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N. olfactorius 1st neuron: cellulae neurosensoriae olfactoriae 2nd neuron: bulbus olfactorius 3rd neuron: subcortical centers substantia perforata anterior nuclueus anterior thalami corpora mamillaria corpus amygdalo
N. opticus 1st neuron: rods and cones 2nd neuron: bipolar neurons 3rd neuron: ganglionar neurons 4th neuron: nucleus posterior thalami nucleus corporis geniculati lateralis stratum griseum colliculi superioris 5th neuron: nuclei motorii
Reflectoric pathways of n. opticus 1. tractus tectospinalis 2. fasciculus longitudinalis medialis 3. nuclei vegetativi n. oculomotrii
N. oculomotorius 1. ramus superior 2. ramus inferior
N. trochlearis Back side, through fissura orbitalis superior --> m. obliquus oculi superior
N. trigeminus 1. N. ophthalmicus 2. N. maxillaris 3. N. Mandibularis
N. ophthalmicus 1. N. lacrimalis 2. N. frontalis - n. supratrochlearis - n. supraorbitalis 2. N. nasociliaris --> n. infratrochlearis - n. ethmoidalis posterior - n. ethmoidalis anterior - nn. ciliares longi - sensory root of ganglion ciliare
N. Maxillaris 1st terminal branch 1. N. infraorbitalis pes anserinus minor - rr. palpebrales inferiores - rr. nasales externi - rr. labiales superiores
Side branches of N. infraorbitalis a) nn. alveolares superiores anteriores b) nn. alveolares superiores mediae c) nn. alveolares superiores posterior - rr. dentalis superior - rr. gingivales superior
N. maxillaris 2nd and 3rd terminal branch 2. Nn. zygomatici - r. zygomaticofacialis - r. zygomaticotemporale 3. Nn. pterygopalatini - sensory root og ganglion pterygopalatini
N. mandibularis, sensory branches 1. Ramus meningeus 2. N. auriculotemporalis --> rr. temporales superficiales (PS postganglionic fibers for parotid gland) 3. N. lingualis --> rr. linguales - n. sublingualis - sensory root of ganglion submandibulare 4. N. buccalis 5. Ganglion
N. mandibularis, motor branches 1. N. massetericus 2. Nn. temporales profundi 3. N. pterygoideus medialis 4. N. pterygoideus lateralis 5. N. musculi tensori tympani 6. N. musculi tensoris veli palatini
N. mandibularis, mixed branches 1. N. alveolares inferiores --> n. mentalis - rr. dentales inferiores - rr. gingivales inferiores N. mylohyoideus
N. abducens through fissura orbitalis superior --> m. rectus oculi lateralis
N. facialis Plexus parotideus 1. Rr. temporales 2. Rr. zygomatici 3. R. marginalis mandibulae 4. R. colli
N. facialis, side branches 1. N. stapedius 2. N. auricularis posterior a)r. occipitalis b)r. auricularis 3. R. digastricus
N. Intermedius 1. N. petrosus major 2. Chorda tympani
N. vestibulochochlearis, pars cochlearis 1st neuron: ganglion spirale 2nd neuron: nuclei cochleares 3rd neuron: nuclei dorsalis corporis trapezoidei --> lemniscus lateralis 4th neuron: colliculus inferior, corpus geniculatum mediale
reflectoric auditory pathway connections with stratum grieum colliculi superioris
N. vestibulocochlearis, pars vestibularis 1st neuron: ganglion vestibulare 2nd neuron: nuclei vestibulares
N. glossopharyngues ganglion superius and inferius terminates in rr. linguales
side branches of IX 1. N. tympanicus --> n. petrosus minor 2. R. muscularis stylopharyngei 3. rr. pharyngei 4. rr. tonsillares 5. R. sinus cortici
N. vagus forms plexus oesphagus and truncus vagalis anterior and posterior a)pars cranialis b)pars cervicalis c)pars thoracica d)pars abdominalis
Pars cranialis X 1. Ramus menigeus 2. Ramus. auricularis
Pars cervicalis X 1. Rr. pharyngei 2. N. laryngeus superior a) r. externus b) r. internus 3. Rr. cardiaci cervicales superiores 4. N. laryngeus recurrens --> n. laryngeus inferior - rr. cardiaci cervicales inferiores - rr. tracheales - rr. oesophagei
Pars thoracica X 1. Rr. cardiaci thoracici 2. Rr. pericardiaci 3. Rr. bronchiales 4. Rr. oesophagei
Pars abdominalis X 1. Truncus vagalis anterior a) rr. gastrici b) rr. hepatici 2. Truncus vagalis posterior a) rr. gastrici b) rr. hepatici c) rr. renales d) rr. coeliaci
N. accessorius 1. Pars cranialis 2. Pars spinalis 1. R. externus 2. R. internus
N. hypoglossus terminates as rr. linguales some fibers leave via ansa cervicalis
Created by: anod
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