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Module 6 (Neck) Q&A
Anatomy of the neck
Question | Answer |
The laryngeal prominence is more commonly called... | "Adam's apple" |
What is the only bone in the human body that does not articulate with other bones? | Hyoid bone |
The thyroid gland is divided into 3 parts: | R/L lobe and isthmus |
The parathyroid glands are located on the __ surface of the thyroid gland | posterior |
The thyroid gland is deep to what muscles? | Infrahyoid |
The lobes of the thyroid gland are ____ to the trachea and larynx | anterolateral |
What are the endrocrine functions of the thyroid gland? | Metabolism, growth,temperature regulation, secretion of T3 and T4 |
How many parathyroid glands are there? | 4 |
What are the endocrine functions of the parathyroid glands? | Regulate calcium and phospate levels |
What are the three sections of the pharynx? (superior to inferior) | Nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx |
What muscles wrap around the pharynx, superficially? | Constrictors |
What nerve innervates the muscles of the pharynx? | CN 10 (vagus nerve) |
The larynx connects ___ (superior) to ____ (inferior) | Pharynx, trachea |
What nerve innervates the intrinsic muscles of the larynx? | CN 10 (vagus nerve) |
What 2 branches of the vagus nerve (CN 10) supply the larynx? | Superior laryngeal branch, recurrent laryngeal nerve |
Proximal to the larynx, the recurrent laryngeal nerve becomes... | The inferior laryngeal nerve |
What does the inferior laryngeal nerve innervate? | All of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx |
What condition would result from a lesion of either the recurrent laryngeal nerve or the inferior laryngeal nerve? | Paralysis of vocal folds |
The trachea begins inferior to what structure? | Cricoid cartilage |
What muscular tube is continuous with the laryngopharynx? | The esophagus |
The esophagus is divided into thirds; what types of muscle are found in each third? | 1st third (striated; voluntary), 2nd third (smooth and striated), 3rd third (smooth; involuntary) |
What nerve, if damaged, could cause a person's voice to change? | Inferior laryngeal nerve (or recurrent laryngeal nerve) |
What areas does the lymphatic system drain? | The interstitial space b/w cells and blood vessels |
Platysma (inf, sup, N, Act) | Inf: fascia & skin over pectoralis major & deltoid muscles Sup: Inferior border of mandible & skin of lower face N: CN 7 – cervical branch (facial n) Act: tenses skin of neck, depresses angles of mouth, weak mandible depressor |
Sternocleidomastoid (inf, sup, N, Act) | Inf: sternal head – anterior manubrium clavicular head –medial 1/3 clavicle Sup: mastoid process, lateral ½ superior nuchal line of occipital bone N: CN 11 A: Unilateral- ipsilateral lat. flex. and CONTRLATERAL rotation bilateral – flexes neck |
Tight SCM may cause... | Head forward posture, referred pain in head (muscle tension headaches) |
Ansa cervicalis innervates 3 infrahyoid muscles: | Sternohyoid, sternothyroid, omohyoid |
Sternohyoid (inf, sup, N, Act) | Inf: posterior surface of manubrium and medial clavicle Sup: body of hyoid N: ansa cervicalis A: depresses hyoid |
Thyrohyoid (inf, sup, N, Act) | Inf: oblique line of thyroid cartilage Sup: body and greater horn of hyoid N: (VPR) C1 via CN XII (hypoglossal nerve) A: depresses hyoid and elevates thyroid cartilage |
Sternothyroid (inf, sup, N, Act) | Inf: posterior manubrium of sternum Sup: oblique line of thyroid cartilage N: ansa cervicalis A: depresses the thyroid cartilage (larynx) |
Omohyoid (inf, sup, N, Act) | O: inferior belly - superior border scapula superior belly – intermediate tendon I: inferior belly - inferior boarder of hyoid superior belly – body of hyoid N: ansa cervicalis A: depresses, retracts and stabilizes hyoid |
Mylohyoid (inf, sup, N, Act) | Sup: mylohyiod line of mandible Inf: raphe and body of hyoid N: mylohyoid n (CN5) A: elevates hyoid and tongue and during speech and swallowing |
Geniohyoid (inf, sup, N, Act) | Sup: inferior mental spine of mandible Inf: body of hyoid N: branch of C1 via CN 12 (hypoglossal nerve) A: pulls hyoid anterosuperiorly (widens pharynx during deglutition/swallowing) |
Stylohyoid (inf, sup, N, Act) | Sup: Styloid process of temporal bone Inf: body of hyoid N: CN 7 (facial nerve - cervical branch) A: elevates and retracts hyoid (elongates floor of mouth) |
Digastric (inf, sup, N, Act) | O: Anterior belly – digastric fossa of mandible Posterior belly – mastoid notch of temporal bone I: intermediate tendon to hyoid N: Anterior belly – mylohyoid n (CN 5) Posterior belly – CN 7 A: depresses mandible, elevates hyoid |
What structure passes between the middle and anterior scalenes? | Brachial plexus |
What are the actions of the scalenes muscles? | Elevate ribs 1 and 2, flex cervical vertebrae and rotate C-spine to opposite side |
Scalenus anterior attaches to... | TPs of cervical spine (sup), 1st rib (inf) |
Scalenus medius attaches to... | TPs of cervical spine (sup), 1st rib (inf) |
Scalenus posterior attaches to... | TPs of cervical spine (sup), 2nd rib (inf) |
Impingement of the brachial plexus between scalenus anterior and midius may lead to referred pain in... | The scapular region / UE |
What muscles do PTs commonly train for stability of the neck? | Prevertebral muscles (deep neck flexors) |
Weak or inhibited "deep neck flexors" leads to... | Neck dysfunction, pain, cervical instability |
Boundaries of posterior triangle... | Ant: SCM Post: trapezius Inf: Clavicle |
Contents of posterior triangle... (veins, arteries, nerves, muscles) | Veins: EJV Ateries: transverse cervical artery, subclavian artery, suprascapular artery Nerves: brachial plexus, CN 11, cutaneous branch of CP Muscles: omohyoid (inf belly), med/post scalenes, levator scapla, splenius capitus |
Floor of posterior triangle... | Medial/posterior scalenes, levator scapula, splenius capitus |
The subdivisions of the posterior triangle are separated by... | Inferior belly of omohyoid |
The 2 subdivisions of the posterior triangle are called... | Occipital triangle, supraclavicular triangle |
Boundaries of the anterior triangle... | Lat: SCM Med: midline Sup: mandible |
The occipital triangle is __ to the inf. belly of the omohyoid. | Superior |
The supraclavicular triangle is ___ to the inf. belly of the omohyoid | Inferior |
Contents of the anterior triangle... (muscles) | Hyoid muscles |
Submandibular triangle (aka digastric triangle) - Boarders | anterior and posterior bellies of digastric m, mandible |
Submandibular triangle (aka digastric triangle) - Contents | *submandibular gland/duct, submandibular lymph nodes, CN 12 |
Carotid triangle - Boarders | superior belly of omohyoid, posterior belly of digastric, anterior border of SCM |
Carotid triangle - Contents | CCA, ECA, IJV CN 10, 11, 12, ansa cervicalis, branches of cervical plexus Thyroid, larynx, pharynx |
Muscular triangle - Boarders | superior belly of omohyoid, anterior border of SCM, median plane of neck (midline) |
Muscular triangle - Contents | Infrahyoid muscles, thyroid and parathyroid glands |
Submental triangle - Boarders | Right and left anterior belly of digastric muscle, hyoid bone |
Submental triangle - Contents | submental lymph nodes |
The phrenic nerve is __ to the anterior scalene | Superficial |
What are the 3 branches of the external carotid artery (ECA)? | Facial, maxillary, superficial temporal |
All 3 branches of ECA enter... | the eye socket |
EJV and cutaneous nerve are ___ to SCM | superficial |
IVJ is ___ to SCM and cutaneous nerve | deep |