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Skull bones
skull bones
Question | Answer |
mandible, lower jawbone | attached by freely movable joint |
supraorbital foramen (notch) | opening above each orbit allowing blood vessles and nerves to pass |
frontal bone | forms forehead, anterior cranium, superior orbits |
parietal bones | posterolateral to frontal bone forming top side of cranium |
saggital suture | midline articulation point (joint) of 2 parietal bones |
coronal suture | point of articulation (joint) of parietal with frontal bones |
temporal bone | inferior to parietal bone on lateral skull |
squamous suture | point of articualtion (joint) of temporal bone with parietal bone |
zygomatic arch | bridgelike projection joining zygomatic bone (cheekbone) and temporal bone |
external acoustic meatus | canal leading to eardrum and middle ear |
styloid process | needlelike projection inferior to external acoustic meatus; attachment point for muscles and ligaments of tongue, pharynx |
mastoid process | rough projection inferior and posterior to external acoustic meatus; attachment site for muscles. |
occipital bone | most posterior bone of cranium, forms floor & back wall |
lambdoid suture | site of articulation (joint) of occipital bone and parietal bones |
foramen magnum | large opening in base of occipital which allows spinal cord to join with brain |
occipital condyle | rounded projctions lateral to foramen magnum that articulate first cervical vertebra (atlas) |
sphenoid bone | cranial bone in temples and forming a bat shaped on the interior of the skull |
mandible | lower jawbone; articulates the temporal bones in the only freely movable joint of skull |
mental foramen | prominent opening on body that transmits mental blood vessles and nerve to lower jaw |
maxilla(e) | upper jawbone(s) and part of orbits and hard palate |
palatine bone | form posterior of hard plate |
infraorbital foramen | opening under orbit carrying infraorbital nerves and blood vessles to nasal region |
lacrimal bone | small thin bone in the inner wall of the eye socket. Has small opening which serves as passageway for tearsfor tear duct |
zygomatic bone | lateral to maxilla; forms portion of face commonly called cheekbone and forms part of lateral orbit |
nasal bone | small rectangular bones forming bridge of nose |
vomer | blade shaped bone in median plane of nasal cavity that forms posterior and inferior nasal septum |