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Chapter 6 muscles
Question | Answer |
Four major functional characteristics? | contractility, excitability, extensibility,elasticity |
ability of skeletal muscle to respond to a stimulus? | Contractility |
capacity of skeletal muscle muscle to respond to stimulus? | excitability |
ability to be stretched | extensibility |
ability to recoil | elasticity |
What do muscles do? | produce heat essential for maintenance of normal body temp |
Skeletal muscle is surrounded by? | epimysium |
tissue located ouside of the epimysium? | Fascia |
Muscle is composed of numerous visible bundles called? | fasciculi |
Fasciculi is surrounded by? | perimysium |
Single muscle cells? | fibers |
Each fiber is surrounded by? | endomysium |
thread like structure that extends from one end of the fiber to the other? | myofibrils |
2 major kinds of protein fibers? | actin myofilaments, myosin myofilaments |
thin myofilaments | actin |
thick myofilaments | myosin |
Actin and myosin myofilaments form highly ordered units called? | sarcomeres |
basic structural and functional unity of the muscle? | sarcomeres |
Sarcomeres extend from? | z line to z line |
The z line is an light area called? | an I band |
I band contains? | actin |
darker central region in each sarcomere? | A band |
A band contains? | myosin |
Charge difference across the membrane? | resting membrance potential |
brief reversal back of the charge? | action potential |
nerve cells that carry action potentials to skeletal muscle fibers? | motor neurons |
Each branch that connects to the muscle forms? | neuromusclular junction |
neuromusclular junction? | synapse |
single motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates? | motor unit |
enlarged nerve terminal? | presynaptic terminal |
space between the presynaptic terminal and the muscle cell is the? | synaptic cleft |
each presynaptic terminal contanins? | synaptic vesicles |
Synaptic vesicles secrete? | acetycholine |
Sliding actin myofilaments past myosin myofilaments during contraction? | sliding filament mechanism |
contraction of an entire muscle? | muscle twitch |
muscle fiber will not respond to stimulus until stimulus reaches a level called? | threshold |
time between application of a stimulus to a motor neuron and beginning of a contraction? | lag phase |
time of contraction? | contraction phase |
time during which the muscle relaxes? | relaxation phase |
where muscles remain contracted without relaxing? | tetany |
increase in number of motor units being activated is called? | recruitment |
anaerobic respiration? | without oxygen |
aerobic respiration? | with oxygen |
the amount of oxygen needed in chemical reactions to covert lactic acid to glucose and to replenish the depleted stores of creatine phosphate stores in muscle smell | oxygen debt |
when ATP is used during muscle contraction faster than it can be produced | Muscle fatigue |
length of muscle does not change, but amount of tension increases during contraction process | isometric |
amount of tension produced by the muscle is constant during contraction, but the length of the muscle changes | isotonic |
constant tension produced by muscles of the body for long periods of time | muscle tone |
contract quickly and fatigue quickly | fast-twitch fibers |
contract more slowly and are more resistant to fatigue | Slow-twitch fibers |
orgin(head) | most stationary end of the muscle |
insertion | end of the muscle undergoing the greatest movement |
portion of the muscle between the origin and insertion | belly |
muscles that work together to accomplish specific movements | synergists |
muscles that work in opposition to one another | antagonists |
muscle that plays the major role in movement | prime mover |
raises the eyebrows | occipito frontails |
closes the eyelids | orbichloris oculi |
puckers the lips | oribiculoris |
flattens the cheeks | buccinator |
smiliing muscles | zygomaticus |
sneering | levator labii superoris |
frowning | depressor angulioris |
mastication | chewing |
mastication is made of | temporalis and masseter |
tongue muscles | Intrinsic, Extrinsic |
changes shape of tongue | Intrinsic |
moves tongue | Extrinsic |
Neck muscles | Sternocleidomastoid |
Prime mover: rotates and turns the head | Sternocleidomastoid |
Toticollis | twisted neck |
group of muscles on each side of the back. Responsible for keeping the back straight and the body erect. | Erector spinae |
muscles that move the thorax | thoracic muscles |
accomplishes quiet breathing. Dome-shaped muscle. Aids in breathing. | Diaphragm |
contract during forced expiration | Internal intercostals |