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Tissue Types

Chapter 4

Four Types of Tissue Epithelial Tissue, Connective Tissue, Muscle Tissue, Nerve Tissue
Epithelial tissue is classified by Shape and layer
Shape epithelial tissue squamous,cuboidal,columnar,ciliated
Layer epithelial tissue Simple, Stratified
Connective Tissue Type Blood, Areolar, Adipose, Fibrous, Elastic, Bone,Cartilage
Muscle Tissue Type Skeletal, Cardiac, Smooth
Nerve Tissue Neurons
Nerve tissue is supported by specialized connective tissue Neuroglia, Schwann Cells
Moves Bones Skeletal Bones
Forms the heart Cardiac Muscle
Forms walls of hollow organs Smooth Muscle
Covers and lines Surfaces Epithelial Tissue
Connects or supports body parts Connective Tissue
Contracts and Moves Something Muscle Tissue
Carries requlatory impulses Nerve Tisue
Flat irregular shape Squamous
Cube shape Cuboidal
Columnar Long Narrow
Columnar with Cilia Columnar ciliated
Surface changes shape from round to squamous Transitional Epithelium
Single layer is simple
Multiple layer is Stratified
Connective tissue that contains White blood cells and Red Blood cells platelets and plasma Blood
Connective tissue white blood cells present between the skin and muscle and below epitheilium of mucous membrane tracts Arolar
Connective tissue that is subcutaneous, cushions, thermogenic Adipose
Connective tissue tendons, ligaments and dermis Cells are fibroblasts Fibrous
Connective tissue around alveoli, walls of large arteries Cells are Fibroblasts Elastic
Connective Tissue that form bones of skeleton Cells are osteocytes Bone
Connective tissue that form joints and wall of trachea nose and ear Cells are Chondrocytes Cartilage
Striated, voluntary, multi nucleated nerve impulses make it move, generate heat, Muscle attaches to bone Skeletal Muscle
Visceral, no striation, uni nucleated, nerve impulses peristalsis Stomach,walls of arteries,veins, iris of eye Smooth Muscle
Faint striation, uni nucleated nerve impulses permits electrical impulses walls of the chambers of the heart. Cardiac Muscle
Neurons generate and transport impulses Nerve Tissue
Neuroglia are in the ____ and contain CNS contain Brain Spinal Cord
Schwann cells are in the ___ and contain PNS contain nerves that emerge from CNS Peripheral nerves
Contain the Nucleus Cell body
Carries impulses away for the Cell body Axon
Carries impulses toward the Cell Body Dendrites
Neurotransmitter space between two neurons Synapse
Insulate neurons, speed up impulses formed from Schwann cells Myelin Sheaths
Location of Nerve tissue Brain, Spinal Cord, Peripheral nerves
Created by: Alechia1
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