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Liz API T6 Rev Skel

ST110 A&PI T6 Skeletal Review

Sway back Lordosis
Hump back Kyphosis
Crooked back Scoliosis
Immovable joint Synarthrosis
Freely movable joint Diarthrosis
Slightly movable joint Amphiarthrosis
Flexible "soft spots" that facilitate the passage of the infant through the birth canal and allow for growth of the skull Fontanels
Cells that build up bone Osteoblasts
Cells that break down bone Osteoclasts
Cortical bone Compact bone
Cancellous bone Spongy bone
Shaft of the long bone Diaphysis
End of a long bone Epiphyses
How many bones make up the cranium 8
Totally number of bones in the spine and vertebra 26
How many bones make up the cervical vertebra 7
How many bones make up the thoracic vertebrae 12
How many bones make up the lumbar vertebrae 5
Bones form top side of the cranium Parietal
Bones in the wrist Carpals
Knee cap Patella
Hip bone Ilium
Cost/o Rib
Arthr/o Joint
Chondr/o Cartilage
80 bones that comprise the cranium, sternum, vertebral, and ribs Axial skeleton
Near the origin of the limb Proximal
Away from the origin of the extremity Distal
The 126 bones in the upper and lower extremities of the body Appendicular skeleton
Opening in the bone for passage of a structure such as vessels and nerves Foramen
The canal that runs down the middle of the bone Medullary canal
Structure that is full of nerve and bv and aid in nourishment of bone that also covers the bone Periosteum
T/F - After ORIF there is no reason to approximate the periosteum False
Small bones found between certain cranial bones Wormian bones
Where the two ends meet to form a joint Articulation
A white band of fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone Ligaments
ACL is an example of Ligament
Bands or cords that connect muscle to bone Tendons
Bursae Small sacs of fluid
Heel bone Calcaneus
Arthroscopy Visual examination of the internal structure of a joint
A ___ is an example of an immovable joint Suture
When dealing with the ribs, #1-7 are True ribs
When dealing with the ribs, #8-10 are False ribs
When dealing with the ribs, #11, 12 Floating ribs
Embryonic development of bone occurs by methods intramembranous ossification Endochondrial ossification
NOT a bone type Thin (compact bone and cancellous bone are)*
Flat disc of tough Fibrocartilage located between the end if two articulating bones Menisci
Forehead bone Frontal bone
Osteon Haversian system
Upper jaw bone Maxilla
Lower jaw bone Mandible
Bones of the ear include all EXCEPT Vomer (Malleus, Incus, Stapes are)
Two divisions the skeleton is divided into Axial and Appendicular
Fractured wrist that occurs at the distal end of the radius Colle's fracture
Moves away from middle Abduction
Collar bone Clavicle
Turning foot inward at the ankle joint Inversion
Bending foot upward at the ankle joint Dorsiflexion
Fracture that occurs when bone is pressed together on itself Compression
Tail bone Coccyx
Example of hinge joint Elbow
Fracture that only occurs in the pelvis Bucket handle
Fracture that is a horizontal break through the bone Transverse
Bone healing stages - which is the longest Ossification
Intra-articular fracture occurs Inside a joint
Insertion* Muscle attached to the MOVEABLE end of the bone
Does NOT occur in cellular proliferation stage Hematoma (Macorphages, Fibrin mesh, capillaries, and fibroblasts)
T/F - Males have larger hip bone True
Percent of bone that is cancellous 25% is Spongy bone
Osteocytes Maintain bone matrix
When low blood calcium occurs Calcium is released from bone
Percent of bone is compact bone 75% is Cortical bone
Example of saddle joint Thumb
Space/cave within matrix that contains osteocytes Lacuna
Osteoblast Form bone matrix and develop into osteocytes (Both A & B)
When high blood calcium occurs Calcium is stored in bone
NOT part of axial skeleton Pectorial girdle (The axial skeleton is made up of Skull, cranium, ear bones, facial bones, spine, thorax, hyoid bone, vertebra, ribs, sternum)
Functions of skeletal system include all EXCEPT Strength (Support, Protection, Storage, Movement, and Hemopoiesis are)
Bone of the instep/sole/arch Metatarsals
Shin bone, medial lower leg Tibia
Example of short bone Tarsal and Carpals (Both A & B)
Example of irregular bone Vertebrae
NOT a factor in bone maintenance Emotional influence (Exercise and nutrition are)
Fibrous membrane that lives in the medullary cavity Endosteum
T/F - Bones of upper and lower appendages make up the axial skeleton False (The axial skeleton is made up of the cranial, facial, and ear bones)
Needle-like threads of spongy bone surrounds network of space Trabeculae
Thin layer of cartilage covering epiphysis of long bone Articular cartilage
Broken bone with open wound Compound
Move toward midline Adduction
Bending foot downward Plantar flexion
Origin Muscle attached to the IMMOVABLE end of the bone
Around age 16-25, the _____ plate ossifies, marking end of bone growth Epiphyseal
Fracture when the bone and normal tissues are pulled from normal connection Avulsion
This condition results from a deficiency in Vit C Scurvy
This condition results from a deficiency in Vit D Rickets
Bones of the wrist Carpals
The joint between the metacarpal joint of each thumb and a carpal joint Saddle joint
Created by: elizabeth-mcw
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