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Module 6 (Neck) Q&A Matching
The thyroid gland is divided into 3 parts:
R/L lobe and isthmus
Digastric (inf, sup, N, Act)
O: Anterior belly – digastric fossa of mandible Posterior belly – mastoid notch of temporal bone I: intermediate tendon to hyoid N: Anterior belly – mylohyoid n (CN 5) Posterior belly – CN 7 A: depresses mandible, elevates hyoid
Weak or inhibited "deep neck flexors" leads to...
Neck dysfunction, pain, cervical instability
What nerve, if damaged, could cause a person's voice to change?
Inferior laryngeal nerve (or recurrent laryngeal nerve)
Sternothyroid (inf, sup, N, Act)
Inf: posterior manubrium of sternum Sup: oblique line of thyroid cartilage N: ansa cervicalis A: depresses the thyroid cartilage (larynx)
What are the endrocrine functions of the thyroid gland?
Metabolism, growth,temperature regulation, secretion of T3 and T4
The supraclavicular triangle is ___ to the inf. belly of the omohyoid
What muscular tube is continuous with the laryngopharynx?
The esophagus
Submental triangle - Contents
submental lymph nodes
Thyrohyoid (inf, sup, N, Act)
Inf: oblique line of thyroid cartilage Sup: body and greater horn of hyoid N: (VPR) C1 via CN XII (hypoglossal nerve) A: depresses hyoid and elevates thyroid cartilage

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Created by: cbaweiss
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