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Suffixes: Med. Term.
Medical Terminology from Greek and Latin Roots. Suffixes. (GREEK in all caps)
Suffix | Definition |
-able | capable of (being); able |
-AC | pertaining to; located at |
-ACUSIA | hearing |
-ad | forms adverbs; in the direction of, toward |
-ALGIA | pain |
-(e)al | pertaining to, located at |
-(e)an | pertaining to, located at |
-ANASTOMOSIS | an opening between two tubular structures |
-ar | pertaining to |
-ARCHE | beginning of |
-ary | pertaining to |
-ase | an enzyme |
-ate (adj.) | forms adjectives; possessing, having the quality of, characterized by |
-ate (verb) | forms verbs; to perform an action, to bring about an effect |
-ate (noun) | something resulting from a process |
-ation | act of, process of, result of, condition of |
-CARCINOMA | a malignant tumor (of epithelial origin) |
-CELE | swelling; hernia; (in obsolete terms) tumore |
-CENTESIS | surgical puncture with a needle |
-cide | an agent that kills |
-CLASIA, -CLASIS | breaking up, destruction; (surgical) fracture |
-CLYSIS | irrigation, injection of fluid |
-CYESIS | pregnancy |
-CYTHEMIA, -CYTOSIS | an excess of cells in the blood (of a cell type indicated by the base) |
-DESIS | fixation, fusion, binding |
-DYNAMICS | the science of motion under the influence of forces |
-ECTASIA | dilation, expansion |
-ECTOMY | excision, cutting out, surgical removal |
-ECTOPY | displacement |
-EDEMA | swelling, esp. with fluid |
-EMESIS | vomiting |
-(H)EMIA | a condition of the blood |
-EMPHRAXIS | stoppage, obstruction |
-ent, -ant | -ing; carrying out an action indicated by a verbal base (forms adjectives) |
-ESTHESIA, adj. -ESTHETIC | sensation, perception |
-ferous | bearing, carrying, bringing |
-fistula | an opening between two epithelial surfaces |
-GAMY | marriage, sexual union, reproduction |
-GEN | soemthing which produces |
-GENESIS | the act or process of producing; production of |
-GENIC | producing; produced by |
-GENOUS | produced by, arising in; producing |
-GNOSIS | understanding, knowledge, recognition |
-GRAM | a written record |
-GRAPH | an instrument which records; (sometimes) written record |
-GRAPHY | the act or process of recording in writing |
-gravida | a woman who has been pregnant |
-ia/IA | state of, condition of |
-IASIS | disease condition or process; esp. parasitic infection |
-IATRICS | medical treatment of, esp. indicating medical specialty, pertaining to the treatment of |
-ible | capable of (being); able |
-IC | pertaining to |
-ICIAN | a person who studies or practices |
-ICS | science of, study of |
-ile | pertaining to, capable of being |
-in | chemical substance |
-in, -ine | a chemical substance, often a hormone or protein |
-ion | act of |
-ISCHEMIA | loss or suppression of blood flow |
-ISM | state, condition, quality of |
-IST | a person who pratices or is skilled in |
-ITIS | inflammation |
-ition | (less frequent) the act of (verb)ing or the result of being (verb)ed |
-ium, -eum | part, lining, tissue or membrane |
-ive | pertaining to |
-ient | full ofq |
-LITHIASIS | a condition of stones in |
-LYSIS | destruction, disintegration; breaking down; dissolving, decomposition; surgical loosening |
-MALACIA | (abnormal) softening |
-MEGALY | (abnormal) enlargement |
-MER | molecule composed of repeating unites |
-MERE | part |
-METER | an instrument for measuring |
-METRY | the act of measuring |
-NECROSIS | pathological cell death |
-ODYNIA | pain |
-OID | like, resembling |
-ol | an alcohol, -OH group |
-OLOGIST | a person who studies or practices |
-OLOGY | study of, science of |
-OMA | tumor, neoplasm |
-OPIA, -OPSIA | vision |
-or | agent or instrument |
-OREXIA | appetite |
-ose | full of |
-ose | carbohydrate, sugar |
-OSIS | abnormal or diseased condition |
-OSMIA | sense of smell |
-ous | pertaining to, characterized by, full of |
-pagus | conjoined twin |
-para | a woman who has given birth |
-PATHY | any disease of |
-PENIA | lack, deficiency (esp. of a type of cell) |
-PEPSIA | digestion |
-PEXY, -PEXIS | fixation, fastening |
-PHIL, -PHILE | a cell or organism which has an affinity for |
-PHILIA | love; attraction to, affinity for; (psych) abnormal attraction to; (hist.) ability to accept a dye or stain |
-PHOBE | someone who fears; something which stains poorly |
-PHOBIA | (psych.) morbid fear of; avoidance of; (hist.) the quality of staining poorly with a dye |
-PHOR | something which bears or carries |
-PHTHISIS | wasting away, atropy; tuberculosis |
-PHYLAXIS | protection |
-PLASIA | formation, development (esp. of cells) |
-PLASTY | surgical repair or formation; plastic surgery |
-PLEGIA | paralysis |
-PLOID (adj.) | multiple in form; have a (specified) multiple of chromosomes |
-PLOIDY (noun) | the number of haploid sets in a cell |
-PNEA | breathing |
-POIESIS | formation, making, production |
-PRAXIA | doing, performance, action |
-PTOSIS | falling, drooping, prolapse, downward displacement |
-PYREXIA | fever |
-RRHAGIA | excessive flow or discharge, esp. of blood |
-RRHAPHY | surgical suture |
-RRHEA | flow, discharge |
-RRHEXIS | rupture, bursting |
-SCHISIS | splitting, fissure |
-SCOPE | an instrument for viewing or observing |
-SCOPY | the act of viewing, observation |
-SEPSIS | bacterial infection |
-SIS | action, process; state of, condition of |
-SOME | a body or mass |
-STASIS, -STASIA | a standing still, stoppage of flow |
-STENOSIS | abnormal narrowing |
-STHENIA | strength |
-STOMY | surgical formation of an opening |
-THERAPIST | a person trained or skilled in a type of therapy |
-THERAPY, (adj.) -THERAPEUTIC | medical treatment of; medical treatment by means of |
-TOME | a knife, cutting instrument |
-TOMY | incision, cutting |
-TRIPSY | surgical or therapeutic crushing( i.e. of a stone) |
-TROPH | a bacterium nourished by (with a base indicating necessary conditions for growth) |
-TROPHY | growth, nourishment |
-ty | state of, condition of |
-URIA | condtion of the urine or of urination |
-valence, -valency (adj. -valent) | chemical combining power |
-y | state of, condition of |