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How are joints classified?
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How does a diarthrosis joint move?
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Anatomy Chp 8-Joints

How are joints classified? by their freedom of movement and how bones are joined
How does a diarthrosis joint move? moves freely (dia=through, apart)
How does a amphiarthrosis joint move? slightly moveable (amphi=both sides)
How does a synarthrosis joint move just a little or no movement (syn=together, arthro=joint)
How are synovial joints joined? synovial cavity that contains fluid
joint in which two bones are separated by a space called a joint cavity synovial joints
What is the movement like for synovial joints most are diarthrosis - move freely
what do tendons hold together muscle and bones
what do ligaments hold together bones to bones
what is a meniscus a pad of fibrocartilage
What are the six structures of a synovial joint? articular cartilage, articular capsule, synovial fluid, menisucs, tendons, ligaments
saclike extension of a joint capsule that allows structures to slide more easily past each other bursa (means "purse")
elongated cylinders of connective tissue line with synovial membran and wrapped around a tendon - like a bun on a hot dog tendon sheath
What two things affect the movement at synovial joints origin and insertion of the attached bones
what does flexion do to the angle of a joint decrease the angle - brings boens closer together
what does extension do to the angle of a joint increases the angle - bones move farther apart
what is meant by hyperextension extending beyond 180 degrees
what is dorsiflexion raising the toes towards towards the shin
what is a combination of flexion, abduction, extension and adduction movements circumduction
what is supination rotation of the forearm into anatomical position
what is pronation rotation of the forearm out of anatomical position
inversion sole of the foot turned medially
eversion soles of the foot turned laterally
protraction movement of a bone anteriorly (forward) on a horizontal plane
retraction movement of a bone posteriorly
opposition move thumb to touch the fingertips
______________ is natural in anatomical position extension
tendon sheaths and bursae dissipate heat and friction
joint where smooth head fits within a cuplike depression ball-and-socket joint
What type of joint is between the head of the humerus and the glenoid cavity of the scapula ball-and-socket joint
this joint is said to be three in one knee joint
What do the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments do for the knee joint limit anterior and posterior sliding movements
what do themedial and lateral collateral ligaments do for the knee joint prevent rotation of extended knee
What is special about the glenohumeral joint most freely movable joint in the body because of shallow glenoid and loose capsule
Created by: edeboo
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