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Ch 10 & 11
The Nervous System
Question | Answer |
Nerve cells are AKA | neurons |
The axon is the portion of a neuron that | carries impulses from one neuron to the next |
The axon is surrounded by a protective lipoprotein called | myelin sheaths |
The myelin sheaths allow nerve impulses to travel at | 200 miles/second |
Unmyelinated nerve impulses travel at | 0.5 meter/second |
A degenerative nerve disease caused by a degradation of the myelin sheaths is called | multiple sclerosis (MS). |
CNS stands for | central nervous system |
The CNS is made up of the | brain and spinal cord |
The brain contains | 100,000,000,000 neurons. |
The PNS stands for | peripheral nervous system |
The PNS is made up of | all the nerves except the brain and spinal cord |
The PNS is made up of | Sensory neurons AKA |
The PNS is made up of | Motor neurons AKA |
Sensory neurons AKA | afferent neurons. |
Motor neurons AKA | efferent neurons |
Sensory (afferent) neurons transmit changes in the environment to the brain for | interpretation |
Changes in the environment are called | stimuli. |
Motor (efferent) neurons transmit commands from the brain to the | muscles to facilitate movement |
Smooth voluntary muscle movements are greatly influenced by the chemical neurotransmitter | dopamine. |
A disease caused by a deficiency of dopamine is called | Parkinson’s disease (PD). |
The ANS stands for | autonomic nervous system. |
The ANS is considered | involuntary (reflex). |
These reflexes include: | coughing, choking, sneezing, swallowing, and vomiting. |
The ANS is subdivided into the | Sympathetic division AKA “fight or flight reactions.” |
The sympathetic division uses a neurotransmitter (chemical) called | norepinephrine (NE) to transmit impulses. |
The ANS is subdivided into the | The parasympathetic division. |
The parasympathetic division uses a neurotransmitter called | acetylcholine (Ach) to transmit impulses. |
The parasympathetic division operates during normal non-stressful situations (“rest and digest”) and includes: | Digestive processes |
The parasympathetic division operates during normal non-stressful situations (“rest and digest”) and includes: | Reproductive processes |
The parasympathetic division operates during normal non-stressful situations (“rest and digest”) and includes: | Eupnea |
The parasympathetic division operates during normal non-stressful situations (“rest and digest”) and includes: | . Normal heart rate (HR). |
Changes that occur during the sympathetic (“fight or flight”) response are: | Tachycardia. |
Changes that occur during the sympathetic (“fight or flight”) response are: | Tachypnea |
Changes that occur during the sympathetic (“fight or flight”) response are: | Bronchodilation. |
Changes that occur during the sympathetic (“fight or flight”) response are: | Pupillary dilation |
Changes that occur during the sympathetic (“fight or flight”) response are: | Pallor |
Pallor due to | shunting of blood from the periphery to the large muscles of the arms and legs, brain, heart, and lungs. |
The largest part of the brain is called the | cerebrum |
The outer portion of the cerebrum is called the | cerebral cortex |
The cerebrum is divided into right and left halves called | hemispheres |
These hemispheres are connected and communicate by the | corpus callosum |
Sections of the brain are called | lobes |
The frontal lobe controls: | Voluntary muscle function |
The frontal lobe controls: | Moods |
The frontal lobe controls: | Aggression |
The frontal lobe controls: | Smell reception (olfactory). |
The frontal lobe controls: | Motivation |
The parietal lobes evaluate sensory stimuli such as: | Touch |
The parietal lobes evaluate sensory stimuli such as: | Pain |
The parietal lobes evaluate sensory stimuli such as: | Balance |
The parietal lobes evaluate sensory stimuli such as: | Taste |
The parietal lobes evaluate sensory stimuli such as: | Temperature |
The temporal lobes evaluate: | Hearing input |
The temporal lobes evaluate: | Smell |
The temporal lobes evaluate: | Memory |
The temporal lobes evaluate: | Judgment |
The occipital lobe functions in receiving and interpreting | visual input |
Depression, migraines, anxiety, appetite, sexuality, and bipolar disorder are influenced by the chemical neurotransmitter | serotonin |
The second largest portion of the brain is called the | cerebellum |
The cerebellum is located at the | posterior base of the brain |
The cerebellum functions as a reflex center for | coordination and balance |
The brain stem consists of the: | Medulla oblongata |
The brain stem consists of the: | Pons Varolii |
The brain stem consists of the: | Midbrain |
The medulla and pons are responsible for controlling: | Consciousness and arousal |
The medulla and pons are responsible for controlling: | Regulation of diameter of blood vessels (BP). |
The medulla and pons are responsible for controlling: | Heart rate (HR). |
The medulla and pons are responsible for controlling: | Ventilation (breathing). |
The midbrain acts as the connection between the | cerebrum and the spinal cord |
The thalamus is the | principal relay station for sensory impulses that reach the cerebral cortex |
The hypothalamus controls | The pituitary gland |
The hypothalamus controls | Feelings of rage and aggression |
The hypothalamus controls | Body temperature |
The hypothalamus controls | Thirst |
The hypothalamus controls | Sleep |
The hypothalamus controls | Food intake (satiation). |
The spinal cord begins as a continuation of the | medulla oblongata |
The length of the spinal cord is approximately | 16 -18 inches |
The function of the spinal cord is to | Convey sensory impulses from the periphery to the brain. |
The function of the spinal cord is to | Conduct motor impulses from the brain to the periphery. |
Branching off the spinal cord are the | 31 paired spinal nerves |
Most spinal nerves exit the vertebral column between the | adjacent vertebrae |
Spinal nerves consist of: | 8 cervical pairs. |
Spinal nerves consist of: | 12 thoracic pairs |
Spinal nerves consist of: | 5 lumbar pairs |
Spinal nerves consist of: | 5 sacral pairs. |
Spinal nerves consist of: | 1 coccygeal pair. |
The brain and spinal cord are surrounded by protective membranes called | meninges. |
The outermost meninx is called the | dura mater (tough mother). |
The middle meninx is called the | arachnoid membrane (spider layer). |
The innermost meninx is called the | pia mater (delicate mother). |
Between the dura mater and arachnoid membrane is the | subdural space |
The subdural space contains | serous fluid |
Between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater is the | subarachnoid space |
The subarachnoid space contains | CSF (cerebrospinal fluid). |
CSF circulates around the brain and spinal cord through cavities called | ventricles |
The CSF serves as a | shock absorber and circulates nutrients. |
The white (opaque) portion of each eye is called the | sclera |
The transparent anterior portion of each sclera is called the | cornea |
The colored portion of each eye is called the | iris |
The highly vascular layer of each eye is called the | choroid. |
The os in the center of each iris is called a | pupil. |
A pupil that decreases in size is called | pupillary constriction |
A pupil that increases in size is called | pupillary dilation |
The crystalline structure located posterior to each pupil that focuses (accommodates) light on a retina is called the | crystalline lens |
The function of the retinae are to | perceives light. |
Each retina is made up of visual receptor cells called | rods and cones |
Each retina is an extension of an | optic nerve |
The optic nerves transmit visual impulses to the | thalamus. |
The thalamus relays these impulses to the | occipital lobe for interpretation |
The anterior compartment of each eye is filled with liquid called the | aqueous humor |
The posterior compartment of each eye is filled with liquid called the | vitreous humor |
The external cartilagenous flap of each ear is called a | pinna AKA the auricle. |
The tube leading from each pinna (auricle) to a tympanic membrane is called the | external auditory canal. |
A tympanic membrane is AKA | “eardrum |
Each external auditory canal is lined with modified sebaceous glands that produce | cerumen AKA “earwax.” |
Each middle ear is made up of three auditory ossicles (bones) called the: | Malleus (hammer). |
Each middle ear is made up of three auditory ossicles (bones) called the: | . Incus (anvil). |
Each middle ear is made up of three auditory ossicles (bones) called the: | Stapes (stirrup). |
The tubes that connect the middle ears to the pharynx for pressure equalization are called the | Eustachian tubes |
The structure in each inner ear that is responsible for perceiving sound vibrations and conducting these vibrations to the auditory (vestibulocochlear) nerve is called the | cochlea |
The connection between a stapes and a cochlea is called the | oval window |
The structure in each inner ear which aids in balance (equilibrium) is called the | labyrinth. |
Each labyrinth is made up of the | vestibule and semicircular canals |