In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Question: thru which oxygenated blood flows from the left ventricle through the aorta to all the organs except for the lungs & deoxygenated blood returns to the right atriumAnswer: Systemic Question: What do gasses, nutrients, & waste move ?Answer: (during systemic circulation) Question: The flow of deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs & the return of blood from the lungs to the left atriumAnswer: Pulmonary Question: List the order of blood flow from vena cava to bodyAnswer: Superior vena cava to R atrium, thru AV/tricuspid valve to R ventricle, thru pulm semilunar valve, to pulm artery, to lungs, thru pulm vein to L atrium, thru AV mitral/bicuspid valve to L , thru aortic semilunar valve, aorta & out to the body
Question: An region that includes all the visceral organs within the thoracic cavity except the lungsAnswer: Mediastinum Question: What 8 things are in the mediastinum?Answer: 1)Heart, vessels of the heart 2)esophagus 3)trachea 4)phrenic nerve 5)cardiac 6)thoracic duct 7)thymus 8)lymph nodes of central chest Question: How is the related to your fist?Answer: The human heart is approx. the size of a fist Question: Membrane that surrounds the . It is a loos fitting double-layered sacAnswer: Pericardium Question: What are the 3 of the pericardium?Answer: 1)Protects the 2)prevents over-stretching of the heart 3)anchors the heart to the mediastinum Question: Name the 4 layers of the heart from the inAnswer: 1) 2)Epicardium 3)Myocardium 4)Endocardium Question: This is made of fibrous connective tissue and is a sac that inferiorly over the diaphragm & superiorly over bases of large vessels that enter/exit the heart.Answer: Fibrous Question: membrane lining the fibrous pericardiumAnswer: pericardium Question: Epicardium on the of the heart which is a protective layerAnswer: Visceral Question: Where do you find fluid and what is its purpose for the heart?Answer: Serous fluid is found in the pericardial cavity between the & visceral layers. It prevents friction. Question: Thin, serous membrane anchored to the heart. It is a layer.Answer: Epicardium Question: Thick, striated, involuntary cardiac muscle tissue, and is the bulk of the heart. Muscle fibers swirl diagonally the heart in bundles. It performs a pumping action.Answer: Question: Thin, smooth inner layer of chambers. Covers valves of heart & continuous within lining of blood vessels attached to the heart. It permits blood to move thru the heart & prevents abnormal blood clottingAnswer: Endocardium Question: How many chambers of the are there and what are they?Answer: Four (Two upper/atria & two /ventricles) Question: Which chamber of the heart receives oxygenated from the lungs?Answer: Left Question: Which chamber receives deoxygenated from the body?Answer: atrium Question: Which pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs?Answer: Right Question: Which chamber pumps blood to the body?Answer: Left Question: Located in the ventricles of the . They attach to the cusps of the AV valves via the chordae tendinae & contract to prevent inversion or prolapse of these valvesAnswer: Papillary Question: What are tendinae called?Answer: The heart Question: These connect the papillary muscles to the & mitral valvesAnswer: Chordae Question: Which atrioventricular valve is on the side of the heart?Answer: Question: Which atrioventricular valve is on the left side of the ?Answer: /bicuspid Question: Which valve is between the right ventricle & the pulmonary ?Answer: Pulmonary valve Question: Which is between the left ventricle and the aorta?Answer: semilunar valve Question: The pathway followed by the blood from the ascending aorta thru the vessels supplying the heart & returning to the right atrium. Also called cardia circulationAnswer: circulation Question: What vessels are taking blood to the myocardium?Answer: The left & right arteries Question: What blood are taking blood from the myocardium?Answer: The coronary Question: What happens during the ?Answer: Systole: Atrial depolarization (something is getting ready to contract) Question: A group of autorhythmic cardiac muscle fibers that generates & distributes electrical impulses to stimulate coordinated contraction of the chambersAnswer: Conduction Question: What 5 cells form the system?Answer: 1)Sinoatrial (SA) node 2)Atrioventricular (AV) node 3)Atrioventricular (AV) 4)Right & left bundle branches 5)Purkinje fibers Question: What are the 4 that are self-excitable?Answer: Autorhythmic: 1)Cardiomyocites 2)Pacemaker 3)Purkinje cells 4)Smooth muscle cells Question: Name in the correct order the 5 components of the systemAnswer: 1)Sinoatrial (SA) node 2)Atrioventricular (AV) node 3)Atrioventricular 4)Right & left branches 5)Purkinje fibers Question: What is the pacemaker of the heart?Answer: node (SA) Question: What structure causes both atria to simultaneously?Answer: node (SA) Question: How does the AV node allow more time for the to finish contracting?Answer: Cells in the AV node conduct more slowly which allows time for the atrium to finish contracting before the ventricle begins contracting Question: What 3 components cause both ventricles to contract ?Answer: AV bundle, bundle branch or Purkinje Question: A recording of the changes that accompany each cardiac cycle (heartbeat)Answer: Question: Atrial depolarization (contracting). Spread of from SA node over atriaAnswer: P wave Question: Ventricular depolarization (contracting). of impulse through ventriclesAnswer: QRS Question: repolarizationAnswer: T wave Question: Sequence of events in one beatAnswer: cycle Question: What does the cycle consist ofAnswer: Consists of the & diastole of both atria, rapidly followed by the systole & diastole of both ventricles Question: What does mean?Answer: When both atria Question: What does mean?Answer: When both contract Question: The act of listening to within the bodyAnswer: Auscultation Question: What is the heart sound & what is happening in the heart to make this sound?Answer: Lubb: it is caused by closure of the AV valves at the beginning ventricluar systole (tricuspid, /mitral) Question: What is the second heart sound and what is happening in the heart to make this ?Answer: Dupp: it is caused by closure of the semilunar valves at the of ventricular diastole (higher pitch than the first) Question: An sound that consists of a flow noise that is heard before, between, or after the lubb-dupp or that may mask the normal sounds entirelyAnswer: Murmur Question: What is the valve between the left & left ventricle?Answer: /Mitral valve Question: What is the between the right atrium & right ventricle?Answer: Question: What chamber pumps blood to the ?Answer: ventricle Question: What chamber pumps blood into the ?Answer: Left Question: What chamber receives oxygenated blood from the ?Answer: Left Question: What chamber receives blood from the body?Answer: Right Question: What valve is between the left ventricle and ?Answer: Aortic Question: What valve is between the ventricle & pulmonary trunk?Answer: Pulmonary Question: Which blood vessel primarily deoxygenated blood from parts of the above above the heart?Answer: vena cava Question: Where would an embolus originating in the coronary sinus first ?Answer: Right Question: Which chamber of the heart has the thickest of myocardium?Answer: Left Question: How does the heart during a normal heart action?Answer: The two atria contract together and then the two ventricles together Question: What are sounds produced by?Answer: Closure of the valves Question: Heart rate and of contraction are controlled by the cardiovascular center, which is located where?Answer: Medulla Question: The portion of the ECG that corresponds to depolarization is what?Answer: P Question: The opening in the semilunar valves is due to the in what?Answer: The ventricles exceeding the pressure in the and pulmonary trunk Question: A wrinkled pouch-like structure on the surface of each atriumAnswer: Auricle Question: Important in equal blood output from both ventricles is called what?Answer: The Frank-Starling law of the Question: Related to the of the cardiac muscle cells in the atriaAnswer: The -Starling law of the heart Question: What is the 5 steps in the pathway of an action potential thru the 's conduction system?Answer: 1) SA node 2)AV node 3)AV 4)Left & right branches 5)Purkinje fibers Question: Equals stroke volume (SV) x rate (HR)Answer: Cardiac Question: Most problems are due to what?Answer: circulation Question: What is the volume of blood per minute pumped from the left into the aorta called?Answer: output Question: What does output measure?Answer: The effectiveness of the heart to pump Question: What is the amount of blood by the left ventricle each contraction or beat called?Answer: Stroke Question: What is the number of heartbeats per minute ?Answer: Heart Question: What is the -Starling law of the heart?Answer: The more the heart is stretched = the greater the of contraction Question: How does the center in the medulla regulate heart rate?Answer: 1) Sympathetic impulses increase heart rate & force of contraction
2) Parasympathetic decrease heart rate Question: How do baroreceptors ?Answer: detect change in BP and send info to the cardiovascular center Question: List some factors that heart rateAnswer: Epinephrine, norepinephrine, thyroid hormones, correct sodium - potassium - and calcium concentrations, , age, gender, physical fitness, & temperature Question: Explain how aerobic exercise benefits cardiac , gas exchange, and metabolismAnswer: Aerobic exercise increases cardiac output & metabolic rate Question: List some of the of regular exerciseAnswer: Decreases anxiety & depression, controls weight, increases ability to dissolve blood clots by increasing fibrinolytic Question: Condition in which the heart muscle receives an amount of blood due to obstruction of its blood supplyAnswer: Coronary artery Question: Death of an area of muscle from lack of oxygenAnswer: Myocardial Question: Heart pain from ischemia of muscleAnswer: Angina Question: Process in which smooth muscle cells proliferate and fatty substances, especially cholesterol & , accumulate in the walls of the medium-sized and large arteries in response to certain stimuli, such as endothelial damageAnswer: Question: An irregularity in heart rhythm resulting from a defect in the conduction of the heartAnswer: Arrhythmia Question: What is ?Answer: Slow beat Question: What is ?Answer: Fast heart Question: What is ?Answer: Rapid/uncoordinated beat Question: Chronic or acute state that results when the heart is not capable of supply the oxygen demands of the Answer: Congestive failure |
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