The Cardiovascular System: The Heart
Routes thru which oxygenated blood flows from the left ventricle through the aorta to all the organs except for the lungs & deoxygenated blood returns to the right atrium | show ๐
show | Capillaries (during systemic circulation)
The flow of deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs & the return of oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium | show ๐
List the order of blood flow from superior vena cava to body | show ๐
An anatomical region that includes all the visceral organs within the thoracic cavity except the lungs | show ๐
show | 1)Heart, vessels of the heart 2)esophagus 3)trachea 4)phrenic nerve 5)cardiac nerve 6)thoracic duct 7)thymus 8)lymph nodes of central chest
show | The human heart is approx. the size of a human fist
Membrane that surrounds the heart. It is a loos fitting double-layered sac | show ๐
What are the 3 functions of the pericardium? | show ๐
show | 1) Pericardium 2)Epicardium 3)Myocardium 4)Endocardium
This is made of fibrous connective tissue and is a sac that extends inferiorly over the diaphragm & superiorly over bases of large vessels that enter/exit the heart. | show ๐
show | Parietal pericardium
show | Visceral pericardium
Where do you find serous fluid and what is its purpose for the heart? | show ๐
Thin, serous membrane anchored to the heart. It is a protective layer. | show ๐
show | Myocardium
Thin, smooth inner layer of chambers. Covers valves of heart & continuous within lining of blood vessels attached to the heart. It permits blood to move easily thru the heart & prevents abnormal blood clotting | show ๐
show | Four (Two upper/atria & two lower/ventricles)
Which chamber of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs? | show ๐
Which chamber receives deoxygenated blood from the body? | show ๐
Which chamber pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs? | show ๐
Which chamber pumps oxygenated blood to the body? | show ๐
Located in the ventricles of the heart. They attach to the cusps of the AV valves via the chordae tendinae & contract to prevent inversion or prolapse of these valves | show ๐
show | The heart strings
These connect the papillary muscles to the tricuspid & mitral valves | show ๐
Which atrioventricular valve is on the right side of the heart? | show ๐
show | Mitral/bicuspid
show | Pulmonary semilunar valve
Which valve is between the left ventricle and the aorta? | show ๐
show | Coronary circulation
What blood vessels are taking blood to the myocardium? | show ๐
What blood vessels are taking blood from the myocardium? | show ๐
What happens during the Pwave? | show ๐
show | Conduction system
show | 1)Sinoatrial (SA) node 2)Atrioventricular (AV) node 3)Atrioventricular (AV) bundle 4)Right & left bundle branches 5)Purkinje fibers
What are the 4 cells that are self-excitable? | show ๐
Name in the correct order the 5 components of the conduction system | show ๐
show | Sinoatrial node (SA)
What structure causes both atria to contract simultaneously? | show ๐
show | Cells in the AV node conduct impulses more slowly which allows time for the atrium to finish contracting before the ventricle begins contracting
What 3 components cause both ventricles to contract simultaneously? | show ๐
A recording of the electrical changes that accompany each cardiac cycle (heartbeat) | show ๐
show | P wave
show | QRS complex
show | T wave
Sequence of events in one heart beat | show ๐
show | Consists of the systole & diastole of both atria, rapidly followed by the systole & diastole of both ventricles
show | When both atria contract
show | When both ventricles contract
show | Auscultation
show | Lubb: it is caused by closure of the AV valves at the beginning ventricluar systole (tricuspid, bicuspid/mitral)
What is the second heart sound and what is happening in the heart to make this sound? | show ๐
An abnormal sound that consists of a flow noise that is heard before, between, or after the lubb-dupp or that may mask the normal sounds entirely | show ๐
show | Bicuspid/Mitral valve
show | Tricuspid
show | Right ventricle
What chamber pumps blood into the aorta? | show ๐
show | Left atrium
show | Right atrium
show | Aortic valve
show | Pulmonary valve
show | Superior vena cava
show | Right atrium
Which chamber of the heart has the thickest layer of myocardium? | show ๐
How does the heart contract during a normal heart action? | show ๐
show | Closure of the heart valves
Heart rate and strength of contraction are controlled by the cardiovascular center, which is located where? | show ๐
The portion of the ECG that corresponds to atrial depolarization is what? | show ๐
The opening in the semilunar valves is due to the pressure in what? | show ๐
show | Auricle
show | The Frank-Starling law of the heart
show | The Frank-Starling law of the heart
What is the 5 steps in the pathway of an action potential thru the heart's conduction system? | show ๐
Equals stroke volume (SV) x heart rate (HR) | show ๐
show | Coronary circulation
What is the volume of blood per minute pumped from the left ventricle into the aorta called? | show ๐
show | The effectiveness of the heart to pump blood
What is the amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle each contraction or beat called? | show ๐
show | Heart rate
What is the Frank-Starling law of the heart? | show ๐
How does the cardiovascular center in the medulla regulate heart rate? | show ๐
How do baroreceptors function? | show ๐
show | Epinephrine, norepinephrine, thyroid hormones, correct sodium - potassium - and calcium concentrations, emotions, age, gender, physical fitness, & temperature
Explain how aerobic exercise benefits cardiac output, gas exchange, and metabolism | show ๐
List some of the benefits of regular exercise | show ๐
show | Coronary artery disease
Death of an area of heart muscle from lack of oxygen | show ๐
show | Angina pectoris
show | Atherosclerosis
An irregularity in heart rhythm resulting from a defect in the conduction system of the heart | show ๐
What is bradycardia? | show ๐
show | Fast heart beat
What is fibrillation? | show ๐
show | Congestive heart failure
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