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tough, whitish membrane surrounding each testis tunica albuginea
3 sections of human sperm head- contains DNA covered by acrosome (enzyme) Midpiece- Mitochondria -ATP (energy to move) Tail
asymptomatic urological infection - itching, burning, foul smelling discharge trichomoniasis
the mixture of sex cells or sperm produced by the testes and the secretions of the accessory or supportive sex glands semen or seminal fluid
by the time a girl reaches puberty, futher development of sex cells results in the formation of a reduced number...(1) about how many? (2) what are they called at this stage? (1) 400,000 (2) primary follicles
how many primary follicles (1) fully develop to the next stage? (2) what are they called then? (1) 350-500 (2) mature follicles
after ovulation the discharged ovum 1st enters the ? and then enters the ? (1) abdominal cavity (2) uterine tube
each lobule consists of? milk-secreting glandular cells
if foreskin cannot be repaced to it's usual position after it has been retracted a condition called ? occurs paraphimosis
PID pelvic inflammatory disease ( either acute or chronic inflammatory condition that spread upward from vagina
development of bone cells from red bone marrow Hemopoieses
essential organs of reproduction gonads
where does fertilization most often occur? in the outer 1/3 of the oviduct (fallopian tube)
stage that begins at time of conception and continues until birth (about 39 weeks later) prenatal stage
difference between an STD and STI STI - an infection that may or may not cause symptoms STD - occurs when an STI actually produces symptoms that makes a person sick
A couple is considered infertile if a pregnancy does not occur after how long? one year of reasonably frequent intercourse
function of functioning endometrial tissue outside the uterus? endometriosis
infections characterized by a whitish discharge ( leukorrhea ) candidiasis
inflammation of the ovaries oophoritis
uterine tube inflammation salpingitis
when does implantation of the fertilized egg occur? 10 days after fertilization
within a glass in vitro
unspecialized cell stem cell
study of how primary germ layers develop into many different kinds of tissues histogenesis
the way the tissues arrange themselves into organs organogenesis
3 stages of labor (1) onset of contractions until dilation of cervix complete (2) pushing time (3) expulsion of placenta through vagina
how many sperm are in 1 tsp of semen ejaculated at one time? about 100 million
identical twins ( share same placenta, have separate umbilical chords ) monozygotic
fraternal twins dizygotic
life threatening form of toxemia that causes severe convulsions, coma, kidney failure and perhaps death of fetus and mother eclampsia
loss of baby before 20th week miscarriage
loss of baby after 20th week stillbirth
developmental problems present at birth birth defects
before birth antenatal ( or prenatal)
breat inflammation mastitis
potential result when alcohol enters the fetal blood fetal alcohol syndrome ( FAS )
beings and birth and lasts until death postnatal period
most common postnatal periods (1) infancy (birth -18 months) (2) Childhood ( 18 months-puberty, 12-14 in girls, 14-16 in boys ) (3) adolescence ( teen years ) (4) adulthood (5) older adulthood
1st 4 weeks of infancy neonatal period
study of aging gerontology
hardening of the lens presbyopia ( old eye )
proliferate thicken
the 3 periods of time in each cycle (1) menses ( 4-5 days, menstrual bleeding ) (2) proliferative ( after men. flow, lasts until ovulation ) (3) secretory ( begins at ovulation, lasts until the next menses )
the very 1st menses menarche
the vaginal orifice is sometimes partiaclly closed by the membraneous? hymen
composed of erectile tissue-located just behind the anterior junction of the labia minora? clitoris
colored surface area around the nipple? areola
milk-secreting cells are arranged in grapelike clusters called? alveoli
lie over the pectoral muscals and are attached to them by connective tissue ligaments? breasts
methods of hysterectomy (1) abdominal (2) vaginal (3) laparoscopic
lies in the pelvic cavity just behind the urinary bladder. Small organ, about the size of a pear, extremely strong, almost all muscle, with only a small cavity inside uterus
major regions of uterus (1) fundus (2) body (3) cervix-lower, narrow neck
fringe-like projections of the uterine tubes fimbriae
serve as ducts for the ovaries uterine ( fallopian ) tubes or oviducts
each ovarian follicle contains an ? (immature stage of the female sex cell ) oocyte
1. structure ( resembles ) 2. position of ovaries? resemble large almonds in size and shape. attached to ilgament in the pelvic cavity on each side of uterus
(less common) congenital defect where the opening of the urethral meatus is on the dorsal or top surface of the glans or penile shaft epispadias
treatment involves placing small radioactive "seeds" directly into the prostate tumor. -gives off small amounts of radiation for about a year brachytherapy
the tube that permits sperm to exit from the epididymis and pass form the scrotal sac upward into abdominal cavity vas deferens ( or ductus deferens )
Created by: kimberli1989
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