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Question: Answer: scraping or rubbing away of skin or membrane Question: Answer: localized collection of pus in any part of the Question: alopeciaAnswer: partial or complete loss of Question: bedsoreAnswer: an inflammation, sore, or ulcer in the skin over a bony prominence of the body - from loss of blood supply and oxygen to the area due to prolonged pressure on the body part; also known as a decubitis ulcer Question: blisterAnswer: small thin-walled skin containing clear fluid; a vesicle Question: bruiseAnswer: Question: cellulitisAnswer: a diffuse infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, characterized by localized heat, deep redness, pain, and swelling Question: cerumenAnswer: ear Question: comedoAnswer: open = blackhead Question: contusionAnswer: injury to part of the body without a break in the Question: coriumAnswer: ; the layer of the skin just under the epidermis Question: cryosurgery cry/o = Answer: noninvasive that uses subfreezing temperature to freeze and destroy the tissue Question: curettageAnswer: process of scraping material from the wall of the or other surface for the purpose of removing abnormal tissue or unwanted material Question: debridementAnswer: removal of debris, foreign objects, and damaged or necrotic from a wound in order to prevent infection and to promote healing Question: dermatologist /o=skin -logist=specialist in the study ofAnswer: physician who in the treatment of diseases and disorders of the skin Question: Answer: also as a bruise Question: electrodesiccationAnswer: technique that uses an electrical spark to burn and tissue; used primarily for the removal of surface lesions Question: epidermis epi=upon, over derm/o=skin -is=noun Answer: layer of the skin Question: erythemaAnswer: redness of the skin due to dilatation Question: cyan/o=blue -osis=conditionAnswer: a of a blusih discoloration of the skin Question: Answer: a closed sac or in or within the skin that contains fluid Question: Answer: tissue that covers the internal and surfaces of the body Question: erythremia /o=red -emia=blood conditionAnswer: an abnormal increase in the number of red cells Question: fissureAnswer: cracklike sore or in the skin or mucous membrane Question: Answer: a boil Question: Answer: of tissue Question: hair Answer: tiny tube within the dermis that contains the root of a hair Question: hem/o=blood angi/o=vessel -oma=tumorAnswer: a benign (nonmalignant) tumor that consists of a mass of vessels and has a reddish-purple color Question: keratinAnswer: hard fibrous protein found in the epidermis, hair, nails, enamel of the , and horns of animals Question: Answer: tear in the Question: Answer: the cresent-shaped pale area at the base of the or toenail Question: maculeAnswer: small, flat discoloration of the skin that is raised or depressed Question: melan/o=blackAnswer: or dark pigment Question: melanocytes /o=black cyt/o=cell -es=noun endingAnswer: cells responsible for melanin Question: onychomycosis /o=nail myc/o=fungus -osis=conditionAnswer: any fungal of the nails Question: pachyderma pachy=thick derm/o=skin -a=noun Answer: abnormal of the skin Question: Answer: small, solid, circumscribed on the skin Question: pediculosisAnswer: infestation with Question: petechiaAnswer: small, pinpoint of the skin Question: pimpleAnswer: a Question: Answer: growth Question: pruritusAnswer: Question: scalesAnswer: thin flakes of hardened epithelium shed from the Question: sebumAnswer: oily secretion of the sebaceous Question: skin Answer: small brownish or flesh-colored outgrowth of skin frequently on the neck Question: stretch Answer: linear tears in the dermis that result from overstretching from growth Question: subcutaneous tissue sub-=beneath, , below cutane/o=skin -ous=pertaining toAnswer: fatty laryer of located beneath the dermis Question: sudoriferous Answer: a gland Question: Answer: clear, watery fluid produced by the sweat glands; also as perspiration Question: sweat Answer: one of the tiny structures within the dermis that produces ; also known as sudoriferous gland Question: ulcerAnswer: circumscribed, open sore or lesion of the skin that is by inflammation Question: whealAnswer: Question: xeroderma xer/o=dry derm/o=skin -a=noun Answer: chronic skin condition characterized by roughness and Question: Answer: blister Question: acne Answer: inflammatory disorder seen on the face, chest, back, and neck; appears as papules, pustules, and comedos; known as acne Question: albin/o=white -ism=conditionAnswer: absence of in the skin, hair, and eyes Question: 1st degree Answer: superficial; redness and swelling, painful, heal with peeling in about 3-6 days with no scar (ex. ) Question: 2nd degree Answer: partial-thickness; blistering pink to red and some swelling, involve epidermis and upper layer of dermis, very sensitive and painful, heal in about 2 weeks without scar in no infection or trauma occurs during healing process Question: 3rd burnAnswer: tissue damage, massive necrosis or epidermis and entire dermis, brown, black, tan, or deep cherry red, long time to heal Question: carcinoma, basal cell /o=cancer -oma=tumorAnswer: most common malignant tumor of the epithelial tissue on areas of skin exposed to Question: , squamous cell carcin/o=cancer -oma=tumorAnswer: malignancy of the squamous (or scalelike)cells or the epithelial tissue, grows fater than basal cell and potential for metastasis if not treated Question: eczemaAnswer: acute or chronic inflammatory skin Question: viral diseaseAnswer: includes rubella, roseloa, , and erythema Question: gangreneAnswer: tissue death due to loss of supply, invasion of bacteria the decay produces a foul odor Question: zoster (shingles)Answer: acute viral infection, vesicular eruptions on the skin nerve pathways Question: impetigoAnswer: highly contagious superficial skin infection with serous vesicles and pustules which form Question: Kaposi's sarc/o=flesh -oma=tumorAnswer: rare malignant lesion associated with AIDS-begins as a soft purple-brown nodule or plaque on the feet that throughout the skin Question: keliod kel/o=fibrous growth -oid=pertaining Answer: enlarged, irregularly shaped, and elevated scar that due to the presence of large amounts of collagen during formation Question: leuk/o=whiteAnswer: white, hard thickened patches firmly attached to the mucous membrane of the , vulva, or penis Question: melanoma melan/o=black, dark -oma=tumorAnswer: darkly pigmented tumor Question: psoriasisAnswer: common, noninfectious, chronic disorder of the skin manifested by silvery-white scales round, raised, reddened plaques producing itching (pruritus) Question: rosceaAnswer: chronic skin disease that mainly affects the skin of the middle thrid of the face Question: Answer: highly contagious parasitic infection "human itch mite" rash with feelings of crawling on the skin Question: systemic erythematosusAnswer: chronic, multisystem disease by lesions of the nervous system and skin, renal problems - butterfly rash Question: tineaAnswer: Question: tinea capitis capit/o=head -is=noun Answer: of the scalp Question: tinea corporis corpor/o=body -is=noun Answer: ringworm of the Question: tinea cruris crur/o=leg or -is=noun endingAnswer: ringworm of the (jock itch) Question: tinea pedis ped/o=foot -is=noun Answer: of the foot (athlete's foot) Question: wart (verruca)Answer: benign, circumscribed, elevated skin lesion; caused by the papilloma virus (HPV) Question: allergy Answer: various procedures used to identify specific allergens in the by exposing the person to a very small quantity of the allergen Question: debridementAnswer: removing debris, foreign objects and damaged/necrotic tissue to prevent infection and healing Question: lip/o=fatAnswer: aspiration of fat through a cannula to alter body contours Question: skin Answer: removal of a small piece of tissue from skin for microscopic examination and diagnosis |
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