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Anatomy Vocab #9

Anatomy/Physiology Vocabulary Words #201-225

An increase in size of some organ or region of the body. Hypertrophy
A prefix denoting a subnormal amount of a substance or the lower position of on object in relation to another. Hypo
The middle of the three small bones of the middle ear. Incus
The wavelengths of light lying just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum. Infared
An action which slows down activity or prevents it from occurring. Inhibit
A substance which lacks the element carbon in its molecule. Inorganic
The skin and its appendages. Integument
The period in the life of a cell when it is not dividing. Interphase
The type in which the rods and cones point towards the choroid layer. Inverted Retina
A pigment in cones which is sensitive to color differences. Idopsin
An electrically charged atom, or group of atoms. Ions
The colored portion of the eye. Iris
The ability of protoplasm to respond to a stimulus. Irritability
Small groups of related cells embedded in the pancreas. They form insulin. Islets of Langerhans
Forms of the same element whose atoms differ in the number of neutrons they contain. Isotopes
Yellow color of the skin due to blockage of bile ducts causing excess bile pigments to accumulate in the blood. Jaundice
The point of union between two bones. Joint
The fluid within the nucleus of a cell. Karyolymph
The abnormal curvature of the vertebral column or the sternum in an anterior- posterior plane. Kyphosis
An intricate system of connecting passages. Labyrinth
A lymph duct in a villus in which fat accumulates. Lacteal
A small depression or space. Lacuna
A thin scale or plate. Lamella
The voice box, or Adam's apple. Larynx
Pertaining to the side of the body, situated on either side of the median vertical plane. Lateral
Created by: ksalazar
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