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Dragon Rises Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 4 - Histology
Term | Definition |
Histology | study of tissues |
tissue | group of similar cells and cell products that arise from the same region of the embryo, are similar in structure and work together to perform a specific structural or physiological function in an organ |
three primary germination layers in embryonic tissues | ectoderm (outer) layer, mesoderm (middle) layer, endoderm (inner) layer |
ectoderm | gives rise to epidermis and nervous system |
mesoderm | wispy collagen fibers and fibroblasts in gel matrix; gives rise to muscle, bone, and blood |
endoderm | gives rise to mucous membrane lining digestive and respiratory tracts, digestive glands, and others |
longitudinal section (l.s.) | tissues cut along long direction of organ |
cross section (c.s. or x.s.) | tissue cut perpendicular to the length of organ |
oblique section | tissue cut at angle between longitudinal and cross sections |
four basic types of tissue | epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous |
matrix (extracellular material) is composed of | fibrous proteins, clear gel called ground substance, tissue fluid, extracellular fluid, interstitial fluid, or tissue gel |
Consists of a flat sheet of closely adhering cells | epithelial tissue |
One or more cells thick | epithelial tissue |
Upper surface usually exposed to the environment or an internal space in the body | epithelial tissue |
Covers body surface and lines body cavities | epithelial tissue |
Forms the external and internal linings of many organs | epithelial tissue |
Constitutes most glands | epithelial tissue |
Extracellular material is so thin it is not visible with a light microscope | epithelial tissue |
allow no room for blood vessels | epithelial tissue |
Lie on a layer of loose connective tissue and depend on its blood vessels for nourishment and waste removal | epithelial tissue |
two types of epithelial tissue | 1) covering and lining epithelium, 2) glandular epithelium |
covers exposed surfaces eg. outer layer of skin | covering and lining epithelium |
covers organs inside body cavities | covering and lining epithelium |
covers inner lining of body cavities, tubes, ducts, blood vessels eg. inner lining of respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive tracts | covering and lining epithelium |
Protection from physical and chemical injury and microbial invasion, Sensation, Secretion, Absorption, Excretion, Diffusion, Cleaning, Reduces Friction | functions of epithelial tissue |
Cellularity – closely-packed cells ; little to no matrix | characteristic of epithelial tissue |
Continuous sheets joined by tight junctions and desmosomes | characteristic of epithelial tissue |
has a basement membrane | characteristic of epithelial tissue |
has basal and apical surfaces, supported by connective tissue | characteristic of epithelial tissue |
is avascular, innervated, regeneration (high mitotic rate), polarity | characteristic of epithelial tissue |
basement membrane | layer between an epithelium and the underlying connective tissue; anchors the epithelium to the connective tissue below it |
basal surface | surface of an epithelial cell that faces the basement membrane |
apical surface | surface of an epithelial cell that faces away from the basement membrane |
epithelial cell shapes | squamous, cuboidal, columnar, transitional |
epithelial cell layers | simple: one layer, stratified: multiple layers, pseudostratified |
thin and flat cells, scalelike. Allow for rapid passage of substances | squamous |
cube/hexagon -shaped cells. Tall as they are wide | cuboidal |
column-shaped cells. Much taller than are wide | columnar |
change shape from flat to cuboidal as organs (bladder) stretch and contract | transitional |
Four types of simple epithelia | simple squamous, simple cuboidal, simple columnar, pseudostratified columnar |
thin scaly cells | squamous |
square or round cells | cuboidal |
tall narrow cels | columnar |
wineglass-shaped mucus-secreting cells in simple columnar and pseudostratified epithelia | goblet cells |
Not all cells reach the free surface, Shorter cells are covered over by taller ones, Looks stratified, Every cell reaches the basement membrane | pseudostratified columnar |
simple squamous epithelial cell functions and characteristics | Adapted for rapid diffusion, osmosis, filtration ( transport of substances), Secretes serous fluid, Located where there is little wear and tear |
simple cuboidal epithelial cell functions and characteristics | Adapted for absorption and secretion, mucus production and movement, Located in ducts and secretory portion of small ducts |
simple columnar epithelial cell functions and characteristics | Oval nuclei in basal half of cell; Brush border of microvilli, ciliated in some organs, may possess goblet cells; Located in areas of absorption and secretion; secretion of mucus |
pseudostratified epithelial cell functions and characteristics | looks multilayered, columnar; some not reaching free surface; all touch basement membrane; nuclei at several levels; with cilia and goblet cells, sometimes augmented by glands; secretes and propels mucus |
Range from 2 to 20 or more layers of cells | stratified epithelia |
Some cells resting directly on others - Only the deepest layer attaches to the basement membrane | stratified epithelia |
four types of stratified epithelia | stratified squamous, stratified cuboidal, stratified columnar, transitional epithelium |
most widespread epithelia in the body | stratified epithelia |
deepest layers of this tissue type undergo continuous mitosis | stratified epithelia |
characteristics of stratified squamous | superficial layer : flat cells; deep layers : cells vary in shape; basal cells replicate constantly |
Protects delicate tissues in areas subject to abrasion | stratified squamous |
two types of stratified squamous cells | keratinized and nonkeratinized |
on skin surface (epidermis), abrasion resistant, resists water loss and pathogen entry | keratinized stratified squamous cells |
lacks surface layer of dead cells. Found in esophagus, tongue, oral mucosa, vagina | nonkeratinized stratified squamous cells |
Multilayered epithelium surface cells that change from round to flat when stretched | transitional |
A type of tissue in which cells usually occupy less space than the extracellular material | connective tissue |
Most abundant, widely distributed, and histologically variable of the primary tissues | connective tissue |
Binds organs to each other, supports and protects organs | connective tissue |
Most cells of this tissue are not in direct contact with each other | connective tissue |
arise from mesenchyme | connective tissue |
Highly vascular—richly supplied with blood vessels | connective tissue |
Regeneration: able but not as rapid as epithelial tissue | connective tissue |
Structural framework and support for organs | connective tissue |
Physical protection – cranium, ribs, sternum | connective tissue |
Packing (fills spaces between organs) | connective tissue |
Storage (of lipids, water, electrolytes, calcium, phosphorus) | connective tissue |
Defense (WBCs enter this tissue from blood) | connective tissue |
Binding of organs – tendons and ligaments | connective tissue |
associated with movement, repair, insulation, heat production, and transport inside the body | connective tissue |
structural components of fibrous connective tissue | cells, ground substance, protein fibers |
may be fluid, semi fluid, gelatinous, fibrous, calcified | the extracellular matrix of fibrous connective tissue |
produce fibers and ground substance in fibrous connective tissue | fibroblasts |
phagocytize foreign material in fibrous connective tissue (arise from WBC called monocytes) | macrophages |
cells in bone (a type of fibrous connective tissue) | osteoblasts, osteocytes |
cells in cartilage (a type of fibrous connective tissue) | chondroblasts, chondrocytes |
synthesize disease fighting antibodies (arise from lymphocytes) in fibrous connective tissue | plasma cells |
develop from monocytes in fibrous connective tissue | mast cells |
store fat molecules (triglycerides) in fibrous connective tissue | adipose cells |
produce melanin, found in fibrous connective tissue | melanocytes |
Most abundant of the body’s proteins—25%; Tough, flexible, high tensile strength, resist stretching; Tendons, ligaments, deep layer of skin - mostly collagen; Less visible in matrix of cartilage and bone | collagenous fibers |
Thin collagen fibers coated with glycoprotein; Reticular = network; Form framework of such organs as spleen & lymph nodes | reticular fibers |
Made of protein called elastin; Thinner than collagenous fibers; Branch and rejoin each other; Allows stretch and recoil; Yellow fibers—fresh elastic fibers | elastic fibers |
fills space between cells & contains the fibers | ground substance |
Usually gelatinous to rubbery consistency; may be viscous (blood), semisolid (cartilage), or solid (bone); From three classes of large molecules | ground substance |
three large classes of molecules that form ground substance | Glycosaminoglycans; proteoglycan; adhesive glycoproteins |
Role of regulating H2O & electrolyte balance in tissues | glycosaminoglycans |
Forms thick colloids that create strong structural bond between cells and extracellular macromolecules; holds tissues together | proteoglycan |
bind components of tissues together | adhesive glycoproteins |
classification of connective tissue - two types | Embryonic connective tissue; Mature Connective tissues (CT proper) |
developing from mesoderm of embryo. Differentiates into blood vessels, blood related organs and connective tissue | Mesenchymal CT |
Supports blood vessels of umbilical cords in developing fetus. | Mucous CT: Wharton’s Jelly |
classification of connective tissue - two types | Embryonic connective tissue; Mature Connective tissues (CT proper) |
developing from mesoderm of embryo. Differentiates into blood vessels, blood related organs and connective tissue | Mesenchymal CT |
Supports blood vessels of umbilical cords in developing fetus. | Mucous CT: Wharton’s Jelly |
Loose fibers; Much gel-like ground substance between cells | Loose connective tissue |
two types of loose connective tissue | Areolar; Reticular |
Densely packed fibers; Fibers fill spaces between cells; Types vary in fiber orientation | Dense connective tissue |
two types of dense connective tissue | Dense regular CT; Dense irregular CT |
Loose irregular fibrous CT; fewer fibers going in all directions; Most widely distributed. | Loose Connective Tissue: Areolar |
Subcutaneous layer; around capillaries, organs, joints, between muscles | loose connective tissue: areolar |
Cushions shock, allow movement of skin over muscle. | loose connective tissue: areolar |
Supporting and binding other tissues | loose connective tissue: areolar |
Holding body fluids | loose connective tissue: areolar |
Storing nutrients as fat (in fat cells) | loose connective tissue: areolar |
Underlies all epithelia, in serous membranes, between muscles, passageways for nerves and blood vessels | loose connective tissue: areolar |
reticular collagen fibers only- thinner, branched | Loose Connective Tissue: Reticular |
Provides the architectural framework (stroma) of bone marrow | loose connective tissue: reticular |
Forms soft internal skeleton that supports other cell types | loose connective tissue: reticular |
Densely packed collagen fibers arranged in same direction with compressed fibroblast nuclei | Fibrous Connective Tissue – dense regular |
In Tendons, aponeuroses - attach muscles to bones; In ligaments hold bones together | Fibrous Connective Tissue – dense regular |
freely branching elastic fibers; elasticity; provides strength | Dense Elastic CT |
Allows expansion and contraction of organs, cushions shocks, stabilizes positions of vertebrae. | Dense Elastic CT |
Found underlying transitional epithelia & in walls of blood vessels | Dense Elastic CT |
Densely packed, randomly arranged, collagen fibers and few visible cells | Fibrous Connective Tissue - Dense irregular |
Withstands unpredictable stresses | Fibrous Connective Tissue - Dense irregular |
Withstands stress in many directions | Fibrous Connective Tissue - Dense irregular |
In dermis of skin; submucosa of the digestive tract; fibrous capsules or organs and of joints | Fibrous Connective Tissue - Dense irregular |
adipocytes are the dominant cell type | adipose tissue |
Highly vascularized; very little matrix | adipose tissue |
Space between adipocytes is occupied by areolar tissue, reticular tissue, and blood capillaries | adipose tissue |
the body’s primary energy reservoir | adipose tissue |
Empty-looking cells with thin margins; nucleus pressed against cell membrane | adipose tissue |
Energy storage, insulation, cushioning | functions of adipose tissue |
Anchors and cushions organs ex. eyeballs, kidneys | adipose tissue |
Contributes to body contours—female breast and hips | adipose tissue |
Supportive connective tissue with flexible, rubbery matrix | cartilage |
Gives shape to ear, tip of nose, and larynx | cartilage |
in cartilage, produce matrix and surround themselves until they become trapped in little cavities (lacunae) | chrondroblasts |
cartilage cells in lacunae | chrondrocytes |
sheath of dense irregular CT that surrounds elastic and most hyaline cartilage (not articular cartilage) | perichondrium |
Contains a reserve population of chondroblasts that contribute to cartilage growth throughout life | perichondrium |
implications of cartilage having no blood vessels | Diffusion brings nutrients and removes wastes; Heals slowly |
Matrix rich in chondroitin sulfate and contains collagen fibers | cartilage |
Clear, glassy microscopic appearance because of unusual fineness of the collagen fibers; Usually covered by perichondrium | hyaline cartilage |
most abundant cartilage BUT weakest of 3 cartilages | hyaline cartilage |
the ground substance of this type of cartilage is gel | hyaline cartilage |
Articular cartilage, costal cartilage, trachea, larynx, fetal skeleton nose, trachea, pharynx | examples of hyaline cartilage |
Cushions, allows flexibility, support, reinforces, reduced friction & shock absorption in joints | functions of hyaline cartilage |
Eases joint movement, holds airway open, moves vocal cords | functions of hyaline cartilage |
type of cartilage containing large amounts of elastic fibers | elastic cartilage |
type of cartilage covered with perichondrium | elastic cartilage |
type of cartilage providing flexible, elastic support | elastic cartilage |
type of cartilage that maintains shape of structures, while allowing great flexibility | elastic cartilage |
elastic cartilage is located... | external ear; epiglottis |
Strongest of 3 cartilages | fibrocartilage |
type of cartilage that contains large, coarse bundles of collagen fibers for rigidity and stiffness | fibrocartilage |
type of cartilage that lacks perichondrium | fibrocartilage |
Resists compression and absorbs shock | functions of fibrocartilage |
Pubic symphysis, menisci of knee, and intervertebral discs | locations of fibrocartilage |
the term bone can refer to these two things | 1) An organ of the body: femur, mandible; composed of multiple tissue types, 2) Bone tissue (osseous tissue) makes up most of mass of bone |
two forms of osseous tissue | spongy bone, compact bone |
type of osseous tissue that is spongy in appearance | spongy bone |
type of osseous tissue that has delicate struts of bone: trabeculae | spongy bone |
type of osseous tissue that is covered by compact bone | spongy bone |
location of spongy bone | found in heads of long bones and in middle of flat bones such as the sternum |
type of osseous tissue that is denser, calcified tissue with no visible spaces | compact bone |
type of osseous tissue that has a more complex arrangement | compact bone |
type of osseous tissue in which cells and matrix surround vertically oriented blood vessels in long bones | compact bone |
arranged in cylinders that surround central canal that run longitudinally through shafts of long bones | compact bone |
in compact bone, blood vessels and nerves travel through... | the central canal |
bones + cartilage + joints = | protects delicate structures |
Bone + muscle = | movement |
function of red bone marrow | hematopoiesis |
function of yellow bone marrow | store triglycerides |
two forms of liquid connective tissue | blood, lymph |
the connective tissue extracellular matrix in blood is composed of | blood plasma (water + dissolved enzymes, proteins) |
cells involved in blood (as connective tissue) | WBC, RBC, Platelets (soluble proteins) |
Extracellular fluid in lymphatic vessels | lymph |
the connective tissue extracellular matrix of lymph | blood plasma |
the cells involved in lymph (as connective tissue) | WBC |
the fibers involved in lymph connective tissue | liquid proteins |
excitability, a characteristic of all living cells, is developed to the highest degree in... | nervous and muscular tissues |
electrical charge difference (voltage) that occurs across the plasma membranes, the basis for their excitation | membrane potential |
cells respond quickly to outside stimulus by means of changes in... | membrane potential |
changes result in rapid transmission of signals to other cells | nerves |
changes result in contraction, shortening of the cell | muscle |
specialized for communication by electrical and chemical signals | nervous tissue |
location of nervous tissue | In CNS (brain, spinal cord) and PNS (nerves) |
in general, lack capacity to regenerate | nervous tissue |
involved in coordinating and controlling many body activities | nervous tissue |
two cell types of nervous tissue | neurons, neuroglia (glial) |
nervous tissue cells that detect stimuli & respond quickly | neurons |
nervous tissue cells that conduct nerve impulses rapidly to other cells | neurons |
nervous tissue supporting cells | neuroglia |
nervous tissue cells that protect and assist neurons | neuroglia |
nervous tissue cells that are the "Housekeepers" of nervous system | neuroglia |
parts of a neuron | neurosoma (cell body); axon; dendrite |
Elongated cells that are specialized to contract in response to stimulation | characteristic of muscle tissue |
muscle fibers usually arranged in bundles/layers that are surrounded by CT | characteristic of muscle tissue |
Primary job is to exert physical force on other tissues and organs | muscle tissue |
Creates movements involved in body and limb movement, digestion, waste elimination, breathing, speech, and blood circulation | muscle tissue |
is vascular tissue involved with maintaining posture, pumping blood, and is an important source of body heat | muscle tissue |
tissue type that becomes specialized in adults | muscle tissue |
tissue type that lack capacity to regenerate to some extent | muscle tissue |
three types of muscle tissue | skeletal, cardiac, and smooth |
voluntary striated muscle tissue | skeletal |
involuntary striated muscle tissue | cardiac |
multinucleated muscle tissue | skeletal |
mononucleated striated muscle tissue | cardiac |
mononucleated nonstriated muscle tissue | smooth |
muscle tissue with long cylindrical cells | skeletal |
muscle tissue where cells fuse end to end | cardiac |
muscle tissue with intercalated discs | cardiac |
muscle tissue attached to bones or skin | skeletal |
muscle tissue located in walls of heart | cardiac |
muscle tissue with spindle-shaped cells | smooth |
muscle tissue with a central nucleus | smooth |
muscle tissue located in the walls of hollow organs | smooth |
cell or organ that secretes substances for use elsewhere in the body or releases them for elimination from the body | gland |
Composed of epithelial tissue in a connective tissue framework and capsule | gland |
May produce product that it synthesizes (digestive enzymes) or products that it removes from tissues and modifies (urine) | gland |
product useful to the body produced by glands | secretion |
waste product removed from tissues by glands | excretion |
secrete their products (eg. excluding hormones) into ducts which lead directly into the external environment | exocrine glands |
secrete their products (ie hormones) directly into bloodstream (ductless glands) or release hormones (paracrine) that have local effect | endocrine glands |
cell + contents released | holocrine gland |
form secretory product & release it | merocrine gland |
part of cell pinches off to form the secretion | apocrine gland |
produce and secrete a non- viscous, thin watery fluid | serous gland |
secrete mucin (glycoprotein) | mucous gland |
mucin + water = | mucus (sticky secretion) |
unicellular mucous glands | goblet cells |
contain serous + mucus cells | mixed glands |
cells that produce a mixture of two secretions | mixed glands |
Release whole cells, sperm and egg cells | cytogenic glands |
have vesicles that release their secretion by exocytosis | Merocrine glands (eccrine glands) |
also primarily use a merocrine mode of secretion | apocrine glands |
cells accumulate a product and then the entire cell disintegrates | holocrine glands |
Secretion of a mixture of cell fragments and synthesized substance | holocrine glands |
organs which have both endocrine and exocrine functions | Liver, gonads, pancreas |
glands found in epithelium that is predominantly nonsecretory | unicellular glands |
Mucus-secreting goblet or endocrine cells of stomach and small intestine | examples of unicellular glands |
unicellular glands can be... | endocrine or exocrine |
thin sheets of tissue that cover the body, line body cavities, and cover organs within the cavities in hollow organs | body membranes |
organs which have both endocrine and exocrine functions | Liver, gonads, pancreas |
glands found in epithelium that is predominantly nonsecretory | unicellular glands |
these glands can be endocrine or exocrine | unicellular glands |
Mucus-secreting goblet or endocrine cells of stomach and small intestine | examples of unicellular glands |
consist of epithelial tissue and the connective tissue to which it is attached | Epithelial tissue membranes |
examples of epithelial tissue membranes | a) mucous membranes b) serous membranes c) cutaneous membranes |
contain only connective tissue | connective tissue membranes |
examples of connective tissue membranes | a) Synovial membranes b) meninges |
lines passages that open to the external environment | mucosa (mucous membranes) |
mucosa membranes line these | Digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts |
of mucosa, may be absorptive, ciliated, or other cell types | the epithelium |
of mucosa, areolar connective tissue | lamina propria |
of mucosa, the smooth muscle layer | Muscularis mucosae |
membrane which has absorptive, secretory, and protective functions | mucosa |
in mucosa, these cells produce mucus | goblet cells |
lines body cavities that do not open directly to the outside | serous membranes (serosa) |
Covers organs and lines walls of body cavities | serosa |
membrane type of which endothelium lines blood vessels and heart | serosa |
membrane type of which mesothelium lines body cavities (pericardium, peritoneum, and pleura) | serosa |
simple squamous epithelium resting on a layer of areolar tissue | serosa |
Epithelium secretes serous fluid that arises from blood | serosa |
Serous fluid lubricates membranes and reduces friction and abrasion when organs in cavities move against each other or the cavity wall | serosa |
largest membrane in the body | cutaneous membrane (the skin) |
Stratified squamous epithelium (epidermis) resting on a layer of connective tissue (dermis) | cutaneous membrane (skin) |
has a relatively dry layer that serves a protective function | cutaneous membrane |
line the cavities of freely movable joints eg shoulder, elbow, and knee | synovial membranes |
connective tissue membrane with no layer of epithelium | synovial membrane |
secrete synovial fluid which lubricates cartilage on ends of bones | synovial membrane |
composed of Dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater | meninges |
covering brain and spinal cord | meninges |
Increase in the number of cells or the existing cells grow larger | tissue growth |
tissue growth through cell multiplication | hyperplasia |
enlargement of preexisting cells | hypertrophy |
examples of hypertrophy | Muscle growth through exercise; Accumulation of body fat |
development of a tumor (neoplasm) | neoplasia |
can be benign or malignant; composed of abnormal, nonfunctional tissue | neoplasia |
Tissues can change types, but only... | within certain limits |
Unspecialized tissues of embryo become specialized mature types | differentiation |
Changing from one type of mature tissue to another | metaplasia |
undifferentiated cells that are not yet performing any specialized function | stem cells |
Have potential to differentiate into one or more types of mature functional cells | stem cells |
diversity of mature cell types to which stem cells can give rise | Developmental plasticity |
two types of embryonic stem cells | totipotent, pluripotent |
type of embryonic stem cell, has potential to develop into any type of fully differentiated human cell | totipotent |
type of embryonic stem cell, can develop into any type of cell in the embryo | pluripotent |
undifferentiated cells in tissues of adults | adult stem cells |
types of adult stem cells | multipotent, unipotent |
type of adult stem cell, example: bone marrow producing several blood cell types | multipotent |
type of adult stem cell, most limited plasticity; example: only epidermal cells produced | unipotent |
Process of restoration and function of tissue after injury | tissue repair |
tissue repair occurs in two ways | regeneration; fibrosis (scarring) |
replacement of dead or damaged cells by the same type of cell as before, restores normal function | regeneration of injured tissue |
Replacement with scar tissue by CT; does not restore normal function | fibrosis (scarring) |
cells with a continuous capacity to regenerate | epithelial tissue cells |
bone (connective tissue) can regenerate... | rapidly |
cartilage (connective tissue) can regenerate... | but less rapidly than bone |
tissue type with poor capacity for regeneration | muscle tissue |
muscle tissue type that can regenerate, but not rapidly | skeletal muscle |
muscle tissue type that cannot regenerate, lacking satellite cells | cardiac muscle |
muscle tissue type with proliferation but slower than epithelial cells | smooth muscle |
tissue type with the poorest capacity for renewal | nervous tissue |
three stages of regenerative tissue repair | inflammation, granulation, regeneration |
tissue repair, during inflammation | Pain, swelling, redness, heat; Local vasodilation; Severed blood vessels bleed into cut; Mast cells & damaged cells release histamine; Increases blood flow to area; Makes capillaries more permeable |
during tissue repair, blood plasma seeps into wound carrying | Antibodies, blood cells; Clotting proteins – clot forms (Inhibits spread of pathogens to healthy tissue) |
during tissue repair, scab formation offers... | temporary protection |
during tissue repair, macrophages phagocytize and digest | tissue debris |
Granulation tissue forms, replacing clot | during granulation stage of tissue repair |
New capillaries sprout from nearby vessels and grow into wound | durring granulation stage of tissue repair |
Deeper portions of the wound become infiltrated by capillaries & fibroblasts | during granulation stage of tissue repair |
begins 3-4 days after an injury and lasts up to 2 weeks | granulation stage of tissue repair |
Surface epithelial cells around wound multiply and migrate into wound area beneath scab | during regeneration stage of tissue repair |
Epithelium regenerates under scab | during regeneration stage of tissue repair |
Connective tissue undergoes fibrosis, though scar tissue may or may not show through epithelium | during regeneration stage of tissue repair |
Remodeling (maturation) phase begins several weeks after injury and may last up to 2 years | during regeneration stage of tissue repair |
scarring occurs... | In extensive tissue damage |
Both parenchymal cells and CT are active | during scarring |
Occurs when fibroblasts are active | scarring |
Results in formation of new connective tissue | scarring |
another name for scar formation | fibrosis |
examples of labile tissues | bone marrow, kidneys, GI epithelium |
tissues in which cells are continuously dividing | labile tissues |
these tissues easily regenerate after injury | labile tissues |
these tissues contain a pool of stem cells | labile tissues |
examples of stable tissues | Liver, kidneys, pancreas |
these tissues have cells with a limited ability to divide and regenerate (except liver) | stable tissues |
examples of permanent tissues | Neurons, cardiac muscle |
these tissues have cells which cannot proliferate | permanent tissues |
these tissues cannot regenerate (so injury always leads to scar) | permanent tissues |
a way in which cardiac tissue can regenerate | stem cell migrate to heart from blood |
shrinkage of a tissue through a loss in cell size or number | atrophy |
Senile atrophy occurs through | normal aging |
Disuse atrophy occurs from | lack of use |
premature, pathological death of tissue due to trauma, toxins, or infections | necrosis |
sudden death of tissue when blood supply is cut off | infarction |
tissue necrosis due to insufficient blood supply | gangrene |
bed sore or pressure sore | decubitus ulcer |
anaerobic bacterial infection that causes tissue necrosis | gas gangrene |
programmed cell death | apoptosis |
Normal death of cells that have completed their function and best serve the body by dying and getting out of the way | apoptosis |
what happens to cell remnants after apoptosis | Phagocytized by macrophages and other cells |
number of cells that die by apoptosis | billions |
apoptosis can occur because... | Every cell has a built-in “suicide program” |
Extracellular suicide signal binds receptor protein in the plasma membrane called... | Fas |
Fas activates enzymes | endonuclease chops up DNA and protease destroys proteins |
artificial production of tissues and organs in the lab for implantation in the human body | tissue engineering |
Framework of collagen or biodegradable polyester fibers are seeded with human cells and grown in a 'bioreactor' (like a mouse) | process of tissue engineering |