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Upper Extremity
Muscles of the body-Upper extremity
Muscle | Location |
Pectoralis Minor | underneath major, clavicle to ribs |
Serratus anterior | over ribs, connects to scapula, shirtless man |
Trapezius | looks like T on posterior, massaging muscle, goes from high neck to shoulder down to latissimus dorsi |
Levator scapulae | from the transverse processes of C1 to C4 to the superior angle of the scapula; deep to trapezius |
Rhomboid major and minor | shaped like rhombuses; from spinous processes of the vertebrae (C7-T5) to medial scapular border |
Pectoralis major | superficial, pec muscle |
Latissimus dorsi | big back muscle; superficial; medial lip of bicipital groove of humerus to spinous processes from T7 through the Sacrum |
Deltoid | shoulder muscle, superficial |
Teres major | surface of scapula; superficial even though deep to LD, can be seen right above it |
Teres minor | seen right above major but deep to it; scapular muscle; greater tubercle of humerus to bottom tip of scapula |
Coracobrachialis | deep to biceps; anterior; coracoid process of scapula to medial aspect of humerus shaft |
Infraspinatus | deep to deltoid on posterior; on scapula below the spine; Infraspinous fossa of scapula to greater tubercle of humerus |
supraspinatus | from supraspinous fossa of scapula to greater tubercle of humerus; above spine of scapula |
biceps brachii | big, superficial; from glenoid cavity/coracoid process to tuberosity of radius |
Brachialis | deep to biceps; anterior surface of distal half of humerus to coronoid process/tuberosity of ulna |
triceps brachii | lateral head and long head on posterior side of biceps. from glenoid cavity/proximal end of humerus to olecranon w/fascia to forearm |
Brachioradialis | mast. muscle in arm; from ridge of humerus to lateral surface of radius near styloid process |
pronator teres | from coronoid process of ulna to lateral surface of radial shaft |
pronator quadratus | anterior wrist muscle when in AP. |
Supinator | outside of elbow in AP; pronator teres in inside in AP; from epicondyle of humerus to proximal 1/3 of radius |
Flexor carpi ulnaris | flexes carpal bones on medial side of forearm over ulna; deep to flexor digitorum superficialis |
Flexor carpi radialis | most lateral flexor; order goes brachioradialis, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris |
Flexor digitorum superficialis | intermediate flexor on forearm; deep to other flexors; superficial to profundus; tendons go through fingers |
palmaris longus | middle flexor; superficial; in between radialis and ulnaris on anterior side of forearm |
flexor digitorum profundus | deep to digitorum superficialis; tendons are in tops of fingers; medial to flexor pollicis longus |
Flexor pollicis longus | deep flexor in forearm, can be seen next to |
Extensor carpi radialis longus | |
Extensor carpi radialis brevis | |
Extensor carpi ulnaris | posterior, looking from top w/hand down, the most lateral, AP most medial |