Anatomy of the neck
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
The laryngeal prominence is more commonly called... | show ๐
What is the only bone in the human body that does not articulate with other bones? | show ๐
The thyroid gland is divided into 3 parts: | show ๐
The parathyroid glands are located on the __ surface of the thyroid gland | show ๐
show | Infrahyoid
The lobes of the thyroid gland are ____ to the trachea and larynx | show ๐
show | Metabolism, growth,temperature regulation, secretion of T3 and T4
show | 4
show | Regulate calcium and phospate levels
What are the three sections of the pharynx? (superior to inferior) | show ๐
show | Constrictors
What nerve innervates the muscles of the pharynx? | show ๐
show | Pharynx, trachea
show | CN 10 (vagus nerve)
show | Superior laryngeal branch, recurrent laryngeal nerve
show | The inferior laryngeal nerve
show | All of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx
show | Paralysis of vocal folds
The trachea begins inferior to what structure? | show ๐
What muscular tube is continuous with the laryngopharynx? | show ๐
show | 1st third (striated; voluntary), 2nd third (smooth and striated), 3rd third (smooth; involuntary)
show | Inferior laryngeal nerve (or recurrent laryngeal nerve)
What areas does the lymphatic system drain? | show ๐
Platysma (inf, sup, N, Act) | show ๐
show | Inf: sternal head โ anterior manubrium
clavicular head โmedial 1/3 clavicle
Sup: mastoid process, lateral ยฝ superior nuchal line of occipital bone
N: CN 11
A: Unilateral- ipsilateral lat. flex. and CONTRLATERAL rotation
bilateral โ flexes neck
Tight SCM may cause... | show ๐
Ansa cervicalis innervates 3 infrahyoid muscles: | show ๐
show | Inf: posterior surface of manubrium and medial clavicle
Sup: body of hyoid
N: ansa cervicalis
A: depresses hyoid
show | Inf: oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Sup: body and greater horn of hyoid
N: (VPR) C1 via CN XII (hypoglossal nerve)
A: depresses hyoid and elevates thyroid cartilage
show | Inf: posterior manubrium of sternum
Sup: oblique line of thyroid cartilage
N: ansa cervicalis
A: depresses the thyroid cartilage (larynx)
Omohyoid (inf, sup, N, Act) | show ๐
show | Sup: mylohyiod line of mandible
Inf: raphe and body of hyoid
N: mylohyoid n (CN5)
A: elevates hyoid and tongue and during speech and swallowing
Geniohyoid (inf, sup, N, Act) | show ๐
show | Sup: Styloid process of temporal bone
Inf: body of hyoid
N: CN 7 (facial nerve - cervical branch)
A: elevates and retracts hyoid (elongates floor of mouth)
show | O: Anterior belly โ digastric fossa of mandible
Posterior belly โ mastoid notch of temporal bone
I: intermediate tendon to hyoid
N: Anterior belly โ mylohyoid n (CN 5)
Posterior belly โ CN 7
A: depresses mandible, elevates hyoid
show | Brachial plexus
What are the actions of the scalenes muscles? | show ๐
show | TPs of cervical spine (sup), 1st rib (inf)
show | TPs of cervical spine (sup), 1st rib (inf)
show | TPs of cervical spine (sup), 2nd rib (inf)
Impingement of the brachial plexus between scalenus anterior and midius may lead to referred pain in... | show ๐
What muscles do PTs commonly train for stability of the neck? | show ๐
show | Neck dysfunction, pain, cervical instability
show | Ant: SCM
Post: trapezius
Inf: Clavicle
Contents of posterior triangle... (veins, arteries, nerves, muscles) | show ๐
show | Medial/posterior scalenes, levator scapula, splenius capitus
The subdivisions of the posterior triangle are separated by... | show ๐
show | Occipital triangle, supraclavicular triangle
Boundaries of the anterior triangle... | show ๐
The occipital triangle is __ to the inf. belly of the omohyoid. | show ๐
show | Inferior
show | Hyoid muscles
show | anterior and posterior bellies of digastric m, mandible
Submandibular triangle (aka digastric triangle) - Contents | show ๐
Carotid triangle - Boarders | show ๐
show | CCA, ECA,
CN 10, 11, 12, ansa cervicalis, branches of cervical plexus
Thyroid, larynx, pharynx
show | superior belly of omohyoid, anterior border of SCM, median plane of neck (midline)
show | Infrahyoid muscles, thyroid and parathyroid glands
show | Right and left anterior belly of digastric muscle, hyoid bone
Submental triangle - Contents | show ๐
show | Superficial
What are the 3 branches of the external carotid artery (ECA)? | show ๐
All 3 branches of ECA enter... | show ๐
show | superficial
IVJ is ___ to SCM and cutaneous nerve | show ๐
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