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Appendix A: Glossary of Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms - Q – Abbreviati
Question | Answer |
a- | without |
ab- | away from |
abdomin/o | abdomen |
-ac | pertaining to |
acous/o | hearing |
acr/o | extremity or topmost |
-acusis | hearing condition |
ad- | to, toward, or near |
aden/o | gland |
adip/o | fat |
adren/o | adrenal gland |
adrenal/o | adrenal gland |
aer/o | air or gas |
-al | pertaining to |
albumin/o | protein |
-algia | pain |
alveol/o | alveolus (air sac) |
ambi- | both |
an- | without |
an/o | anus |
andr/o | male |
angi/o | vessel |
ankyl/o | crooked or stiff |
ante- | before |
anti- | against or opposed to |
aort/o | aorta |
appendic/o | appendix |
aque/o | water |
-ar | pertaining to |
-arche | beginning |
arteri/o | artery |
arthr/o | joint |
articul/o | joint |
-ary | pertaining to |
-ase | an enzyme |
-asthenia | weakness |
ather/o | fatty paste |
-ation | process |
atri/o | atrium |
audi/o | hearing |
aur/i | ear |
bacteri/o | bacteria |
balan/o | glans penis |
bi- | two or both |
bil/i | bile |
-blast | germ or bud |
blast/o | germ or bud |
blephar/o | eyelid |
brachi/o | arm |
brady- | slow |
bronch/o | bronchus (airway) |
bronchi/o | bronchus (airway) |
bronchiol/o | bronchiole (little airway) |
bucc/o | cheek |
capn/o | carbon dioxide |
carb/o | carbon dioxide |
carcin/o | cancer |
cardi/o | heart |
cata- | down |
-cele | pouching or hernia |
celi/o | abdomen |
-centesis | puncture for aspiration |
cephal/o | head |
cerebell/o | cerebellum (little brain) |
cerebr/o | cerebrum (largest part of brain) |
cerumin/o | wax |
cervic/o | neck or cervix |
cheil/o | lip |
chol/e | bile |
chondr/o | cartilage (gristle) |
chrom/o | color |
chromat/o | color |
chyl/o | juice |
circum- | around |
col/o | colon |
colon/o | colon |
0 | 0 |
0 | colp/o |
colp/o | vagina (sheath) |
con- | together or with |
conjunctiv/o | conjunctiva (to join together) |
contra- | against or opposed to |
corne/o | cornea |
coron/o | circle or crown |
cost/o | rib |
crani/o | skull |
crin/o | to secrete |
cutane/o | skin |
cyan/o | blue |
cyst/o | bladder or sac |
cyt/o | cell |
dacry/o | tear |
dactyl/o | digit (finger or toe) |
de- | from, down, or not |
dent/i | teeth |
derm/o | skin |
dermat/o | skin |
-desis | binding |
dextr/o | right or on the right side |
dia- | across or through |
diaphor/o | profuse sweating |
dips/o | thirst |
dis- | separate from or apart |
doch/o | duct |
duoden/o | duodenum |
-dynia | pain |
dys- | painful, difficult, or faulty |
-e | noun marker |
e- | out or away |
-eal | pertaining to |
ec- | out or away |
-ectasis | expansion or dilation |
ecto- | outside |
-ectomy | excision (removal) |
-emesis | vomiting |
-emia | blood condition |
en- | within |
encephal/o | entire brain |
endo- | within |
enter/o | small intestine |
epi- | upon |
epididym/o | epididymis |
episi/o | vulva (covering) |
erythr/o | red |
esophag/o | esophagus |
esthesi/o | sensation |
eu- | good or normal |
ex- | out or away |
exo- | outside |
extra- | outside |
fasci/o | fascia (a band) |
femor/o | femur |
fibr/o | fiber |
gangli/o | ganglion (knot) |
gastr/o | stomach |
-gen | origin or production |
gen/o | origin or production |
-genesis | origin or production |
gingiv/o | gum |
gli/o | glue |
glomerul/o | glomerulus (small ball) |
gloss/o | tongue |
glott/o | opening |
gluc/o | sugar |
glyc/o | sugar |
gnos/o | knowing |
-gram | record |
-graph | instrument for recording |
-graphy | process of recording |
gynec/o | woman |
hem/o | blood |
hemat/o | blood |
hemi- | half |
hepat/o | liver |
hepatic/o | liver |
herni/o | hernia |
hidr/o | sweat |
hist/o | tissue |
histi/o | tissue |
hormon/o | hormone (an urging on) |
hydr/o | water |
hyper- | above or excessive |
hypo- | below or deficient |
hypn/o | sleep |
hyster/o | uterus |
-ia | condition of |
-iasis | formation of or presence of |
-iatrics | treatment |
-iatry | treatment |
-ic | pertaining to |
-icle | small |
ile/o | ileum |
immun/o | safe |
infra- | below or under |
inguin/o | groin |
inter- | between |
intra- | within |
ir/o | iris (colored circle) |
irid/o | iris (colored circle) |
-ism | condition of |
iso- | equal or like |
-ist | one who specializes in |
-itis | inflammation |
-ium | structure or tissue |
P.775 | 0 |
0 | jejun/o |
jejun/o | jejunum (empty) |
kerat/o | hard or cornea |
ket/o | ketone bodies |
keton/o | ketone bodies |
kinesi/o | movement |
kyph/o | humped-back |
lacrim/o | tear |
lact/o | milk |
lapar/o | abdomen |
laryng/o | larynx (voice box) |
lei/o | smooth |
-lepsy | seizure |
leuc/o | white |
leuk/o | white |
lex/o | word or phrase |
lingu/o | tongue |
lip/o | fat |
lith/o | stone |
lob/o | lobe (a portion) |
-logist | one who specializes in the study or treatment of |
-logy | study of |
lord/o | bent |
lumb/o | loin (lower back) |
lymph/o | clear fluid |
-lysis | breaking down or dissolution |
macro- | large or long |
-malacia | softening |
mamm/o | breast |
-mania | abnormal impulse (attraction) toward |
mast/o | breast |
meat/o | opening |
-megaly | enlargement |
melan/o | black |
men/o | menstruation |
mening/o | meninges (membrane) |
meningi/o | meninges (membrane) |
meso- | middle |
meta- | beyond, after, or change |
-meter | instrument for measuring |
metr/o | uterus |
-metry | process of measuring |
micro- | small |
mono- | one |
morph/o | form |
multi- | many |
muscul/o | muscle |
my/o | muscle |
myc/o | fungus |
myel/o | bone marrow or spinal cord |
myos/o | muscle |
myring/o | eardrum |
narc/o | stupor or sleep |
nas/o | nose |
nat/i | birth |
necr/o | death |
neo- | new |
nephr/o | kidney |
neur/o | nerve |
ocul/o | eye |
-oid | resembling |
-ole | small |
olig/o | few or deficient |
-oma | tumor |
onc/o | tumor or mass |
onych/o | nail |
oophor/o | ovary |
ophthalm/o | eye |
-opia | condition of vision |
opt/o | eye |
orch/o | testis (testicle) |
orchi/o | testis (testicle) |
orchid/o | testis (testicle) |
or/o | mouth |
orth/o | straight, normal, or correct |
-osis | condition or increase |
oste/o | bone |
ot/o | ear |
-ous | pertaining to |
ovari/o | ovary |
ov/i | egg |
ov/o | egg |
ox/o | oxygen |
pachy- | thick |
palat/o | palate |
pan- | all |
pancreat/o | pancreas |
para- | alongside of or abnormal |
-paresis | slight paralysis |
patell/o | knee cap |
path/o | disease |
pector/o | chest |
ped/o | child or foot |
pelv/i | hip bone |
hip bone | -penia |
-penia | abnormal reduction |
per- | through or by |
peri- | around |
perine/o | perineum |
peritone/o | peritoneum |
-pexy | suspension or fixation |
phac/o | lens (lentil) |
phag/o | eat or swallow |
phak/o | lens (lentil) |
pharyng/o | pharynx (throat) |
phas/o | speech |
0 | -phil |
-phil | attraction for |
-philia | attraction for |
phleb/o | vein |
phob/o | exaggerated fear or sensitivity |
phon/o | voice or sound |
phor/o | to carry or bear |
phot/o | light |
phren/o | diaphragm or mind |
plas/o | formation |
-plasia | formation |
-plasty | surgical repair or reconstruction |
-plegia | paralysis |
pleur/o | pleura |
-pnea | breathing |
pneum/o | air or lung |
pneumon/o | air or lung |
pod/o | foot |
-poiesis | formation |
poly- | many |
post- | after or behind |
pre- | before |
presby/o | old age |
pro- | before |
proct/o | anus and rectum |
prostat/o | prostate |
psych/o | mind |
-ptosis | falling or downward displacement |
pulmon/o | lung |
purpur/o | purple |
py/o | pus |
pyel/o | basin |
pylor/o | pylorus (gatekeeper) |
quadri- | four |
radi/o | radius or radiation (especially x-ray) |
re- | again or back |
rect/o | rectum |
ren/o | kidney |
reticul/o | a net |
retin/o | retina |
retro- | backward or behind |
rhabd/o | rod shaped or striated (skeletal) |
rhin/o | nose |
-rrhage | to burst forth |
-rrhagia | to burst forth |
-rrhaphy | suture |
-rrhea | discharge |
-rrhexis | rupture |
salping/o | uterine (fallopian) tube or eustachian tube |
sarc/o | flesh |
schiz/o | split or division |
scler/o | hard or sclera |
scoli/o | twisted |
-scope | instrument for examination |
-scopy | process of examination |
seb/o | sebum (oil) |
semi- | half |
sial/o | saliva |
sigmoid/o | sigmoid colon |
sinistr/o | left or on the left side |
sinus/o | hollow (cavity) |
somat/o | body |
somn/o | sleep |
somn/i | sleep |
son/o | sound |
-spasm | involuntary contraction |
sperm/o | sperm (seed) |
spermat/o | sperm (seed) |
sphygm/o | pulse |
spin/o | spine (thorn) |
spir/o | breathing |
splen/o | spleen |
spondyl/o | vertebra |
squam/o | scale |
-stasis | stop or stand |
steat/o | fat |
sten/o | narrow |
stere/o | three-dimensional or solid |
stern/o | sternum (breastbone) |
steth/o | chest |
stomat/o | mouth |
-stomy | creation of an opening |
sub- | below or under |
super- | above or excessive |
supra- | above or excessive |
sym- | together or with |
syn- | together or with |
tachy- | fast |
tax/o | order or coordination |
ten/o | tendon (to stretch) |
tend/o | tendon (to stretch) |
tendin/o | tendon (to stretch) |
test/o | testis (testicle) |
thalam/o | thalamus (a room) |
thorac/o | chest |
thromb/o | clot |
thym/o | thymus gland or mind |
thyr/o | thyroid gland (shield) |
thyroid/o | thyroid gland (shield) |
-tic | pertaining to |
toc/o | labor |
tom/o | to cut |
-tomy | incision |
ton/o | tone or tension |
tonsill/o | tonsil |
top/o | place |
0 | tox/o |
tox/o | poison |
toxic/o | poison |
trache/o | trachea (windpipe) |
trans- | across or through |
tri- | three |
trich/o | hair |
-tripsy | crushing |
troph/o | nourishment or development |
tympan/o | eardrum |
-ula | small |
-ule | small |
uln/o | ulna |
ultra- | beyond or excessive |
uni- | one |
ur/o | urine |
ureter/o | ureter |
urethr/o | urethra |
urin/o | urine |
uter/o | uterus |
uvul/o | uvula |
vagin/o | vagina (sheath) |
varic/o | swollen or twisted vein |
vas/o | vessel |
vascul/o | vessel |
ven/o | vein |
ventricul/o | ventricle (belly or pouch) |
vertebr/o | vertebra |
vesic/o | bladder or sac |
vesicul/o | bladder or sac |
vitre/o | glassy |
vulv/o | vulva (covering) |
xanth/o | yellow |
xer/o | dry |
-y | condition or process of |
abnormal | para- |
abnormal reduction | -penia |
above | hyper-, super-, supra- |
across | dia-, trans- |
adrenal gland | adrenal/o |
after | post-, meta- |
again | re- |
against | anti-, contra- |
air | aer/o, pneum/o, pneumon/o |
air sac | alveol/o |
airway | bronch/o, bronchi/o |
all | pan- |
alongside of | para- |
alveolus | alveol/o |
anus | an/o |
anus and rectum | proct/o |
aorta | aort/o |
apart | dis- |
appendix | appendic/o |
arm | brachi/o |
around | circum-, peri- |
artery | arteri/o |
atrium | atri/o |
attraction for | -phil, -philia |
away | e-, ec-, ex- |
away from | ab- |
back | re- |
backward | retro- |
bacteria | bacteri/o |
basin | pyel/o |
before | ante-, pre-, pro- |
beginning | -arche |
behind | post-, retro- |
below | hypo-, infra-, sub- |
bent | lord/o |
between | inter- |
beyond | meta-, ultra- |
bile | bil/i, chol/e |
bile duct | choledoch/o |
binding | -desis |
birth | nat/i, toc/o |
black | melan/o |
bladder | cyst/o, vesic/o, vesicul/o |
blood | hem/o, hemat/o |
blood condition | -emia |
blue | cyan/o |
body | somat/o |
bone | oste/o |
bone marrow | myel/o |
both | ambi-, bi- |
brain | cerebr/o (largest part of brain), encephal/o (entire brain) |
breaking down | -lysis |
breast | mamm/o, mast/o |
breathing | -pnea, spir/o |
bronchus | bronch/o, bronchi/o |
bud | -blast, blast/o |
burst forth | -rrhage, -rrhagia |
calculus | lith/o |
cancer | carcin/o |
carbon dioxide | capn/o, carb/o |
carry | phor/o |
cartilage | chondr/o |
cavity (sinus) | atri/o, sin/o |
cell | cyt/o |
cerebellum | cerebell/o |
cervix | cervic/o |
change | meta- |
cheek | bucc/o |
chest | pector/o, steth/o, thorac/o |
0 | child |
child | ped/o |
circle | coron/o |
clear fluid | lymph/o |
clot | thromb/o |
colon | col/o, colon/o |
colon, sigmoid | sigmoid/o |
color | chrom/o, chromat/o |
colored circle | irid/o, ir/o |
condition | -osis |
condition of | -ia, -ism, -ium, -y |
contraction, involuntary | -spasm |
coordination | tax/o |
cornea | corne/o, kerat/o |
correct | ortho- |
creation of an opening | -stomy |
crooked | ankyl/o |
crown | coron/o |
crushing | -tripsy |
cut (to cut) | tom/o |
death | necr/o |
deficient | hypo-, olig/o |
development | troph/o |
diaphragm | phren/o |
different | hetero- |
difficult | dys- |
digit (finger or toe) | dactyl/o |
dilation or expansion | -ectasis |
discharge | -rrhea |
disease | path/o |
dissolution | -lysis |
division | schiz/o |
down | de- |
downward placement | -ptosis |
dry | xer/o |
duct | doch/o |
duodenum | duoden/o |
ear | aur/i, ot/o |
eardrum | myring/o, tympan/o |
eat or swallow | phag/o |
egg | ov/i, ov/o |
enlargement | -megaly |
enzyme | -ase |
epididymis | epididym/o |
equal | iso- |
esophagus | esophag/o |
eustachian tube | salping/o |
examination | -scopy |
excessive | hyper-, super-, supra-, ultra- |
excision (removal) | -ectomy |
expansion or dilation | -ectasis |
extremity | acr/o |
eye | ocul/o, ophthalm/o, opt/o |
eyelid | blephar/o |
falling | -ptosis |
fallopian tube | salping/o |
fascia | fasci/o |
fast | tachy- |
fat | adip/o, ather/o, lip/o, steat/o |
faulty | dys- |
fear, exaggerated | phob/o |
femur | femor/o |
few | olig/o |
fiber | fibr/o |
fixation | -pexy |
flesh | sarc/o |
foot | pod/o, ped/o |
form | morph/o |
formation | -plasia, plas/o, -poiesis |
formation of | -lasis |
four | quadri- |
from | de- |
fungus | myc/o |
ganglion | gangli/o |
gas | aer/o |
germ or bud | -blast, blast/o |
gland | aden/o |
glans penis | balan/o |
glassy | vitre/o |
glomerulus | glomerul/o |
glue | gli/o |
good | eu- |
groin | inguin/o |
gums | gingiv/o |
hair | trich/o |
half | hemi-, semi- |
hard | kerat/o, scler/o |
head | cephal/o |
hearing | acous/o, audi/o |
hearing condition | -acusis |
heart | cardi/o |
heat | therm/o |
hernia | -cele, herni/o |
hip bone | pelv/i |
hormone | hormon/o |
humped-back | kyph/o |
ileum | ile/o |
incision | -tomy |
increase | -osis |
inflammation | -itis |
instrument for examination | -scope |
instrument for measuring | -meter |
instrument for recording | -graph |
jejunum (empty) | jejun/o |
joint | arthr/o, articul/o |
juice | chyl/o |
ketone bodies | ket/o, keton/o |
kidney | nephr/o, ren/o |
nephr/o, ren/o | kneecap |
kneecap | patell/o |
knowing | gnos/o |
labor | toc/o |
large | macro- |
larynx | laryng/o |
left or on the left side | sinistr/o |
lens | phac/o, phak/o |
light | phot/o |
like | iso- |
lip | cheil/o |
liver | hepat/o, hepatic/o |
lobe | lob/o |
loin (lower back) | lumb/o |
long | macro- |
macro- | lung |
lung | pneum/o, pneumon/o, pulmon/o |
male | andr/o |
many | multi-, poly- |
measuring, instrument for | -meter |
measuring, process of | -metry |
meninges | mening/o, meningi/o |
menstruation | men/o |
milk | lact/o |
mind | psych/o, phren/o, thym/o |
mouth | or/o, stomat/o |
movement | kinesi/o |
muscle | muscul/o, my/o, myos/o |
nail | onych/o |
narrow | sten/o |
near | ad- |
neck | cervic/o |
nerve | neur/o |
net | reticul/o |
new | neo- |
normal | eu-, ortho- |
nose | nas/o, rhin/o |
not | de- |
nourishment | troph/o |
oil | seb/o |
old age | presby- |
one | mono- |
one who specializes in | -ist |
one who specializes in the study or treatment of | -logist |
opening | glott/o, meat/o |
opposed to | anti-, contra- |
order | tax/o |
origin | gen/o, -gen, -genesis |
out | e-, ec-, ex- |
outside | ecto-, exo-, extra- |
ovary | oophor/o, ovari/o |
oxygen | ox/o |
pain | -algia, -dynia |
painful | dys- |
palate | palat/o |
pancreas | pancreat/o |
paralysis | -plegia |
paralysis, slight | -paresis |
perineum | perine/o |
peritoneum | peritone/o |
pertaining to | -ac, -al, -ar, -ary, -eal, -ic, -ous, -tic |
pharynx | pharyng/o |
place | top/o |
pleura | pleur/o |
poison | tox/o, toxic/o |
portion | lob/o |
pouching | -cele |
presence of | -iasis |
process | -ation |
process of | -y |
production | gen/o, -gen, -genesis |
prostate | prostat/o |
protein | albumin/o |
pulse | sphygm/o |
puncture for aspiration | -centesis |
purple | purpur/o |
pus | py/o |
pylorus | pylor/o |
radius | radi/o |
record | -gram |
recording, process of | -graphy |
rectum | proct/o, rect/o |
red | erythr/o |
resembling | -oid |
reticulum | reticul/o |
retina | retin/o |
rib | cost/o |
right or on the right side | dextr/o |
rod shaped | rhabd/o |
rupture | -rrhexis |
sac | cyst/o, vesic/o, vesicul/o |
safe | immun/o |
saliva | sial/o |
same | homo- |
scale | squam/o |
sclera | scler/o |
sebum | seb/o |
secrete | crin/o |
seizure | -lepsy |
self | auto- |
sensation | esthesi/o |
sensitivity, exaggerated | phob/o |
separate from | dis- |
sigmoid colon | sigmoid/o |
sinus | sinus/o |
skeletal | rhabd/o |
skin | cutane/o, derm/o, dermat/o |
skull | crani/o |
sleep | hypn/o, somn/i, somn/o |
slow | brady- |
small | -icle, micro-, -ole, -ula, -ule |
small intestine | enter/o |
smooth | lei/o |
softening | -malacia |
sound | phon/o, son/o |
sheath | vagin/o |
specializes, one who | -ist |
speech | phas/o |
sperm | sperm/o, spermat/o |
spinal cord | myel/o |
spine | spin/o |
spleen | splen/o |
split | schiz/o |
sternum | stern/o |
stiff | ankyl/o |
stomach | gastr/o |
stone | lith/o |
stop or stand | -stasis |
straight | orth/o |
striated | rhabd/o |
structure | -ium |
study of | -logy |
study of, one who specializes in the | -logist |
stupor | narc/o |
sugar | gluc/o, glyc/o, glycos/o |
surgical repair or reconstruction | -plasty |
suspension | -pexy |
suture | -rrhaphy |
swallow | phag/o |
sweat | hidr/o |
sweat, profuse | diaphor/o |
tear | dacry/o, lacrim/o |
teeth | dent/i |
tendon | ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o |
tension | ton/o |
testis (testicle) | orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o, test/o |
thalamus | thalam/o |
thick | pachy- |
thirst | dips/o |
three | tri- |
three-dimensional or solid | stere/o |
throat | pharyng/o |
through | dia-, per-, trans- |
thymus gland | thym/o |
thyroid gland | thyr/o, thyroid/o |
tissue | hist/o, -ium |
to or toward | ad- |
together | con-, sym-, syn- |
tone | ton/o |
tongue | gloss/o, lingu/o |
tonsil | tonsill/o |
topmost | acr/o |
trachea | trache/o |
treatment | -iactrics, -iatry, -iatr/o |
treatment of, one who specializes in the | -logist |
tumor | -oma, onc/o |
twisted | scoli/o |
two | bi- |
ulna | uln/o |
under | infra-, sub- |
upon | epi- |
ureter | ureter/o |
urethra | urethr/o |
urine | ur/o, urin/o |
uterine tube | salping/o |
uterus | hyster/o, metr/o, uter/o |
vagina | colp/o, vagin/o |
vein | phleb/o, ven/o |
vein, swollen or twisted | varic/o |
ventricle | ventricul/o |
vertebra | vertebr/o, spondyl/o |
vessel | angi/o, vas/o, vascul/o |
vision, condition of | -opia |
voice | phon/o |
voice box | laryng/o |
vomiting | -emesis |
vulva | vulv/o, episi/o |
water | aque/o, hydr/o |
wax | cerumin/o |
weakness | -asthenia |
white | leuc/o, leuk/o |
windpipe | trache/o |
with | con-, sym-, syn- |
within | en-, endo-, intra- |
without | a-, an- |
woman | gynec/o |
gynec/o | word, phrase |
word, phrase | lex/o |
yellow | xanth/o |