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Upper Extremities
GA1 - T3 - Upper Extremities
Question | Answer |
Trapezius - O | Upper: External Occipital Protuberance Ligamentum nuchae Middle: C7-T3 Spinous Processes Lower: T4-T12 Spinous Processes |
Trapezius - I | Upper: Lateral third of clavicle Acromiom of scapula Middle: Spine of scapula Lower: Root of spine of scapula |
Trapezius - A | Upper: Elevation Upward rotation of scapula Middle: Retraction of scapula Lower: Depression Upward rotation of scapula |
Trapezius - N | Accessory n. (CNXI) spinal part (motor) C3, 4 spinal ns. |
Levator Scapule - O | C1-4 (tp's) |
Levator Scapule - I | Vertebral border of scapula from superior angle to root of spine |
Levator Scapule - A | Elevation Medial (downward) rotation of scapula |
Levator Scapule - N | Dorsal scapular n. (C5) C3, 4 spinal ns. |
Rhomboids Major & Minor - O | Major: T2-T5 (sp's) Minor: C7 & T1 (sp's) |
Rhomboids Major & Minor - I | Major: Vertebral border of scapula from root of spine to inferior angle Minor: Root of spine of scapula |
Rhomboids Major & Minor - A | Retraction of scapula Downward rotation of scapula |
Rhomboids Major & Minor - N | Dorsal scapular n. (C4, 5) |
Serratus Anterior - O | Lateral surface of upper 8 ribs |
Serratus Anterior - I | Vertebral border of scapula - anterior surface |
Serratus Anterior - A | Protraction/upward rotation of scapula Upward rotation of scapula Stabilizes scapula against chest wall Depression of scapula (lower fibers) Assists forced exhalation |
Serratus Anterior - N | Long thoracic n. (C5, 6, 7) |
Pectoralis Minor - O | Anterior surface of ribs 3, 4, 5 near costal cartilage |
Pectoralis Minor - I | Coracoid process of scapula (medial border of superior surface) |
Pectoralis Minor - A | Protraction, Depression, Downward rotation, Anterior tilt of scapula Assists forced inhalation |
Subclavius - O | 1st rib costocartilage junction |
Subclavius - I | Inferior shaft of clavicle - middle 1/3 |
Subclavius - A | Depresses clavicle Stabilizes sternoclavicular joint |
Subclavius - N | Subclavian n. (C5, 6) |
Pectoralis Major - O | Clavicular Head: Medial half of clavicle Sternocostal Head: Sternum Cartilage of superior 6 ribs Aponeurosis of external oblique m. |
Pectoralis Major - I | Lateral lip of bicipital (intertubercular) groove of humerous |
Pectoralis Major - A | Adduction Horizontal adduction Medial rotation of humerus Clavicular Head: Flexion of humerus Sternocostal head: Extension of humerus Assists anterior tilt of scapula |
Pectoralis Major - N | Clavicular head: Lateral & medial pectoral ns. (C5,6) Sternocostal head: Medial pectoral n. (C7,8, T1) |
Latissimus Dorsi - O | Thoracolumbar aponeurosis Lower 6 thoracic sp's+Sacrum Iliac crest of ilium Lower 3-4 ribs Inferior angle of scapula |
Latissimus Dorsi - I | Bicipital (intertubercular) groove of humerus |
Latissimus Dorsi - A | Extension Medial rotation Adduction of humerus Medial (downward) rotation of scapula Assists depression of scapula |
Latissimus Dorsi - N | Thoracodorsal n. (C6, 7, 8) |
Supraspinatus - O | Supraspinous fossa of scapula |
Supraspinatus - I | Greater tubercle of humerous (superior facet) |
Supraspinatus - A | Initiates abduction Stabilization of head of humerous |
Supraspinatus - N | Suprascapular n. (C4, 5, 6) |
Infraspinatus - O | Infraspinous fossa of scapula |
Infraspinatus - I | Greater tubercle of humerus (middle facet) |
Infraspinatus - A | Lateral rotation Extension of humerus |
Infraspinatus - N | Suprascapular n. (C5, 6) |
Teres Minor - O | Upper 2/3 of axillary border of scapula |
Teres Minor - I | Greater tubercle of humerus (inferior facet) |
Teres Minor - A | Lateral rotation Extension of humerus |
Teres Minor - N | Axillary n. (C5, 6) |
Subscapularis - O | Subscapular fossa of scapula |
Subscapularis - I | Lesser tubercle of humerus |
Subscapularis - A | Medial rotation Adduction of humerus |
Subscapularis - N | Upper & Lower Suprascapular ns. (C5, 6, 7) |
Teres Major - O | Inferior angle of scapula (dorsal surface) Lower third of axillary border of scapula |
Teres Major - I | Medial lip of bicipital groove of humerus |
Teres Major - A | Extension Medial rotation Adduction of humerus |
Deltoids - O | Anterior: Lateral third of clavicle Middle: Acromiom of scapula - lateral surface Posterior: Spine of scapula |
Deltoids - I | Anterior: Flexion Horizontal adduction Medial rotation of humerus Middle: Abduction of humerus to 90 degrees Posterior: Extension, Horizontal adduction, Lateral rotation, scaption of humerus |
Deltoids - N | Axillary n. (C5, 6) |
Coracobrachialis - O | Coracoid process of scapula |
Coracobrachialis - I | Middle 1/3 of medial surface of humeral shaft |
Coracobrachialis - A | Flexion Adduction of humerus |
Coracobrachialis - N | Musculocutaneous n. (C5, 6, 7) |
Biceps Brachii - O | Short Head: Coracoid process of scapula Long Head: Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula |
Biceps Brachii - I | Tuberosity of radius & antebrachial fascia via Bicipital aponeurosis |
Biceps Brachii - A | Flexion of elbow Supination of forearm Short head: Flexion of humerus |
Biceps Brachii - N | Musculocutaneous n. (C5, 6) |
Brachialis - O | Lower half of anterior shaft of humerus |
Brachialis - I | Tuberosity of ulna Coronoid process of ulna |
Brachialis - A | Flexion of elbow |
Brachialis - N | Musculocutaneous n. (C5, 6) |
Triceps Brachii - O | Long Head: Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula Lateral Head: Posterior humerous above spiral groove Medial Head: Posterior humerus below spiral groove |
Triceps Brachii - I | Olecranon process of ulna |
Triceps Brachii - A | Extension of elbow Long Head: Extension of humerus |
Triceps Brachii - N | Radial n. (C6, 7, 8) |
Flexor Carpi Radialis - O | Medial epicondyle of humerus (common flexor tendon) |
Flexor Carpi Radialis - I | Bases of 2nd & 3rd metacarpals |
Flexor Carpi Radialis - A | Flexion Abduction of wrist (radial deviation) |
Flexor Carpi Radialis - N | Medain n. (C6, 7) |
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris - O | Humeral head: Medial epicondyle of humerus (common flexor tendon) Ulnar head: Proximal posterior ulna Olecranon process of ulna |
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris - I | Pisiform carpal bone+Hamate carpal bone Base of 5th metacarpal |
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris - A | Flexion Adduction of wrist (ulnar deviation) |
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris - N | Ulnar n. (C7, 8) |
Palmaris Longis - O | Medial epicondyle of humerus (common flexor tendon) |
Palmaris Longis - I | Palmar aponeurosis Flexor retinaculum |
Palmaris Longis - A | Assists flexion of wrist |
Palmaris Longis - N | Median n. (C7, 8) |
Pronator Teres - O | Humeral head: Medial epicondyle of humerus Ulnar head: Coronoid process of ulna |
Pronator Teres - I | Middle of lateral shaft of radius |
Pronator Teres - A | Pronation of forearm Assists in flexion of elbow |
Pronator Teres - N | Median n. (C6, 7) |
Pronator Quadratus - O | Distal fourth of anterior ulna |
Pronator Quadratus - I | Distal fourth of anterior radius |
Pronator Quadratus - A | Pronates forearm |
Pronator Quadratus - N | Median n. (C8, T1) |
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis - O | Humeroulnar head: Medial epicondyle of humerus (common flexor tendon) Coronoid process of ulna Radial head: Anterior oblique line of radius |
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis - I | Sides of shafts of middle phalanges of 4 fingers |
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis - A | Flexion of 4 fingers at PIP joints Assists flexion of wrist |
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis - N | Medan n. (C7, 8, T1) |
Flexor Digitorum Profundis - O | Proximal 3/4 of anterior ulna Interosseous membrane |
Flexor Digitorum Profundis - I | Bases of distal phalanges of 4 fingers |
Flexor Digitorum Profundis - A | Flexion of 4 fingers at DIP joints Assists flexion of wrist |
Flexor Digitorum Profundis - N | Radial 2 fingers: Median n. (C8, T1) Ulnar 2 fingers: Ulnar n. (C8, T1) |
Flexor Pollicis Longus - O | Middle of anterior radius Interosseous membrane |
Flexor Pollicis Longus - I | Distal phalanx of thumb |
Flexor Pollicis Longus - A | Flexion of thumb at IP joint |
Flexor Pollicis Longus - N | Median n. (C8, T1) |
Brachioradialis - O | Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus |
Brachioradialis - I | Styloid process of radius |
Brachioradialis - A | Flexion of elbow with forearm in neutral position (mid-position, halfway between supination and pronation) Flexes in supinated/pronated position |
Brachioradialis - N | Radial n. (C5, 6, 7) |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus - O | Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus Lateral epicondyle of humerus |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus - I | Base of 2nd metacarpal |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus - A | Extension Abduction of wrist (radial deviation) |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus - N | Radial n. (C6, 7) |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis - O | Lateral epicondyle of humerus (common extensor tendon) |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis - I | Base of 3rd metacarpal |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis - A | Extension of wrist |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis - N | Radial n. (C6, 7) |
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris - O | Humeral head: Lateral epicondyle of humerus (common extensor tendon) Ulnar head (deep to humeral head): Posterior proximal ulna - subcutaneous border |
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris - I | Base of 5th metacarpal |
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris - A | Extension Adduction of wrist (ulnar deviation) |
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris - N | Radial n. (C7, 8) |
Extensor Digitorum - O | Lateral epicondyle of humerus (common extensor tendon) |
Extensor Digitorum - I | Via extensor expansion of 4 fingers into base of 2nd & 3rd phalanges |
Extensor Digitorum - A | Extension of 4 fingers at MP joints & interphalangeal joints |
Extensor Digitorum - N | Radial n. (C6, 7, 8) |
Extensor Digiti Minimi - O | Lateral epicondyle of humerus (common extension tendon) |
Extensor Digiti Minimi - I | Via extensor expansion of little (5th) finger into 2nd & 3rd (proximal & distal) phalangeals |
Extensor Digiti Minimi - A | Extension of little (5th) finger at MP joint Assists extension of wrist & interphalangeal joints |
Extensor Digiti Minimi - N | Radial n. (C7, 8) |
Supinator - O | Lateral epicondyle of humerus Annular ligament of radius Radial collateral ligaments Proximal ulna at supinator crest |
Supinator - I | Lateral surface of proximal 1/3 of radius between anterior & posterior oblique lines |
Supinator - A | Supination of forearm |
Supinator - N | Radial n. (C7, 8) |
Extensor Indicis - O | Posterior Ulna Interosseous membrane |
Extensor Indicis - I | Via extensor expansion of index (2nd) finger into base of 2nd & 3rd (proximal & distal) phalanges |
Extensor Indicis - A | Extension of index finger at MP joint Assists extension of wrist & interphalangeal joints |
Extensor Indicis - N | Radial n. (C7, 8) |
Abductor Pollicis Longus - O | Posterior radius Posterior ulna Interosseous membrane |
Abductor Pollicis Longus - I | Base of 1st metacarpal |
Abductor Pollicis Longus - A | Abduction of thumb at CM joint Assists wrist abduction |
Abductor Pollicis Longus - N | Radial n. (C7, 8) |
Extensor Pollicis Longus - O | Posterior ulna - middle 1/3 Interosseous membrane |
Extensor Pollicis Longus - I | Base of distal phalanx of thumb |
Extensor Pollicis Longus - A | Extension of thumb at IP joint Assists wrist abduction |
Extensor Pollicis Longus - N | Radial n. (C7, 8) |
Extensor Pollicis Brevis - O | Posterior radius Interosseous membrane |
Extensor Pollicis Brevis - I | Base of proximal phalanx of thumb |
Extensor Pollicis Brevis - A | Extension of thumb at MP joint Assists wrist abduction |
Extensor Pollicis Brevis - N | Radial n. (C7, 8) |
Abductor Pollicis Brevis - O | Flexor retinaculum Trapezium carpal bone Scaphoid carpal bone |
Abductor Pollicis Brevis - I | Base of proximal phalanxe of thumb - radial side |
Abductor Pollicis Brevis - A | Abduction of thumb at CM joint |
Abductor Pollicis Brevis - N | Median n. (C8, T1) |
Adductor Pollicis - O | Transverse head: Anterior shaft of 3rd metacarpal Oblique head: Base of 2nd & 3rd metacarpals Capitate carpal bone Trapezoid carpal bone Trapezium carpal bone |
Adductor Pollicis - I | Base of proximal phalanx of thumb - medial side |
Adductor Pollicis - A | Adduction of thumb at CM joint |
Adductor Pollicis - N | Ulnar n. (C8, T1) |
Flexor Pollicis Brevis - O | Superficial head: Flexor retinaculum Trapezium carpal bone Deep head: Trapezoid carpal bone Capitate carpal bone |
Flexor Pollicis Brevis - I | Base of proximal phalanx of thumb - radial side |
Flexor Pollicis Brevis - A | Flexion of thumb at MP joint |
Flexor Pollicis Brevis - N | Superficial head: Median n. (C8, T1) Deep head: Ulnar n. (C8, T1) |
Opponens Pollicis - O | Flexor retinaculum Trapezium carpal bone |
Opponens Pollicis - I | Lateral shaft of 1st metacarpal |
Opponens Pollicis - A | Opposition of thumb at CM joint |
Opponens Pollicis - N | Median n. (C8, T1) |
Flexor Digiti Minimi - O | Flexor retinaculum Hook of hamate carpal bone |
Flexor Digiti Minimi - I | Base of proximal phalanx of little (5th) finger |
Flexor Digiti Minimi - A | Flexion of little (5th) finger at MP joint |
Flexor Digiti Minimi - N | Ulnar n. (C8, T1) |
Opponens Digiti Minimi - O | Flexor retinaculum Hook of the hamate carpal bone |
Opponens Digiti Minimi - I | Ulnar border of 5th metacarpal |
Opponens Digiti Minimi - A | Opposition of little (5th) finger at CM joint |
Opponens Digiti Minimi - N | Ulnar n. (C8, T1) |
Abductor Digiti Minimi - O | Pisiform carpal bone |
Abductor Digiti Minimi - I | Base of proximal phalanx of little (5th) finger - ulnar side |
Abductor Digiti Minimi - A | Abduction of little (5th) finger at MP joint |
Abductor Digiti Minimi - N | Ulnar n. (C8, T1) |
Lumbricals (4) - O | Flexor digitorum profundus tendons |
Lumbricals (4) - I | Extensor expansion of index, middle, ring, & little (2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th) fingers at proximal phalanges - radial side |
Lumbricals (4) - A | Flexion of fingers at MP joints Extension of fingers at PIP & DIP joints |
Lumbricals (4) - N | 1st & 2nd lumbricals (radial 2 fingers): Median n. (C8, T1) 3rd & 4th lumbricals (ulnar 2 fingers): Ulnar n. (C8, T1) |
Palmar interossei (3) - O | Shaft of 2nd, 4th, & 5th metacarpals - palmar surface |
Palmar interossei (3) - I | Base of proximal phalanges to extensor expansion of index, ring, and little (2nd, 4th, & 5th) fingers |
Palmar interossei (3) - A | Adductor of the index, ring, & little (2nd, 4th, & 5th) fingers at MP joints Assists lumbricals in MP flexion and PIP & DIP extension of index, middle, & ring (2nd, 3rd, & 4th) fingers |
Palmar interossei (3) - N | Ulnar n. (C8, T1) |
Dorsal Interossei (4) - O | Each interosseous has 2 heads arising from adjacent dorsal surface of metacarpals |
Dorsal Interossei (4) - I | Base of proximal phalanges to extensor expansion of index, middle, & ring (2nd, 3rd, & 4th) fingers: Radial side of 2nd & 3rd+Ulnar side of 3rd & 4th |
Dorsal Interossei (4) - A | Abduction of index & ring (2nd & 4th) fingers at MP joints Abduction & adduction of middle (3rd) finger at MP joint Assists lumbricals in MP flexion and PIP & DIP extension of index, middle, & ring (2nd, 3rd, & 4th) fingers |
Dorsal Interossei (4) - N | Ulnar n. (C8, T1) |
Pectoralis Minor - N | Medial pectoral n. (C8, T1) |
Teres Major - N | Lower subscapular n. (C5, 6) |
Anconeus - O | Lateral epicondyle of humerus |
Anconeus - I | Olecranon process & upper posterior surface of ulna |
Anconeus - A | Assists extension of elbow |
Anconeus - N | Radial n. (C7, 8, T1) |