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Ebryology test 1
embryo mash
Question | Answer |
give the 3 derivatives of the 2nd branchial arch | stapes, styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, lesser horn/cornu and superior half of body of the hyoid bone |
give hypomere derivatives of the sacrococcygeal myotomes | skel mm of anus and sex orgams, pelvic diaphragm |
what is the fate of the preotic myotomes | extrinsic eye mm |
nerve of the 3rd pharyngeal arch | CN 9 glossopharyngeal |
as the eye develops, the short posterior ciliary arteries run in the----- and supply the ------ | choroid layer, pigment layer of retina |
name the germ layer (neuroectoderm, surface ectoderm, mesenchyme, endoderm) of the following components associated w/ the eye a.conjunctival epithelium b.lacrimal gland epithelium c.iridopupillary membrane d.shincter and dilator pupillae e.sclera f. | a. surface ectoderm b. surface ectoderm c. surface ectoderm d. neuroectoderm e. mesenchyme f. surface ectoderm |
what specific part of the eye forms from the following: a. outer layer of the optic cup (post. 4/5) b. inner layer of the optic cup (ant 1/5) | a. pigment layer of retina b. inner layer of ciliary body, inner layer of iris |
what specific components develop from the neural layer of the retina | primary rods and cones, secondary bipolar cells, tertiary ganglion cells |
name vessels which develop and remain in the adult to supply the pigment layer of the retina | short post. ciliary artery |
week in which the vascular system appears | 3rd |
name given to the distal 1/3 of the bulbus cordis | truncus arteriosus |
name the adult derivatives of the middle 1/3 of the bulbis cordis | conus arteriosus and the aortic vestibule |
embryonic component responsible for forming the myocardium (not mesenchyme or mesoderm) | myocardial mantle |
partitioning of the common atrium is first indicated by the appearance of | septum primum |
forms the auricles | original embryonic common atrium |
briefly discuss the development of the atrioventricular canals | superior and inferior endocardial cushions grow and fuse across forming the av septum which separates the primary av canal in the right and left av canals |
the dfinitive derivative of the left common cardinal vein | oblique vein of the left atrium |
forms the trabeculated part of the left ventricle only | primitive ventricle |
foramen ovale forms with this embryonic structure | septum secundum |
name 2 muscular components that develop from the 2nd branchial arch | mm of facial expression, post belly of digastric, stapedius, stylohyoid |
give the derivatives from the cartilage of the 6th branchial arch | cartilages of the larynx |
concerning the post 4/5th of the inner layer of the optic cup: a. give its specific name b. what vessel in an adult remains to supply it | a. neural retina b. central artery of retina |
name 3 embryonic arterial networks formed by the end of the 3rd week | vitelline, umbilical, and dorsal aorta |
embryonic component responsible for forming the myocardium (not mesenchyme or mesoderm) | myoepicardial mantle |
specifically what is formed by the original embryonic common atrium | auricles of the r and l atria |
name given to the middle 1/3 of the bulbus cordis | conus cordis |
embryonic component forms nontrabeculated part of right ventricle | conus cordis |
forms the nontrabeclated part of left ventricle | conus cordis |
defects contributing to the Tetralogy of Fallot (all that apply)a. pulmonary stenosis b. atrial septal defect c. ventricular septal defect d. hypertrophy of left ventricle | a,c |
component that specifically forms the saccule | cochlear duct |
component that specifically forms the tubotympanic recess which then forms the tympanic cavity and auditory tube | 1st pharyngeal pouch |
the entire heart is derived from ______ mesoderm located in the ________ plate | splanchnic, cardiogenic |
what embryonic structures take part in the formation of the membranous interventricular septum | right conal ridge, left conal ridge, posterior (inferior) endocardial cushion |
what specific structures is/are derived from the inferior part of the right venous valve of the sa orifice | valve of inferior vena cava, valve of coronary sinus |
vessels which develop from the blood islands of the yolk sac | vitelline |
name hypaxial derivatives of the lumbar myotomes | quadratus lumborum |
list the 3 mm components formed from the 1st branchial arch | mm of mastication, mylohyoid, ant. belly of digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatine |
describe the formation of the tympanic membrane (mention germ layers and embryonic structures involved) | ectoderm from the floor of the 1st pharyngeal cleft, endoderm from expanded 1st pharyngeal pouch, mesoderm intervenes btwn ectodermal and endodermal layers |
during the development of the inner ear, surface ectoderm thickens to form the _______. This item soon invaginates to form an_______, which subsequently loses contact with the surface to form the ________ | otic placode, otic pit, otic vessicle |
give the derivatives from the cartilage of the 2nd branchial arch | stapes, styloid process, lesser horn and superior half of hyoid |
give the specific epimere derivatives of thoracic myotomes | deep intrinsic back muscles thoracic area |
the hypomere is innervated by ________ of spinal nerves and forms ______ (flexor, extensor) mm of the vertebral column | primary ventral rami flexor |
name the muscular components formed from the 4th branchial arch | cricothyroid, levator veli palatini, constrictors of pharynx |
name the germ layer responsible for: a. uveal layer of iris b. choroid layer | a. mesoderm b. mesoderm |
during the development of the eye, the optic cup is attached to the diencephalon by the narrow_________ which later contains the fibers of the optic nerve. In addition, a space termed the ________ separates the inner and outer layers of the optic cup | optic stalk intraretinal cleft |
what causes coloboma | failure of choroid fissure to fuse/close |
what specific part of the eye forms the following? a. outer layer of the optic cup (post. 4/5th) b. inner layer layer of the optic cup (ant. 1/5th) | a. pigment layer of retina b. inner layer of ciliary bodies and iris |
major intraembryonic arteries formed near midline of the embryo | dorsal aortae |
opening that forms when the upper part of the septum primum perforates | ostium secundum |
specifically, what causes the interventricular foramen to close (use adult structures for your answer) | primitive ventricle, proximal 1/3 part of bulbis cordis grow out, causing the medial walls to fuse forming the pars muscularis. complete closure the pars membranosus forms from the left and right conal ridges and the posterior endocardium cushion swelling |
what specific structure(s) is/are derived from the inferior part of the right venous valve of the sa orifice | valve of coronary sinus valve of inferior vena cava |
due to the ___ degree rotation _____ plate, the future pericardial cavity lies______ (dorsal, ventral) to the developing heart | 180 prochordial plate and cardiogenic plate ventral |
specifically, why is the sa fold important? | shifts opening of sinu venosus to right side of common atrium |
briefly discuss the directional movements of the bulbus cordis and primitive ventricle as the bulboventricular sulcus develops | the bulbus cordis gets shifted to the right of the pericardial cavity, and the primitive ventricle gets shifted to the left of the pericardial cavity |
forms the principle cavity of the right atrium | right horn of the sinus venosus |
component that specifically develops from the utricle | semicircular canals |
component that forms the external auditory meatus | 1st pharyngeal cleft |
give the derivatives from cartilages of the 4th and 6th branchial arches | cartilages of larynx |
make a short flow diagram showing the differentiation of a somite | somite---sclerotome ---dermotomes----myotomes |
give the 3 derivatives from the hypomere of the cervical myotomes | scalenes, infrahyoid, geniohyoid |
name the nerve of the 2nd branchial arch | CN VII facial |
the uveal iris forms what part of the iris (outermost part, inner layer, pigment layer, entire iris) | outermost |
draw a small diagram showing the most common appearance of a coloboma | |
list the origin (neuroectoderm, surface ectoderm, mesoderm/mesenchyme, endoderm) of the following eye components a. lens b. neural retina | a. surface ectoderm b. neuroectoderm |
during early development, the primitive heart is suspended in the ______ cavity by a mesentary known as the dorsal____ | pericardial, mesocardium |
give the derivatives of: a. right horn of sinus venosus b. left horn of sinus venosus | a. sinus venarum b. coronary sinus |
give the day when the heart: a. begins to beat b. tubes fuse | a. 22-23 b. 21 |
forms trabeculated part of right ventricle only | trabeculated part of bulbis cordis, proximal 1/3rd of bulbis cordis |
forms the smooth-walled part of the left atrium | primitive single pulmonary valve |
the two most effective methods of birth control are: | embryology lectures, small children |
hypaxial mm are _____ (pre, post axial) in position to the ________ axis | preaxial, spinal |
specifically, why is the sa fold important | shifts the opening into the sinus venosus to the right side of the common atrium |
six elevations termed ________ appear on each side of the 1st pharyngeal cleft. specifically, the elevations eventually form the _______ | hillocks auricle/pinna |