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medterm urination
medical terminology urinary system
Term | Definition |
dia- | complete or through |
-cele | hernia |
cyst/o | urinary bladder |
-ectasis | enlargement |
glomerul/o | cluster of capillaries surrounded by membrane called Bowman's Capsule |
lith/o | stones |
-lysis | separation |
nephr/o | kidney |
-pexy | surgical fixation |
pyel/o | renal pelvis |
ren/o | kidney (renal) |
-tripsy | to crush |
ureter/o | narrow tubes takes urine from kidney to urinary bladder |
urethr/o | a narrow tube that takes urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body |
-urea | major waste product of protein metabolism |
-uria | urine |
urin/o | liquid waste products to be excreted |
anuria | complete absence of urine |
cystalgia | urinary bladder pain |
cystectomy | surgical removal of the urinary bladder |
cystitis | inflammation of the urinary bladder |
cystocele | hernia of the urinary bladder through the vaginal wall |
cystolith | stones in the urinary bladder |
cystopexy | surgical fixation of the urinary bladder |
cystorrhagia | abnormal bleeding from the urinary bladder |
diuresis | increased excretion of urine |
diuretics | drug to increase excretion of urine |
antidiuretic | drug to decrease excetion of urine |
dysuria | difficult or painful urination |
enuresis | involuntary discharge of urine |
epispadias | male congenital abnormality which the urethral opening is located on the upper surface of the penis |
glomerulonephritis | inflammation of the glomerulus of the kidney |
hemodialysis | removal of waste products by filtering the blood |
hydronephrosis | dialation of the renal pelvis of one or both kidneys |
hydroureter | distention of the ureter with urine that cannot flow because the ureter is blocked |
hypospadias | congenital abnormality where the urethral opening is on the undersurface of the penis |
incontinence | inability to control excretory function |
interstitial cystitis | inflammation of the wall of the urinary bladder |
lithotomy | surgical removal of a stone |
lithotripsy | crushing of the stone |
meatotomy | incision of the urinary meatus to enlarge the opening. |
micturition | urination |
nephrectasis | enlargement of a kidney |
nephritis | inflammation of the kidney |
nephrolith | kidney stone |
nephrolithiasis | presence of stones in the kidney |
nephrolithotomy | surgical removal of a kidney stone through an incision into the kidey |
nephrologist | specialist in kidneys |
nephrolysis | freeing of the kidney from adhesions |
nephropathy | diseases of the kidney |
nephropexy | surgical fixation of a floating kidney |
nephroptosis | "floating" kidney, downward displacement of the kidney |
nephropyosis | suppuration (formation or discharge of pus) of the kidney |
nephrosis | disease of the kidney |
nephrostomy | surgical opening b/t the pelvis of the kidney through the cortex to the exterior of the body |
nephrotic syndrome | group of kidney diseases |
nocturia | excessive urination during the night |
oliguria | scanty urination |
paraspadias | congenital disorder where the meatus is on one side of the penis. |
peritoneal dialysis | filtering of urine through fluid exchange in the peritoneal cavity |
polyuria | excessive urination |
pyelitis | renal pelvis inflammation |
pyelogram | picture of the renal pelvis |
pyelonephritis | inflammation of the renal pelvis and kidneys |
pyeloplasty | surgical repair of the renal pelvis |
pyelotomy | surgical incision into the renal pelvis |
suprapubic | opening above the pubic bone, into the bladder |
uremia | toxic condition caused by excessive amounts of waste products and urea in the blood |
ureterectasis | distention of a ureter |
ureterectomy | surgical removal of a ureter |
ureterolith | stone in the ureter |
ureteroplasty | surgical repair of the ureter |
ureterorrhagia | bleeding from the ureter |
ureterorrhaphy | to suture a ureter |
ureterostenosis | narrowing of the ureter |
urethralgia | pain in the urethra |
urethritis | inflammation of the urethra |
urethropexy | surgical fixation of the urethra |
urethroplasty | surgical repair of the urethra |
urethrorrhagia | bleeding from the urethra |
urethrorrhea | discharge from the urethra |
urethrostenosis | narrowing of the urethra |
urethrostomy | surgical creation of an opening between the urethra and the skin |
urethrotomy | surgical incision into the urethra for relief of a stricture |
urography | radiographic examination of urinary system |
vesicovaginal fissure | abnormal opening b/t the bladder and the vagina |
medulla | inner layer of kidneys contains most of the urine collecting tubules |
renal cortex | outer layer of the kidney, contains over one million nephrons |
urochrome | pigment that gives urine its normal yellow collor |
micturition | urination |
voiding | normal process of excreting urine...yes urination |
urologist | specialist in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the urinary system in males and females |
ESRD | End Stage Renal Disease |
Edema | excessive fluid in the body tissue |
hyperproteinuria | abnormally high concentrations of protein (albumin)in the urine |
hypoproteinemia | abnormally low concentrations of protein (albumin) in blood |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
reflux | blockage of the urethra, causing urine to back up into the ureters |
urinary retention | inability to void or empty the bladder |
incontinence | the inability to control excretory functions |
urinary incontinence | the inability to control the voiding of urine |
urinary stress incontinence | inability to control voiding of urine under physical stress such as running, sneezing, laughing, or coughing |
urge incontinence | urination occurs involuntarily as soon as an urgent desire to urinate is felt. (triggered by physical movement rather than full bladder |
urinalysis | examination of the urine to determine the presence of abnormal elements. |
dialysis | procedure to remove waste products from the blood of patients whose kidneys no longer function. |
renal transplant | kidney transplant |