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Gross 2


Q What are two other names for the hip bones? A Os coxa, and Innominate
Q How many foramina are found on the sacrum? A 4 pair, but really 8 (4 in front, and four in back)
Q This pelvic lig prevents ant slide of L5 on the angled sacrum A iliolumbar (N353)
Q Which lig forms the back of the sciatic foramina? A sacrotuberus (N353)
Q Which lig splits the greater/lesser sciatic foramina? A sacrospinous (N353)
Q At the lumbosacral joint of the pelvis, there are 2 z-joints, and one secondary cartilaginous joint. What is the primary cartilaginous joint found here? A He said it was the growth plate in class, and emphasized the point. I'm not exactly sure what he was getting at.
Q What is considered the floor of the pelvis? A pelvic diaphragm made up of coccyx bone and levator ani m. (N357)
Q The pos wall of the pelvis is more like the roof. It is formed by sacrum, coccyx, and what other m? A piriformis m., which actually has the majority of its mass inside the true pelvis. (N356)
Q What m. forms the bed of the sacral plexus?*** A piriformis (N410)***
KNOW the names of the pelvic divisions on the last slide of pg.9 in the notes for the pelvic osteology section. Specifically the false/true parts which may seem backwards by name
Q The obturator m. turns sharply at what landmark? A it turns lateral to the greater trochanter (N402)
Q Where do the obturator n./bv's lay in relation to the obturator internus m? A they are right next to the m. on it's medial side.
Q how many parts of the levator ani m. are there? Which contracts to hold IN? A 3 parts, each with it's pair on the other side, and the puborectalis m. holds IN (N358)
Q What spinal n. roots does the lumbosacral trunk stem from? *** A 1/2 of L4, and all of L5 ***
Q What does PFC stand for? A pos. femoral cutaneous n., out of the sacral plexus
Q What spinal n. levels make up the sacral plexus? A L4-S4
Q Through which sciatic foramen does the sciatic n. travel to exit the pelvis? Where is this in relation to the piriformis m.? *** A through the greater sciatic foramen, INF to piriformis*** (N bottom 411 = great plate)
Q The sup gluteal n. exits the pelvis through what foramen, in what relation to the piriformis? What about the inf gluteal n.? A both through greater sciatic foramen, sup n. is sup to piriformis, inf n. is inf (N497-498)
Q What n. supplies the most cutaneous area? A pos cutaneous n. of thigh
Q This n. exits the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen (like all the others), then RE-ENTERS the pelvis through the lesser sciatic foramen *** A pudendal n***
Q What structures are found in alcocks canal? *** A pudendal n., perineal n., int pudendal vessels (a/v) (N392)***
Q IS the obturator n. part of the sacral plexus? Does it lay in the true pelvis? A not part of sacral plexus, DOES lay in true pelvis, but just passing through
Q There are four main aa. that supply the pelvis, but originate in the ABDOMEN, what are they? A median sacral (from L5), sup rectal, and gonadal (ovarian/testicuar, from the aorta), and the internal iliac
Q There are four main aa. that supply the pelvis, that do not originate in the true pelvis. All the aa. that DO originate in the true pelvis are branches off of what a? A internal iliac, which splits into the ant/pos divisions (N403), and then continue to branch from there
Q Is the median sacral a. supply visceral or parietal? A parietal (to the wall) (N402)
Q What does the sup rectal a. branch off of? A Inf's actually a direct continuation (N398)
Q What is the internal iliac a. a branch off of, at what point does it split into the ant/pos divisions? A it is a branch off of the common iliac, and splits into ant/pos divisions at the greater sciatic foramen (N401)
Q Are the femoral aa. branches off of the external or internal iliac vessels? A external iliac vessels become femoral, while the internal split to ant/pos divisions (N401)
Q At the greater sciatic foramen, the int iliac aa. split to ant/pos divisions. Which supplies viscera? A the ant division goes visceral, and the pos goes parietal (to the wall) (N403)
Q The ant division of the int iliac supplies the viscera of the pelvis, except for which two branches? A obturator and inf gluteal give parietal supply off of the ant division of the int iliac a. (N403)
Q What is the sup gluteal a. a branch off of? A pos division of the int iliac (N403)
Q What a. is considered a direct continuation of the pos division of the int iliac a? A The superior gluteal (N403)
Q The obturator a. is one of two aa. off the ant division of the int iliac that gives parietal supply. What is the next branch off the ant division of the int iliac?*** A The umbilical a. (N403)***
Q What does the umbilical a. give rise to?*** A the vesical aa. which supply the bladder. Note it becomes occluded (=med umbilical lig) as a remnant of the umbilical a. in the fetus (N403)***
Q The int pudendal and inf gluteal are terminal branches off of what a.?*** A ant division of int iliac (N403)***
Q The internal pudendal a. is considered a terminal branch of the int iliac (ant division), BUT, what aa. are found branching off of it? A inf. rectal (N403)
Created by: GrossAnatomy2
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