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Self study: joints

the more protected a joint is, generally, the _______ mobile it is less
hilton's law the nerves supplying the muscles, which move the joint, and skin, which overlies the joint, also supply the joint itself
the vessels supplying and draining the region surrounding the joint also supply a nd drain the ______ joint
these can move a joint, and also stabilize a joint muscles
these are present to prevent motion. generally, they attach to two bony structures (unlike tendons which attach from a muscle to a bone or another tissue) ligaments
they stabilize a joint and are the "last line of defense" to prevent traumatic motions ligaments
these protects bones and stabilizes joints cartilage
protect structures that move around a joint. they are named for their locations and/or what structures they protect bursae
bony elements united by fibrous tissue fibrous
bony elements united by a sheet of fibrous tissue. (example: radio-ulnar joint) syndesmosis
peg like bony element stabilized by fibrous tissue (example: dento-alveolar joint) Gomphosis
this type of joint is generally the least mobile joint fibrous
these types of joints have bony elements united by cartilage cartilinous
bony elements united by hyualine cartilage (also named a primary cartilaginous joint) example: developing long bone epiphysis synchondrosis
bony elememts united by fibrous cartilage (also named a secondary cartilaginous joint--ex: intervertebral joint symphysis
this is the most well known type of joint in which there is an articular cavity containing synovial fluid synovial joint
in a synovial joint, this allows the articular surfaces of bones to glide smoothly and provides nourishment to the joint elements synovial fluid
synovial joints are usually reinforced by... ligaments
what are the six kinds of synovial joints hinge (elbow), pivot (AO), saddle (pollex), condylar (MCP) plane (AC), ball and socket (coxofemoral)
name some upper limb joints sternoclavicular, AC, Glenohumeral, elbow, radio-ulnar, radiocarpal, carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal, interphaangeal
this joint is important because it is the ONLY bony attachment of the upper limb complex to the thorax. it is so strong tat it is more common to fracture the clavicle than to fracture this joint sternoclavicular
name some shoulder joints AC, glenohumeral, coracoacromial, scapuloclavicular
these attache the upper limb to the clavicle via the acromion and coracoid process acromioclaviclar ligament, coracoclavicular ligament
this is a synovial ball and socket joint that is very mobile, unstable, and attaches at the shoulder glenohumeral joint
this is a glenohumeral stabilizer that prevents superior movement. it limits abduction of the humerus unless the humerus is rotated laterally coracoaromial arch
this is a glenohumeral stabilizer that attaches to the humerus and glenoid fossa, reinforced by the glenoid labrum and glenohumeral ligaments capsule of the glenohumeral joint
this is a glenohumeral stabilizer that are muscles that stabilize the humeral head and keep it from slipping anteriorly or posteriorly rotator cuff muscles
this muscle travels through the glenoid capsule on its path to attach on the supraglenoid tubercle tendon of the long head of biceps brachii muscle
the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle i sheld in place by this ligament. if this ligament ruptures, the tendon of the long head of biceps brachii can become displaced transverse humeral ligament
this structure facilitates movement of deltoid and supraspinatus muscles subacromial bursa
this synovial joint is composed of multiple bony articulations elbow
ligaments of the elbow are... ulnar collateral lig, radial collateral lig.
these bursa of hte elbow protect the triceps brachii and the olecranon process. they can become inflamed due to repetitive use, acute injury, etc. olecranon bursae
these elbow joints allow supination and pronation radio ulnar joints
the proximal radio ulnar joint is stabilized by this ligament, which keeps the radial head in place as it rotates during supination/pronation anular ligament
how do the radius and ulna move in relation to each other the ulna is relatively fixed and the radius moves around it
this part of hte distal radioulnar joint unites the radius and ulna articular disc
the wrist joint is reinforced by these anteriorly and posteriorly radiocarpal ligaments
the wrist joint articulates with these carpal bones scaphoid, lunate, articular disc, triquietrum
the wrist joint is stabilized by these radial and ulnar collateral ligaments and a variety of fibrous ligaments
this structure of the thumb allows biaxial movement and circumduction all to about the same degree saddle shaped joint
metacarpophalangeal joints are this shape, permitting movement in two planes: flexion and extension, abduction and adduction condylar
the ligaments restrict abduciton at the MCP joints medial and lateral collateral ligaments
these joints in the fingers are hinge joints, permitting flexion and extension. IP joints
the IP joints are stabilized by these ligaments, which further restrict other motions outside of flexion and extension medial and lateral collateral ligaments
the hip is this type of joint permitting all movements synovial ball and socket joint
the articular surface of the head of femur articulates with this bony structure lunate surface of the acetabulum
within the joint capsule, this ligament transmits an artery to the femoral head. this ligament is not structural and arises from the acetabular notch ligament of the head of the femur
the acetabulum is surrounded by this fibrocartilage which increases the depth of the socket, stabilizing the femoral head in the acetabulum acetabular labrum
this is one of the most commonly injured joints and is synovial knee
this muscle stabilizes the knee anteriorly quadriceps muscle, patellar ligament
this muscle stabilizes the knee medially sartorius, gracillis
this muscle stabilizes the knee laterally tensor fascia lata
this muscle stabilizes the knee posteriorly semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius, popliteus
ligaments that stabilize the knee ACL, PCL, medial collateral, lateral collateral, patellar
these ligaments limit medial and lateral motion of the knee medial and lateral collateral ligaments
these cushion otion antero-posteriorly and medio-laterally. they also form a wedge anteriorly and posteriorly to prevent the tibia from translating relative to the femur. menisci
these knee ligaments limit antero-posterior translation of the tibia on femur ACL and PCL
this ligament of the knee limits anterior translation of the tibia ACL
this ligament limits posterior translation of the tibia PCL
this ligament attaches between the patella and tibial tuberosity. it stabilizes the patella. patellar ligament
these bursa are around the knee for protection prepatellar, infrapatellar, suprapatellar, popliteus, anserine, semimembranosus, gastrocnemius
these are tibiofibular joints proximal tibiofibular joint, tibiofibular syndesmosis
the tibiofibular syndesmosis is strengthened by these interoseous ligament, tibiofibular ligament
this ligament in the ankle is a strong fan of connective tissue that connects the medial malleolus to the tarsal bones. deltoid ligament
these are the lateral ankle ligaments that connect the lateral malleolus to the tarsal bones. they are named for the bones which they connect anterior talofibular, calcaneofibular, posterior talofibular
these are plantar ligaments that support longitudinal arches of the foot long plantar ligament, short plantar ligament, calcaneonavicular ligament
Created by: aferdo01
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