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Stack #109461

Intro to Med Term

Intro to Med Termchapter 1
-algia pain
dys- bad, difficult
-ectomy surgical removal
hyper- excessive, increased
hypo- deficient, decreased
-itis inflammation
-osis abnormal condition
-ostomy artificial opening
-otomy surgical incision
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhage abnormal excessive fluid discharge or bleeding
-rrhaphy to suture, stitch
-rrhea abnormal flow of most body fluids
-rrhexis rupture
-sclerosis abnormal hardening
-malacia abnormal softening
-megaly enlargement
-necrosis tissue death
-stenosis abnormal narrowing
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
pre- before
peri- surrounding
post- after
ab- away from
ad- toward
eu- good, normal
inter- between, among
intra- within, inside
sub- under, less, below
supra- above, exessive
cyan/o blue
erythr/o red
leuk/o white
melan/o black
poli/o grey
arteri/o artery
ather/o plaque, fatty substance
arthr/o joint
ileum small intestine
ilium part of hip bone
infection invasion of body by pathogenic organism
inflammation localized response to injury 1 redness, 2 heat, 3 swelling, 4 pain
laceration ragged, torn wound
lesion pathological change of tissues due to disease or injury
mucous specialized mucous membranes that line the body cavities
mucus substance secreted by mucous membranes
myc/o fungus
myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord
my/o muscle
palpation exam technique
palpitation pounding,racing heart
prostate male gland
prostrate collapse, lying flat
pyel/o renal pelvis
py/o pus
pyr/o fever, fire
supination act of rotating arm so palm is forward or upward
suppuration formation or discharge of pus
suturing act of closing wound by stitching
ligation act of binding or tying off blood vessels
triage screening patients to determine priority of need
trauma wound, injury
viral pertaining to a virus
virile masculine traits
sign evidence of disease, objective
symptom observed by patient, subjective
syndrome set of signs and symptoms that occur together
diagnosis identification of disease
differential diagnosis attempt to determine which of several diseases
prognosis forecast, prediction, probable outcome
acute rapid onset, severe course, short duration
chronic long duration, rarely cured
remission partial or complete disappearance of symptons without achieving a cure
Created by: worker
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