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Question | Answer |
- contraction if the uterus that happens for 2-3 days after giving birth. The uterus is trying to return to its normal involuted condition. | AFTER PAINS |
– dark pigmented skin surrounding the nipple that contain Montgomerys tubercles that lubricate the nipple. | AREOLA |
– Biparietal Diameter- measurement of fetal head size. (.25cm at term. | BPD (MATERNITY USE) |
–unique to the newborn. Source of heat. Deposits are found around the adrenals, kidneys and neck, between the scapulas and behind the sternum for several weeks after birth. | BROWN FAT |
–lowest and narrow end of the uterus. Situated between the external os and the body or corpus of the uterus and its lower end extends into the vagina. | CERVIX |
– removal of the prepuce (foreskin) exposing the glans penis. | CIRCUMCISION |
– creamy, white to yellowish pre milk that may be expressed from the nipple as early as 16 weeks of gestation. More concentrated so baby wont aspirate and has many nutrients and immunoglobins. High in protein and minerals but less fat than mature milk. | COLOSTRUM |
–uncommon obstetric emergency that increases fetal and maternal death while trying to give birth vaginally. The head is born but the anterior shoulder cannot pass the pubic arch. | DYSTOCIA/SHOULDER DYSTOCIA |
– Estimated Date of Delivery / Estimated Date of Confinement. | EDD/EDC |
- gentle stroking used in massage. | EFFLEURAGE |
- distention of vascular congestion. Swelling of breast tissue brought on by increase in blood and lymph supply to the breast as the body produces milk. Occurs about 72- 96 hours after giving birth and lasts about 48 hours. | ENGORGEMENT |
–surgical incision made at the perineum to enlarge vaginal opening for birth. | EPISIOTOMY |
FHR | -Fetal Heart Rate- 110-160 beats/min |
– way to hold baby while breast feeding. | FOOTBALL HOLD |
– the bladder is full so it forces the fundus to move and become almost spongey to the palpation. | BOGGY -FUNDUS |
– should be firm. Means bladder is empty | FIRM -FUNDUS |
- pregnancy | GRAVIDA (G) |
- prego for the first time | PRIMIGRAVIDA |
- 1st pregnancy’s | MULTIGRAVIDA |
- pain in the leg or calf when dorsiflexion of the foot with the leg extended. It is a sign of DVT in the calf. | HOMAN’S SIGN |
– high bilirubin | HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA |
– low blood glucose. | HYPOGLYCEMIA |
excessive loss of heat that increases respirations and nonshivering thermogenics to maintain core body temperature. | HYPOTHERMIA (COLD STRESS)- |
– stimulation of uterine contractions before the spontaneous onset of labor. | INDUCTION |
– rolling or turning inward, reduction of the size of the uterus after birth and its return to normal size. | INVOLUTION |
– incubator for a newborn | ISOLETTE |
– Intra Uterine Growth Restriction, growth not meeting expectations. (Not enough blood due to HTN in mom). | IUGR |
- tear in the perineum, vagina or cervix during birth. | LACERATION |
- downy, fine hair of fetus between 20 weeks gestation and birth. Most noticeable over the shoulder, forehead, and cheeks. | LANUGO |
(milk ejection reflex)- release of milk caused by contraction myoepithelial cells within the milk glands in response to oxytocin. | LET-DOWN REFLEX – or MER |
LGA | - Large for gestational age. |
LMP | - last menstrual period. Date of the first day of the last menstrual bleed. |
- uterine/ vaginal discharge after birth (during the puerperium) consists of blood, tissue and muscle. | LOCHIA |
- red distinctly blood tinged vaginal flow the follows birth and lasts 2-4 days. | RUBRA |
- serous, pinkish brown, watery vaginal discharge that follows lochia rubra until about the 10th day after birth. | SEROSA |
– thin, yellowish to white vaginal discharge that follows lochia serousa on about the 10th day after birth and may last 2-6 weeks post-partum. | ALBA |
–serious condition where the baby inhales meconium and amniotic fluid into the lungs around the time of delivery. | MECONIUM ASPIRATION |
-staining of the amniotic fluid, placenta, umbilical cord, skin or nails. It sometimes means the fetus was in distress before delivery. | MECONIUM STAINING |
– branch of pediatrics related to the newborn. | NEONATOLOGY |
OBLIGATE NOSE BREATHER | Human infants are commonly described as obligate nasal breathers as they prefer breathing through their nose rather than mouth |
PARA (P) | Used with Roman numerals to designate the number of such pregnancies: (none—nullipara), para I (one—primipara), para II (two—secundipara) |
- giving birth for the first time. | PRIMIPARA |
- more than 1 pregnancy w/ viable offspring | MULTIPARA |
- never given birth | NULLIPARA |
“SOCIAL PRIMIP”- | "Primip" (primigravida) was a woman pregnant for the first time |
- skin covered muscular area that covers the pelvic structures. Between vagina and rectum. | PERINEUM |
PIH - | |
PKU | - Phenylketonuria- recessive hereditary disorder that results in a defect in the metabolism of the amino acid pheylalanine caused by lack of enzyme. If not treated brain damage may occur causing severe mental retardation. |
- begins to form at implantation. Produces hormones needed for normal pregnancy. Protects fetus from immune attack by mom. Separates maternal and fetal blood. Metabolic function: rep, nutrition, excretion, storage | PLACENTA |
excessive bleeding after child birth. A loss of 500mL or more after vaginal birth. A loss of 1000mL after C- Section. | POST-PARTUM HEMORRHAGE (PPH)- |
– infant born at or after the beginning of week 43 or later and demonstrating signs of dysmaturity. | POST-TERM INFANT |
PRETERM INFANT | – born before the completion of 37 weeks of gestation. |
RADIANT WARMER | – bed with an overhead heater for the care of newborns. |
ROM | rupture of membrane |
PROM | premature rupture of membrane (rupture o amniotic sac and leakage of amniotic fluid beginning at least 1 hour before onset of labor at any gestational age). |
AROM | Artificial rupture of membrane (rupture of membrane using plastic AmniHook or surgical clamp). |
ROOMING IN | – maternity room designed so moms bed is in the same room as babies, or just adjacent to the nursery. |
SGA | – small for gestational age. - |
SVD | |
TPAL | - T= term , P=premature labor, A=abortion, L=living kids |
- 1 of 3 periods of about 3 months each. Used to divide pregnancy. | TRIMESTER |
VBAC | vaginal birth after cesarean. |
– capability of living outside the uterus. | VIABILITY |