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body systems
Term | Definition |
cardiovascular | blood vessels & heart, waste out, o2 & nutrients in, body temp/electrolyte balance homeostatic state,regulates blood pressure |
circulatory | lymph & blood, pulmonary circ. coronary circ. systemic circ. maintain temp and fluids. lymph flows slowly to heart. RBC bring O2 & CO2. clotting-plasma proteins buffer blood to maintain pH. |
digestive | mouth throat esophagus stomach sm & lg intestine. break down food. nourish energize body, waste out thru colon. stores glucose, destroys old blood cells. |
endocrine | hypothalmus, pituitary, thyroid, pineal glands. hormones for blood mood sugar level, fluid retention,metabolism tissue function. body activities thru hormones. |
excretory | aorta,renal.Inferior vena cava, lungs skin ureter urethra,bladder.Kidneys filter all waste to bladder then void. all waste removed |
immune | WBC, tissues,protein. fights virus, infection bateria, certain disease. maintain balance or if WBC is off-no good |
integumentary | skin,covers framework, sweating maintains body temp, skin protects all systems, flexibility, sheds and regrows |
lymphatic | L-vessels, tissues, organs. L-duct, thoracic duct, spleen. resistance to disease, L=hormones, O2, nutrients, waste, back and forth from cells/tissues |
muscular | smooth, cardiac, skeletal, brain, heart. 650 in body. mobility stretching and contracting, voluntary or involuntary. shivering controls body T* |
nervous | central, brain & spinal cord. peripheral, somatic autonomic. regulates body T, breathing, BP. |
respiratory | nasal cavity, pharynx, mouth, epiglottis, trachea, larynx, bronchi, bronchial, tubes, alveoli,diaphragm, capillaries. O2 swapped w/ CO2=diffusion.regulate pH of blood. |
reproductive | genitals, ovaries. reproduction of life. |
sensory | sensory receptors,neural pathways,sight sound touch taste smell,environmental input process relays from/to the brain. identifies homeostatic changes. |
skeletal | integ outside, bones tendons ligaments cartilage. support,movement, protection.muscles attach here |
urinary | renal system, kidneys bladder ureter.maintain balance of chemicals, fluid balance affects BP.Regulates blood pH. |