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Mrs. McD's Anatomy

Appendicular Skeleton

diarthroses freely moveable joint
synarthroses immovable joint
amphiarthroses partially moveable joint
articulation joint
ligament joins bone to bone
tendon joins muscle to bone
flexion bending a joint
extension straighten a joint
supination palm of hand turned upward
pronation palm of hand turned downward
adduction moving toward midline of body
abduction moving away from midline of body
plantar flexion point your toe or stand on tiptoe
dorsiflexion top of the foot is elevated
rotation movement around a longitudinal axis;pivot point
circumduction moving a part so the distal end moves in a circle
gliding joint gliding movement; between carpal bones
pivot joint rotation, between atlas & axis
ball & socket joint flex, extend, abduct, adduct, rotate & circumduction; shoulder
condyloid; ellipsoidal joint flex, extend, abduct, adduct; between carpal & radius
hinge joint flexion,extension; elbow
saddle joint flex, extend, abduct, adduct, opposition to fingers; thumb carpal & 1st metacarpal
talus tarsal bone; tibia sits on this
distal phalange farthest phalange from point of attachment; tip of finger
medial phalange missing in big toe and thumb
trapezium carpal bone part of saddle joint
humerus upper arm bone
tibia larger lower leg bone
ulna forearm bone that hinges to make elbow joint
radius forearm bone; rotates to supinate or pronate
tarsals ankle bones
carpals wrist bones
metatarsals foot bones
metacarpals hand bones
phalanges bones of toes & fingers
scapula shoulder blade
fibula long, thin lower leg bone
femur upper leg bone
clavicle collar bone
coxal bone 2 of these in the pelvic girdle with the sacrum
ilium, ischium, & pubis regions of the coxal bone
patella knee cap
suture fibrous joint, in skull
gomphoses fibrous joint, between tooth & mandible or maxilla
syndesmoses fibrous joint, between radius & ulna
synchondroses cartilage joint, hyaline, sternum/clavicle
symphyses cartilage joint, fibrocartilage, pubis symphesis
synovial joint has fibrous, cartilage and synovial membrane tissue
uniaxial synovial joint movement around 1 axis; hinge & pivot
biaxial synovial joint movement around 2 axis in 2 perpendicular planes; saddle & condyloid
multiaxial synovial joint movement around 3 axis; in 3 or more planes; ball & socket and gliding joints
compound fracture open fracture
simple fracture closed fracture
complete fracture break across entire bone
incomplete fracture partial break
callus fibrocartilage tissue formed as a fracture heals
Created by: genamcdonald
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