Med Terms Chapter 5
abrasion | show 🗑
abscess | show 🗑
alopecia | show 🗑
show | an inflammation, sore, or ulcer in the skin over a bony prominence of the body - resulting from loss of blood supply and oxygen to the area due to prolonged pressure on the body part; also known as a decubitis ulcer
blister | show 🗑
bruise | show 🗑
cellulitis | show 🗑
cerumen | show 🗑
comedo | show 🗑
show | injury to part of the body without a break in the skin
corium | show 🗑
cryosurgery cry/o = cold | show 🗑
curettage | show 🗑
debridement | show 🗑
dermatologist dermat/o=skin -logist=specialist in the study of | show 🗑
show | also known as a bruise
show | technique that uses an electrical spark to burn and destroy tissue; used primarily for the removal of surface lesions
show | outermost layer of the skin
erythema | show 🗑
cyanosis cyan/o=blue -osis=condition | show 🗑
cyst | show 🗑
epithelium | show 🗑
erythremia erythr/o=red -emia=blood condition | show 🗑
show | cracklike sore or groove in the skin or mucous membrane
furuncle | show 🗑
gangrene | show 🗑
hair follicle | show 🗑
show | a benign (nonmalignant) tumor that consists of a mass of blood vessels and has a reddish-purple color
show | hard fibrous protein found in the epidermis, hair, nails, enamel of the teeth, and horns of animals
laceration | show 🗑
show | the cresent-shaped pale area at the base of the fingernail or toenail
show | small, flat discoloration of the skin that is neirther raised or depressed
melanin melan/o=black | show 🗑
show | cells responsible for producing melanin
onychomycosis onych/o=nail myc/o=fungus -osis=condition | show 🗑
show | abnormal thickening of the skin
papule | show 🗑
pediculosis | show 🗑
petechia | show 🗑
show | a papule
show | stalklike growth
pruritus | show 🗑
scales | show 🗑
show | oily secretion of the sebaceous glands
show | small brownish or flesh-colored outgrowth of skin occurring frequently on the neck
stretch marks | show 🗑
show | fatty laryer of tissue located beneath the dermis
show | a sweat gland
show | clear, watery fluid produced by the sweat glands; also known as perspiration
sweat gland | show 🗑
ulcer | show 🗑
show | hive
show | chronic skin condition characterized by roughness and dryness
vesicle | show 🗑
show | inflammatory disorder seen on the face, chest, back, and neck; appears as papules, pustules, and comedos; commonly known as acne
albinism albin/o=white -ism=condition | show 🗑
show | superficial; redness and swelling, painful, heal with peeling in about 3-6 days with no scar (ex. sunburn)
show | partial-thickness; blistering pink to red color and some swelling, involve epidermis and upper layer of dermis, very sensitive and painful, heal in about 2 weeks without scar in no infection or trauma occurs during healing process
3rd degree burn | show 🗑
carcinoma, basal cell carcin/o=cancer -oma=tumor | show 🗑
show | malignancy of the squamous (or scalelike)cells or the epithelial tissue, grows fater than basal cell and greater potential for metastasis if not treated
show | acute or chronic inflammatory skin condition
exathematous viral disease | show 🗑
show | tissue death due to loss of blood supply, invasion of bacteria the decay produces a foul odor
show | acute viral infection, vesicular eruptions on the skin along nerve pathways
impetigo | show 🗑
Kaposi's sarcoma sarc/o=flesh -oma=tumor | show 🗑
keliod kel/o=fibrous growth -oid=pertaining to | show 🗑
leukoplakia leuk/o=white | show 🗑
show | darkly pigmented cancerous tumor
psoriasis | show 🗑
show | chronic inflammatory skin disease that mainly affects the skin of the middle thrid of the face
scabies | show 🗑
show | chronic, multisystem disease characterized by lesions of the nervous system and skin, renal problems - butterfly rash
show | ringworm
tinea capitis capit/o=head -is=noun ending | show 🗑
tinea corporis corpor/o=body -is=noun ending | show 🗑
show | ringworm of the groin (jock itch)
show | ringworm of the foot (athlete's foot)
show | benign, circumscribed, elevated skin lesion; caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV)
allergy testing | show 🗑
debridement | show 🗑
liposuction lip/o=fat | show 🗑
skin biopsy | show 🗑
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Popular Medical sets