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Md Prefixes/Suffixes

medical Prefixes/Suffixes

a, an without
ab away from
ad toward
algia pain
ante before; wall part
anti against
bi two, double
brady slow
circum around
co, con together
de down or away from
desis binding; fixation of
dia through
dys difficult; abnormal
ecto outside
ectomy excision
endo within
epi outer, on top of, over
extra outside, beyond
ferro iron
fore before
form shape of
graphy writing, record
hemi half
hydra, hydro water
hyper above
hypo below
pre before
pro in front of; on behalf of
bis two, double
di two, double
peri around
un difficult, abnormal
mis difficult, abnormal
dis difficult, abnormal
ect outside
exo away from
tomy excision
ento within
oid like, shape; resemble
morpho shape of
gram writing, record
hydr water
iasis condition of
iatric medicine
ic pertaining to
inter between
intra within
isis, asis condition of
itis inflammation of
juxta near
kinesis movement
kinesi, kinesio, kineso movement
kypho humped
logia, logy science of
lysis disintegration
macro large, long
malacia softening
med, medi, medio, medius middle
median middle
mega, megaly enlargement
micro small
mono single, one
multi many
neo new
ob against
oligo few
ology study of
oma tumor
osis condition
otomy incision
semi half
pluri many
pachy thick
para near; departure from the norm
path disease
penia deficiency
pexy fixation, suspension
phobia fear of
phoresis transmission
plasty plastic surgical correction
plegia paralysis; stroke
poly many
post after
pseudo false
ptosis falling
re back, again
retro backward
rrhaphy suture
rhexis rupture
scopy exam
sphygmo pulse
sub below
sym, syn together
tachy swift, quick
tel, tele, telo, telos distance
toxo toxic, poison
trans across
tri three
ultra above
uni one
xeno foreign
xero dry
albus white
chloro green
chrom color
cirrhos yellow
cyano blue
erythr red
leuko white
melano black
polio gray
purpura purple; porphyria
rhodo rose
rubeo red
xantho yellow
Created by: eisesara
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