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the heart
Question | Answer |
vas/o vascul/o | vessel |
ven/o ven/i | vein |
ventricul/o | ventricle, lower pumping chamber of the heart |
sphygm/o | pulse |
steth/o | chest |
thromb/o | clot |
valvu/o valv/o | valve |
cholesterol/o | choesterol, a liquid substance |
cyan/o | blue |
myx/o | mucus |
ox/o | oxygen |
pericardi/o | pericardium |
phleb/o | vein |
rrhythm/o | rythm |
ather/o | yellowish plaque of fatty substance |
atri/o | atrium, upper receiving heart chamber |
brachi/o | arm |
cardi/o | heart |
angio | vessel ,tube carrying liquid |
aort/o | aorta, largest artery of body |
arter/o arteri/o | artery |
-graphy | process of recording |
-oma | tumor, mass ,swelling |
ectomy | removal, excision, reection |
-megaly | enlargement |
-pathy | disease, emotion |
-brady | slow |
-tachy | fast |
hyper | above, excessive |
-sis | state of condition |
-centesis | surgical puncture to remove fluid |
-lysis | breakdown, seperation |
-plasty | surgical repair |
-constriction | tighten or narrow |
-peri | around |
Pulmonary artery | Artery carrying oxygen-poor blood from the heart to the lungs |
Pulmonary circulation | Flow of the blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart. |
Pulmonary valve | Valve positioned between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. |
Pulmonary vein | One of two pairs of vessels carrying oxygented blood form the lungs to the left atrium o the heart. |
Pulse | Beat of the heart as felt through the walls of the arteries. |
Septum Septae (plural) | Partition or wall deviding a cavity; such as between the right and left atria (interarterial septum) and right and left ventricles (interventricular eptum). |
Sinoarterial node (SA node) | Pacemaker of the heart. |
Sphygmomanometer | Instrument to measure blood pressure. |
Systemic circulation | Flow of the blood from body tissue to the heart and then from the heart back to body tissue. |
Valve | Structure n veins or in the heart that temporarily closes an opening so that blood flows in only one direction. |
Vein | Thin-walled vessel that carries blood from body tissues and lungs back to the heart. Veins contain valves to prevent backflow of blood. |
Venule | Small vein |
Tricuspid valve | Located between that right atrium and the right ventricle; it has three (tri) leafets, or cusps. |
Ventricle | One of 2 lower chambers of the heart. |
Vena cava Venae cavae (plural) | Largest vein in the body. The superior nd inferior venae cave return blood to the right atrium of the heart. |
Systole | Contraction phase of the heartbeat. From the greek systole, a contracting |
Thrombus | bloodclot |
Embolus | moving boodclot |
Carditis | inflamation of the heart |
Bacterial Endocarditis | Inflammation of the linning of the heart because of a bacterial infection |
endocarditis | inflammation of the inner linning of the heart |
mycarditis | inflammation of the heart muscle |
pericarditis | inflammation of the pericardium |
Angiospasm | spasmodic contraction of blood vessels |
Arteriosclerosis | Abnormal hardening of the arteries |
Angiostenosis | narrowing of blood vessele |
Angina pectoris | cruhing, severe chest pain because of temporary lack of blood flow to the heart muscle. Low oxygene suppy |
Treatment Angina | nitroglycerin |
Diastole | Relaxing of the heart |
Cardiomyopathy | any disease of the cardiac muscle |
Hemostasis | process which causes bleeding to stop |
aneurysm | localized weak spot in the wall of an artery usually caused by atherosclerosis can cause death |
Vericose veins | abnormally wooen veins die to faillure of valves |
Phlebitis | inflammation of vein |
Ischemia | reduced blood flow or temporary deficiency in blood flow. |
Cause of ischemia | blockage or narrowing o blood vessel, clots or atheromas. |
Atria | one of two upper chambers of the heart, receiving chamber |
Ventricle | one of two lower chambers of the heart reveive blood from the atrium |
plasma | liquid portion of blood |
Coronary arteries | blood vessels that branch from the aorta and carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart |
pericardium | double layered membrane surrounding the heart |
leukocyte | white blood cell |
erythrocyte | red blood cell |
thrombocyte | platlettes |
Bundle of HIS | devides into the left bundle branch and the right bundle branch which form the conduction myofibers that extend through the ventricle wall and contract on stimulation |
Purkinje fibers | located in the inner ventricle wall of the heart. Allow the hearts conduction system fo create synchronized contractions of its ventricles to maintain regular rhythm. |
Sino-atrial node | pace maker of the heart |
Atrio-ventricular node | specialized tissue in the wall between the atria |
heart attack | congestive heart failure |
arrhythmia | abnormal heart rhythms |
Bradycardia | fast heart beat |
Tachycardia | slow heart beat |
sphygmomanometer | to measure pulse |
Angiitis | inflammation of blood vessels |
endarterectomy | Surgical removal of plaque from the inner layer of the artery |
Cartoid endarterectomy | removal of fatty deposit blocking the cartoid artery |
atherectomy | removal of a fatty plaque in an artery |
arteriectomy | removal of atheromatous plaque from within a blood vessel |
aneurymectomy | repair weak area of the aorta |