important when setting personal goals. Question: Valued social Answer: in society deemed worthy of value. Question: Values Answer: Inquiry that can help prioritize what most to a person. Question: Variable Answer: Investment product in which the benefits paid out vary according to in the value of the portfolio supporting the annuity. Question: Vascular Answer: Step-like deterioration in intellectual functions that results from multiple infarctions of the hemisphere. Question: depressionAnswer: Syndrome often experienced by people w/ vascular illness when they experience relatively little or sadness, but have poor motivation or initiative, move very slowly & do not recognize that what they are experiencing is related to a mental disorder Question: VaultAnswer: Structure used in lining a grave to limit settlement with in-ground burials. Vaults are normally made of steel-reinforced and lined with metal or asphalt. Question: VentilationAnswer: respiration Question: Answer: Funreal practice in which the deceased lies in a casket and family and are allowed to view the embalmed remains. Question: capacity (VC)Answer: Amount of ait that can be taken in and breathed out rapidly in one very deep breath as a of lung function. Question: VO2 max (maximum consumption)Answer: Measure of the ability of the heart and cardiovascular system to respond to . Question: Waiver of Answer: Rule that applies when a senior did not know or not be expected to know that Medicare would deny payment for lack of medical necessity. Question: of premiumAnswer: Provision in an insurance that relieves the insured of paying the premiums while receiving benefits. Question: Whole life Answer: Insurance coverage that furnishes life insurance at a level premium amount for the insured's whole life and includes a savings element on which a minimum rate of return is guaranteed. Question: WillAnswer: Legal document that specifies how a wishes to distribute probate property and provides other instructions in the event of death. Question: Windfall elimination Answer: Method of figuring retirement or disability benefits when a recipient receives a pension from work not covered by Social Security. The formula used to the benefit is modified, resulting in a lower amount. Question: Zero Answer: Time for family members to consider how much each will to caregiving of the senior. |
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