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Term | Definition |
AIDS | Acquired Immuno Deficency Syndrome |
ARC | AIDS Realated complex |
ELISA | ENZYME-LINKED Immunosorbent Assay |
GVHD | Graft VS. Host Disease |
HD | Hodgkins Disease |
HIV | Human Immunodeficency Virus |
KS | Kaposi's Sarcoma |
mono | mononucleosis |
NHL | non-hodgkins Lymphoma |
NK | Natural Killers |
PCP | Pneumocystis Pneumonia |
SCIDS | Severe Combined Immunodeficency Syndrome |
ABGs | arterial blood gases |
ARDS | acute respiratory distress syndrome |
Bronch | bronchoscopy |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CPR | cardio pulmonary resuscitation |
C&S | culture and sensitivity |
CTA | clear to auscultation |
CXR | chest x-ray |
DOE | dyspnea on extertion |
DPT | diptheria,pertussis, tetanus injection |
ENT | ear nose and throat |
ERV | expiratory reserve volume |
FRC | functional residual capacity |
HMD | hyaline membrane disease |
IC | inspiratory capacity |
IPPB | intermittent positive pressure breathing |
IRDS | infant respiratory distress syndrome |
IRV | inspiratory reserve volume |
LLL | left lower lobe |
LUL | left upper lobe |
MDI | metered dose inhaler |
O2 | oxygen |
PFT | Pulmonary function test |
PPD | purified protein derivative |
R | respiration |
RA | room air |
RDS | respiratory distress syndrome |
RLL | right lower lobe |
RML | right middle lobe |
RV | reserve volume |
RUL | right upper lobe |
RRT | registered respiratory therapist |
SARS | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome |
SIDS | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome |
SOB | Shortness of Breath |
TB | Tuberculosis |
TLC | Total Lung Capacity |
TPR | Temperature, pulse, respiration |
TV | Tidal Volume |
URI | Upper respiratory infection |
VC | Vital capacity |
ac | before meals |
ALT | alanine transaminase |
AST | aspartate transaminase |
Ba | Barium |
BE | Barium Enema |
BM | bowel movement |
BS | bowel sound |
CBD | commom bile duct |
EGD | esophagogastroduodenoscopy |
ERCP | endoscopic retro-grade Cholangio-pancreatography |
FOBT | fecal occult blood test |
GB | gallbladder |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GI | gastrointestinal |
HAV | hepatitis A virus |
HBV | hepatitis B virus |
HCI | hydrochloric acid |
HCV | hepatitis C virus |
HDV | hepatitis D virus |
HEV | hepatitis E virus |
HSV-1 | herpes simplex virus type 1 |
IBD | inflammatory bowel disease |
IVC | Intravenous Cholangiography |
n&v | nausea and vommiting |
NG | Nasogastric (tube) |
NPO | Nothing by mouth |
O&P | ova & parasites |
pc | after meals |
PO | by mouth |
pp | postprandial |
PTC | percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography |
PUD | peptic ulcer disease |
TPN | total paraenteral nutrition |
UGI | upper gastrointestinal series |
AGN | Acute glomerulonephritis |
ARF | acute renal failure |
ATN | acute tubular necrosis |
BNO | bladder neck obstruction |
BUN | Blood, urea, nitrogen |
CAPD | continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis |
cath | catheterization |
CC | clean catch urine specimen |
CI- | chloride |
CRF | chronic renal failure |
C&S | culture and sensitivity |
cysto | cystoscopy |
ESRD | end stage renal disease |
ESWL | extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy |
EU | Excretory urography |
GU | genitourinary |
HCO3- | bicarbonite |
HD | hemodialysis |
H2O | water |
I&O | intake &output |
IPD | intermittent peritoneal dialysis |
IVP | intravenous pyelogram |
K+ | potassium |
KUB | kidney, ureter, bladder |
mL | milliliter |
Na+ | sodium |
NS | Nephrotic syndrome |
pH | acidity or alkalinity of urine |
RP | retrograde pyelogram |
SG, | specific gravity |
UA, U/A | Urinalysis |
UC | Urine culture |
UTI | Urinary tract infection |
VCUG | Voiding cystourethr0graphy |
BPH | Benign prostatic hyperplasia |
DRE | digital rectal exam |
ED | erectile dysfunction |
GC | gonorrhea |
GU | genitourinary |
PSA | prostate specific antigen |
RPR | Rapid plasma reagin (test for syphillis) |
SPP | Suprapubic prostatectomy |
TUR | transurethral rescetion |
TURP | transurethral resection of the prostate |
AB | abortion |
AI | Artificial insemination |
BSE | Breast self exam |
CS,C-section | Cesarean section |
CVS | Chorionic villus sampling |
Cx | cervix |
D | Dilation and curettage |
EDC | Estimated date of confinement |
EMB | Endometrial biopsy |
ERT | Estrogen replacement therapy |
FEKG | Fetal electrocardiogram |
FHR | Fetal heart rate |
FHT | Fetal heart tone |
FSH | Follicle stimulating hormone |
FTND | Full term normal delivery |
G1,grav-1 | first pregnancy |
GYN,gyn | gynecology |
HCG,hCG | Human growth hormone |
HDN | Hemolytic disease of the newborn |
HPV | human papilloma virus |
HRT | hormone replacement therapy |
HSG | hysterosalpingography |
IUD | Intrauterine device |
IVF | In-vitro fertilization |
LBW | low birth weight |
LH | Luteinizing hormone |
LMP | last menstrual period |
NB | newborn |
OB | obstetrics |
OCP's | oral contraceptive pills |
PAP | Papanicolaou test |
P1,para-1 | first delivery |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease |
PMS | Pre-Menstrual Syndrome |
TAH-BSO | Total abdominal hysterectomy-bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy |
TSS | Toxic shock syndrome |
UC | Uterine contractions |