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UKCD Brachial Plexus
learning objectives for brachial plexus
Question | Answer |
Which component of the spinal nerve is responsible for the formation of a plexus (ie. brachial plexus)? | The ventral ramus |
What happens to the dorsal rami of these spinal nn.? | They remain segmental (dorsal rami always remain segmental). |
List the four plexuses (or three if 3 and 4 are considered a singular plexus) that arisefrom the spinal cord. | 1. Cervical plexus; 2. Brachial plexus; 3. Lumbar plexus; and 4. Sacral plexus. (Lumbosacral plexus if singular) |
Give the root values for each of these 3(4) plexuses. | Cervical: C1-C4. Brachial: C5-T1. Lumbar plexus: T12/L1-L4. Sacral plexus: L5-S5. |
Identify the anatomical region where you would find the following portions of thebrachial plexus: roots, trunks, divisions, and cords. | Roots: prevertebral musculature. Trunks: posterior triangle. Divisions: behind clavicle. Cords: in axilla. |
Which division of a spinal nerve forms the roots of the brachial plexus. | The ventral rami. |
List the three trunks of the brachial plexus. | Superior, inferior and middle trunks. |
How are the trunks of the brachial plexus formed? | The roots fuse to form trunks. |
List the various trunks and what forms each one. | The roots of C5 and C6 unite to form the superior trunk; the root of C7 continues to become the middle trunk; and the lower two roots (C8 and T1) unite to form the inferior trunk. |
How do these trunks get their anatomical names? | They are named for their anatomical relationship to one another. |
How does each trunk terminate? | Each trunk terminates by dividing into an anterior and posterior division. |
How is each of the cords of the brachial plexus formed? | The posterior cord is formed by the fusion of all 3 posterior divisions; the lateral cord is formed by the fusion of the upper two anterior divisions; the medial cord forms from the remaining anterior division from the lower trunk. |
How are the cords of the plexus named? | For their relationship to the axillary artery. |
List the branches off the roots of the brachial plexus and what each innervates. | Branches from the roots: dorsal subscapular n. (C5): levator scapulae, rhomboideus major and minor; long thoracic n. (C5,6,7): serratus anterior. |
Which of the three trunks exhibits branches? | Only the upper trunk gives rise to branches. |
Name the branches of this/these trunk(s) and what they innervate. | Branches from the upper trunk: suprascapular n. (C5,6): supraspinatus and infraspinatus mm.; n. to the subclavius (C5,6): subclavius m. |
Name the three branches from the lateral cord and indicate what they innervate. | lateral pectoral n. (C5,6,7): pectoralis major m.; musculocutaneous n. (C5,6,7): motor to the muscles of the flexor compartment of the arm (and sensory to lateral aspect of the forearm); lateral root of the medial nerve (C6,7): joins to form the median n. |
Name the branches of the posterior cord | upper and lower subscapular nn., thoracodorsal n.; axillary n.; radial nerve |
What does the upper and lower subscapular nn innervate? | (C5,C6): subscapularis and teres major mm. |
What does the axillary n. innervate? | (C5,6): deltoid and teres minor mm. + lateral cutaneous innervation of arm. |
What does the radial nerve innverate? | C5-8,T1): in axilla gives branches to the triceps brachii and anconeus, passes into forearm - it is the terminal branch of the posterior cord. |
What three nerves form the M over the surface of the axillary artery? | Musculocutaneous, median and ulnar nn. |
What is the relationship of the axillary vein to the axillary artery? | The axillary v. is superficial (inferiorly) to the axillary artery. |
What is the relationship of the median nerve to the axillary artery? | The median nerve lies superficial (anteriorly) to the axillary artery. |
What is the relationship of the radial nerve to the axillary artery? | The radial nerve lies posterior to the axillary artery. |
Name the branches of the medial cord cord. | medial pectoral n. medial cutaneous n. of the arm & medial cutaneous n. of forearm; medial root of median nerve joined by lateral cord to form median, ulnar nerve |
WHat does the medial pectoral n innervate? | medial pectoral n. (C8,T1): pectoralis minor m. |
What is sensory to the forearm? | medial root of median nerve (C8,T1) |
What is the motor innervation of the forearm? | median nerve joined by lateral cord to form median which is motor to mm. of the forearm |
What does the ulnar n innervate? | (C8,T1): supplies mm. and skin of the forearm (terminal br. of medial cord). |