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muscles study stack
Question | Answer |
contractility | the ability of skeletal muscles to shorten with force |
excitability | the capacity of a skeletal muscle to respond to a stimulus |
extensibilty | ability to be stretched |
elasticity | ability to recoil to their original resting length after being stretched |
epimysium | connective tissue sheath surrounding skeletal muscles |
fascia | connective tissue located outside the epimysium |
fasiculi | bundled cells that create the muscle |
perimysium | loose connective tissue surrounding the fasiculi |
fibers | makes up the fasiculi |
endomysium | connective tissue sheath surrounding each fiber |
myofibrils | threadlike structure that extends from one end of the fiber to the other |
actin myofillaments | thin myofilaments resembling 2 minute strands of pearls |
myosin myofilament | thick myofilaments resembling bundles of minute golf clubs |
sarcomeres | unit formed by actin and myosin myofilaments |
resting membrane potential | the charge difference between the inside and the outside of the cell membrane |
action potential | the brief reversal back of the charge |
motor neurons | nerve cells that carry action potentials to skeletal muscle fibers |
neuromuscular junction (synapse) | where the axon connects to the muscle |
motor unit | single motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates |
presynaptic terminal | enlarged nerve terminal |
synaptic cleft | the space between the presynaptic terminal and the muscle cell |
postsynaptic terminal | the muscle fiber |
synaptic vessicles | secrete a neurotransmitter and is located in the presynaptic terminal |
acetylcholine | the neurotransmitter |
acetylcholinesterase | an enymatic breakdown |
sliding filament mechanism | the sliding of actin myofilaments past myosin myofilaments |
muscle twitch | contraction of an entire muscle |
threshold | the level a muscle fiber can begin to react |
lag phase | beginning of a muscle contraction |
contraction phase | time of a contraction |
relaxation phase | time which the muscle relaxes |
tetany | where the muscle remains contracted without relaxing |
recruitment | increase in number of motor units being activated |
creating phosphate | high-energy molecule |
anaerobic respiration | without oxygen |
aerobic respiration | with oxygen |
oxygen debt | the amount of oxygen needed in chemical reactions |
muscle fatigue | when ATP is used during muscle contraction faster than it can be produced |
isometric | length does not change, but the amount of tension increases |
isotonic | the tension produced by the muscle is constant but the length of the muscle changes |
muscle tone | constant tension produced by muscles of the body for long periods of time |
fast twitch fibers | contract quickly and fatigue quickly |
slow twitch fibers | contract slowly and more resistant to fatigue |
origin | most stationary end of the muscle |
insertion | end of the muscle undergoing the greatest movement |
belly | portion of the muscle between the origin and insertion |
synergists | muscles that work together |
antagonists | muscles that work in opposition to eachother |
prime mover | plays a major role in accomplishing the desired movement |
frontalis | raises eyebrows |
orbicularis oculi | blinks and closes eye |
orbicularis oris | closes and protrudes lips |
temporalis | closes jaw |
zygomaticus | raises corner of the mouth |
masseter | closes jaw |
buccinator | compresses cheek |
sternocleidomastoid | flexes neck and rotates head |
platysma | pulls corner of the mouth |
pectoralis major | adducts and flexes humerus |
rectus abdominus | flexes vertebral column |
external oblique | flexes and rotates vertebral column |
biceps branchii | flexes elbow and supinates forearm |
branchialis | flexes elbow |
deltoid | abducts arm |
lliopsoas | flexes hip |
adductor muscles | adduct thigh |
sartiorius | flexes thigh on hip |
quadriceps group | all extend knee |
tibialis anterior | dorsiflexes and inverts foot |
extensor digitorium longus | extends toes and dorsiflexes foot |
fibularis muscles | plantar flex and evert foot |
gastrocnemius | two bellied muscles that form the ecalf |
soleus | fleshy muscle deep in the gastrocnemius |
trapezius | the most superficial muscles of the posterior neck and upper trunk |
deltiod | fleshy triangle shaped muscles that form the rounded shape of the shoulders |