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A & P Root 9-10

A & P Root Words Pg 9-10

natr sodium
nephr nephron,kidney
noct night
ocul eye
odont tooth
onco cancer
ophthalm eye
orchid testis
osteo bone
oto ear
ov, oo egg
oxy oxygen
path disease
ped children
phag eat
pharm drug
phleb vein
photo light
physio nature(function) of
pino drink
plex twisted,woven
pneumo air,breath
pneumon lung
pod foot
poie make,produce
pol axis,having poles
presby old
proct rectum
pseud false
psych mind
pyel pelvis
pyo pus
pyro heat,fever
ren kidney
rhino nose
rigor stiffness
sarco flesh,muscle
scler hard
semen,semin seed,sperm
sept contamination
sigm Σ or roman s
sin cavity,recess
son sound
spiro,spire breathe
stat,stas a standing,stopping
syn together
systol contract,stand together
tachy fast
therm heat
thromb clot
tom a cut,a slice
tox poison
troph grow,nourish
tympan drum
varic enlarged vessel
vas vessel,duct
vesic bladder,blister
vol volume
neur nerve
Created by: Tammy618
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