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Anatomy Vocab #9
Anatomy/Physiology Vocabulary Words #201-225
Question | Answer |
An increase in size of some organ or region of the body. | Hypertrophy |
A prefix denoting a subnormal amount of a substance or the lower position of on object in relation to another. | Hypo |
The middle of the three small bones of the middle ear. | Incus |
The wavelengths of light lying just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum. | Infared |
An action which slows down activity or prevents it from occurring. | Inhibit |
A substance which lacks the element carbon in its molecule. | Inorganic |
The skin and its appendages. | Integument |
The period in the life of a cell when it is not dividing. | Interphase |
The type in which the rods and cones point towards the choroid layer. | Inverted Retina |
A pigment in cones which is sensitive to color differences. | Idopsin |
An electrically charged atom, or group of atoms. | Ions |
The colored portion of the eye. | Iris |
The ability of protoplasm to respond to a stimulus. | Irritability |
Small groups of related cells embedded in the pancreas. They form insulin. | Islets of Langerhans |
Forms of the same element whose atoms differ in the number of neutrons they contain. | Isotopes |
Yellow color of the skin due to blockage of bile ducts causing excess bile pigments to accumulate in the blood. | Jaundice |
The point of union between two bones. | Joint |
The fluid within the nucleus of a cell. | Karyolymph |
The abnormal curvature of the vertebral column or the sternum in an anterior- posterior plane. | Kyphosis |
An intricate system of connecting passages. | Labyrinth |
A lymph duct in a villus in which fat accumulates. | Lacteal |
A small depression or space. | Lacuna |
A thin scale or plate. | Lamella |
The voice box, or Adam's apple. | Larynx |
Pertaining to the side of the body, situated on either side of the median vertical plane. | Lateral |