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Muscles chap Nine

Musuclar System

The muscular system includes the ___________ muscles and ______________ structures skeletal, accessory
________ muscle or ______ muscle are not included in the muscular system cardiac, smooth
Each muscle is made of hundreds/thousands/millions of cells thousands
Fibers of the muscle cell are called ________ myofibrils
Myofibrils are bound together within the cell membrane and __________ ______ endomysium layer
Another name for the cell membrand of a muscle cell is __________________ sarcikenna
Another name for the cytoplasm of a cell is ___________________ sarcoplasm
Tendons are made of dense _________ ________ tissue fiberous connective
An anchor for muscle to bone and other muscle is__________ tendons
Tendons merge with the ______________ to anchor to bone periosteum
____________ is filled with myofibrils Sarcoplasm
Sarcomeres are bundled into groups called myofilaments
Myofilaments are made of _______ and _________ actin and myosin
Another name for z-line _______ z-disc
Three proteins of the sacroplasm are actin, myosin, titin
______ and __________ are proteins that prevent contraction when muscle is relaxed Troponin, tropomyosin
The axon terminal contains sacs of _____ or ___________ ACh, acetylcholine
The synaptic knob can also be referred to as _________ or_______ motor end plate or axon terminal
_______ is the junction between the axon terminal and muscle fiber synaptic cleft
The synapse releases ______ ACh
The cell membrane of muscle fiber is called Sarcolemma
What deactivates ACh Cholinesterase
ACh causes ______ impulses in the sarcolemma electrical
These attach to receptors in the sarcolemma ACh
_______ _______ travel through the sarcolemma electrical signals
ACh being released across the synaple is called_________ exocytosis
Neurdomuscular junctions are motor nerves ending at each muscle fiber
Actin is a thick/thin contractile that interacts with myosin thin
_______ forms a cross bridge with myosin which shortens the sarcomere actin
Which part ot the neuromuscular junctions calcium ions sarcoplasmic reticulum
Tubes allowing signals to travel into the cell are_________ T- tubules
During contraction of a neuromuscular junction _____ ia released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum CA+
Neuromuscular junction contraction causes _____ filaments to pull against _______ filaments actin, myosin
What is a sliding filament mechanism? When a actin filament pulls against myosin filaments
Parts of a muscle include: origin, belly, insertion
Insertion of a muscle moves_______ the origin and ________ the muscle toward, shorten
Some muscles have more than one ______ we call heads belly
Bicepts brachii, triceps brachii and biceps femoris have more than one belly/head both are correct
_______ _______ is the movement a muscle makes when it contracts Muscle function
A _________ is a secondary muscle that asssists the prime mover synergyst
Protagonists are ________ muscles primary
__________ is teh muscle that does the oppsite of the prime mover Antagonist
Heat production from normal muscle metabolism is called Thermogenesis
Thermogenesis ______ with ________ activity increases, increased
Frontalis suprise
Orbicularis oculi squint
Masseter aids closes jaw
Tempordalis closes jaw
Orbucularis oris pucker
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) rotates the head to opposite side when only one muscle contracts (praying muscle)
Rectus abdominis 6pk, flex spine, extends from sternum to pubic bone
External oblique compresses abdominal organs aiding in vomiting and defecation
Internal oblique stabilizes spine, permits rotation of waist
Transversus abdominis compresses the contents of the abdomen
Linea alba (white line) not a muscle,a band of tough connective tissue meeting at the midline of the abdomen
Deltoid shoulder, abducts, rotates the arm also raises the arm
Pectoralis major chest, flexes and adducts the upper arm
Serratus anterior Drives all forward reaching and pushing movements, pulls the shoulder down and forward
Latissmius dorsi adducts the humerus, used to pull the body up
Trapezius raises and lowers the shoulder blade, stabilizes the scapula
Brachialis flexes the forearm, prime mover (protagonist)
Biceps brachii flexes the elbow and supinates forearm (twisting)
Triceps brachii prime mover when extending the forearm
Brachioradialis helps brachialis and biceps brachii flex the forearm
Hand/digit extensors in the posterior of forearm, extends the wrist
Hand/digit flexors located on the anterior of the forearm
Sartorius allows sitting cross-legged
Adductor magnus Rotate and draw the thigh inward
Adductor brevis rotate and move the thigh toward the body
Adductor longus Moves thigh toward the body
Gracilis Helps rotate and pull the thigh toward the body
Quadriceps femoris the most powerful muscle in the body, consists of four muscles
Rectus femoris Quad muscle helps move the knee
Vastus lateralis Quad muscle, helps extend the knee
Vastus medialis Quad muscle, helps with movement and extending the knee
Vastus intermedius Quad muscle, below the rectus, helps with movement of the knee
Glute Muscles consist of Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius, Gluteus minimus
Hamstring muscles consist of Biceps femoris, Semintendinosus, Seminembranosus
Muscles of the calf are Gastrocenemeus, Soleus, Plantaris,
25% of population does not have this particular muscle Plantaris.
Extensors of the foot and toe are tibalis anterior
Created by: sunshine63
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