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S&HA&P PowerPoint 13

Muscles are necessary in order to ______, but not necessary to _____ unless _______. inhale (active), exhale (passive), you force yourself to exhale
Muscles in the neck involved in inspiration (4) sternocleidomastoid, scalenus anterior, scalenus medius, scalenus posterior
Muscles in the arm/shoulder involved in inspiration (8) pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, subclavius, levator scapulae, rhomboideus minor, rhomboideus major, trapezius
Muscles in the thorax involved in inspiration(6) diaphragm, external intercostal, levatores costarum brevis, levatores costarum longis, serratus posterior superior
Muscles in the thorax involved in forced expiration (5) internal intercostal, innermost intercostal, transversus thoracis, subcostals, serratus posterior inferior
Muscles in the abdomen involved in forced expiration (6) transversus abdominis, internal oblique abdominis, external oblique abdominis, rectus abdominis, quadratus lumborum, latissimus dorsi
the major muscles of inspiration at rest are... (name and function) the diaphragm and the muscles controlling the rib position. the diaphragm changes the vertical dimension of thoracic cavity; rib movements change horizontal dimension
elevation of the rib increases what? the lateral dimensions of the thoracic cavity
accessory muscles of respiration involved in specific conditions (exercise, pathology, forced breathing, etc.)
muscles of respiration _____ ___ _______ within the thoracic cavity by _______ ___ ________ change the pressure, changing its dimension
Explain how expansion/contraction of the thoracic cavity changes pressure. When you expand the thoracic cavity , the pressure decreases because the same number of air molecules are now occupying a larger space. Therefore, you need to equalize pressure by adding more air molecules to the expanded thoracic cavity.
During inhalation (inspiration), the diaphragm ________. contracts, causing the vertical dimensions of the thoracic cavity to increase.
During exhalation (expiration), the diaphragm ________. relaxes, causing the vertical dimensions of the thoracic cavity to narrow.
the thoracic diaphragm (function) a muscle that extends across the bottom of the rib cage, It separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. Major muscle of inspiration at rest. Dome descends/contracts with inspiration and ascends/relaxes with expiration.
the diaphragm is innervated by the _____ NERVE. phrenic
2 portions of the diaphragm central aponeurotic (flat layer of tendon)part and peripheral muscular part
the central part of the diaphragm (the central aponeurotic part) the muscular fibers of the diaphragm converge radially to a C-shaped central tendon, which has no bony attachments.
the peripheral part of the diaphragm (the peripheral muscular part) Has 3 distinct attachments: sternal, costal, and lumbar
sternal part of the peripheral muscular part of the diaphragm attached to the posterior side of the xiphoid process
costal part of the peripheral muscular part of the diaphragm attached to the inferior six ribs (7-12)and their costal cartilages on each side.
lumbar part of the peripheral muscular part of the diaphragm attached to the lumbar vertebrae L1-L5 and their intervertebral discs.
the ORIGIN of the thoracic diaphragm (inspiration) sternal: xiphoid process; costal: ribs 7-12; lumbar: L1-L5
the INSERTION of the thoracic diaphragm (inspiration) central tendon (contracts and depresses)-->decrease pressure-->influx of air inside lungs
the basic FUNCTION of the thoracic diaphragm (inspiration) depresses central tendon and enlarges thoracic cavity
the intercostal muscles are anterior thoracic muscles located between the ribs and move the chest wall up and forward during inspiration. individual muscles start and end between each rib. 2 intercostal muscles involved: external and internal.
the FUNCTION of the external intercostals (inspiration) elevation of the ribs and expansion of the chest
the FUNCTION of the internal intercostals (forced expiration) depresses rib cage
Posterior Thoracic Muscles levatores costarum brevis, levatores costarum longis, serratus posterior superior
the FUNCTION of the levatores costarum brevis(inspiration) elevation of the ribs
the FUNCTION of the levatores costarum longis (inspiration) elevation of the ribs
the FUNCTION of the serratus posterior superior (inspiratino) elevation of ribs 2-5
the ORIGIN of the sternocleidomastoid (inspiration) mastoid process of temporal bone
the INSERTION of the sternocleidomastoid (inspiration) sternum (sterno-) and clavicle (cleido-)
the FUNCTION of the sternocleidomastoid (inspiratino) when acting together, it elevates the sternum and by association, the rib cage
the sternocleidomastoid is innervated by the _______ NERVE. accessory (CN XI)
the FUNCTION of the scalenus anterior (inspiration) elevates rib 1
the FUNCTION of the scalenus medius (inspiration) elevates rib 1
the FUNCTION of the scalenus posterior (inspiration) elevates rib 2
the FUNCTION of the pectoralis major (inspiration) elevates sternum and increases transverse length of rib cage
the FUNCTION of the pectoralis minor (inspiration) increases transverse length of rib cage
the FUNCTION of the serratus anterior (inspiration) elevates ribs 1-9
the FUNCTION of the subclavius (inspiration) elevates rib 1
the FUNCTION of the levator scapulae (inspiration) elevates scapula and stabilizes neck
the FUNCTION of the rhomboideus minor (inspiration) stabilizes pectoral girdle
the FUNCTION of the rhomboideus major (inspiration) stabilizes pectoral girdle
the ORIGIN of the Trapezius muscle (inspiration) vertebrae C2-T12
the INSERTION of the Trapezius muscle (inspiration) scapula and clavicle
the Trapezius muscle is innervated by the ______ NERVE. (inspiration) accessory (CN XI)
the FUNCTION of the Trapezius muscle (inspiration) shoulder shrugging/elongates neck
the FUNCTION of the Innermost Intercostals (forced expiration) depresses rib cage
the FUNCTION of the Transversus Thoracis (forced expiration) depresses rib cage
the FUNCTION of the Subcostals (forced expiration) depresses rib cage
the FUNCTION of the Serratus Posterior Inferior (forced expiration) depresses rib cage
Abdonminal Aponeurosis a broad flat tendinous tructure in the abdominal area; a large area with a lack of structure from which muscles can originate.
the FUNCTION of the Transversus Abdominis (forced expiration) compresses abdomen
the FUNCTION of the Internal Oblique Abdominis (forced expiration) trunk rotation and flexion; abdominal compression
the FUNCTION of the External Oblique Abdominis (forced expiration) trunk rotation (unilateral contraction); vertebral extension (bilateral contraction)
the FUNCTION of the Rectus Abdominis (forced expiration) flexion of vertebral column
the FUNCTION of the Quadratus Iumborum(forced expiration) stabilizes posterior abdominal wall for expiration
the FUNCTION of the Latissimus dorsi (forced expiration) stabilizes posterior abdominal wall for expiration
Created by: 100000299709410
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