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Unicorn with ak47
Term | Definition |
1Contracttility | shorten with force |
2Excitability | respond to stimulus |
3Extensibilty | `stretch |
4elasticity | ability to recoil |
5epimysium | connective tissue sheath around a muscle |
6Fascia | connective sheath outside the epimysium |
7perimysium | surrounds fasciculi |
8Fibers | muscle cell |
9endomysium | surronds muscle fibers |
10myofibrils | threadlike structure that extends from one end of a fiber to another |
11actin myofilaments | thin myofilament, resemble two twisted stands of pearls |
12myosin myofilaments | thick myofilament, bundles of golf clubs |
13sacromere | when actin and myosin filaments form highly ordered units |
14resting membrane potential | the charge difference across a membrane |
15action potential | the brief reversal back of a charge |
16motor neurons | nerve cells that carry action potentials to skeletal muscle fibers |
17neuromusclular junction | branch made up of axons that connects to the muscle |
18synapse | near the center of the cell |
19motor unit | single motor neuron and all skeletal muscle fibers it innervates |
20presynaptic terminal | enlarged nerve terminal |
21synaptic cleft | space between presynaptic terminal and the muscle |
22postsynaptic terminal | muscle fiber |
23synaptic vesicles | in the presynaptic terminal and secretes a neurotransmitter |
24acetylcholine | neurotransmitter secreted by synaptic vesicles |
25acetylcholinesterase | breaks down acetylcholine |
26sliding filament mechanism | sliding of actin myofilaments past myosin filaments during contraction |
27muscle twitch | a contraction of the entire muscle in response to a stimulus, causes action potential in one or muscle fibers |
28treshold | muscle fiber that wont respond until it has reached this |
29all-or-none response | once it has reached the threshold this will happen |
30lag phase | time between the application of the stimulus and the beginning of contraction |
31contraction phase | time of contraction |
32relaxation phase | time when the muscle relaxes |
33tetany | when muscles remain contracted without relaxation |
34recruitments | the increase number of motor units being activated |
35ATP(adenosine triphosphate) | needed for muscle contraction produced in the mitochondria shortlived and unstable |
36ADP (adenosine diphosphate) | more stable degenerated ATP |
37Creatine Phosphate | stockpiled when ATP can't be stockpiled |
38Anaerobic resperation | without oxygen |
39Aerobic resperation | with oxygen |
40oxygen debt | amount of oxygen needed to convert lactic acid into glucose and replenish depleted stores of creatine phosphate |
41muscle fatigue | happens when ATP is used during muscle contraction faster than it can be produced |
42isometric | equal distance |
43isotonic | equal tension |
44muscle tone | constant tension, head up or back straight |
45fast twitch fibers | contract quickly and tire quickly |
46slow twitch fibers | contract slowly and tire slowly |
47origin | most stationary part of a muscle (head) |
48insertion | end of muscle outgoing most movement |
49belly | portion bewteen head and insertion |
50origin insertion and belly | some muscles have multiple of these |
51synergist | muscles that work together |
52antagonist | muscles that work in opposition other muscles |
53prime mover | muscle that plays the most important movement |
54Muscles are sometimes named by | location, size, orientation of fibers, shape, origin, insertion and function |
55Occipital frontalis | raises eyebrows |
56orbicularis oculi | closes eyelids |
57orbicularis oris | puckers lips |
58buccinator | flattens cheeks |
59zygomaticus | smile |
60levator labii superioris | sneezing |
60depressor anguli oris | frowning |
61sternocleidomastoid | lateral neck muscle |
62platysma | corner of lips down |
63mastication | chewing |
64extrensic muscle tongue | moves the tongue |
65intrinsic muscles tongue | changes shape of tongue |
66erector spinae | along side the vertebral column |
67throatic extrensic intercostals | inspiration of fair |
68throatic intrinsic intercostals | forced expiration of air |
69diaphragm | dome shaped muscle |
70muscle contraction causes what to shorten | sacromeres |
71H and I Band | shorten during contraction |
72A band | doesn't change size |
73Tendon | muscle connected to bone |
74linea alba | white line of connective tissue that extends from sternum to pubis |
75external obligues | help to compress abdominal contents |
76gluteus maximus | extends hip |