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A&P1 - Ch 1-16
Chapters 1-16
Term | Definition |
Abdominal | Pertaining to the belly region |
Anatomy | The body study of structures |
Appendicular | Arms and legs of the body |
Axial | Head, neck, and trunk of the body |
Cranial | Cavity in the head that houses the brain |
Greater omentum | An extension of the peritoneal membrane, that looks like a fatty apron lying over the abdominal viscera, and extends from the inferior margin of the stomach |
Homeostasis | An internal environment the body must maintain for normal functioning |
Meninges | 3 layers of membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord |
Mesentery | Fold of the peritoneum (attaches organs to the posterior wall of the abdomen; contains blood vessels and nerves, going to individual organs) |
Negative feedback | Process the body uses to reverse the direction of movement away from homeostasis |
Parietal | Part of a serous membrane not in direct contact with a organ |
Pelvic | Cavity in the inferior trunk that houses the urinary bladder, rectum, and reproductive organs |
Peritoneum | Serous membrane that surrounds the organs in the abdominopelvic cavity |
Physiology | The study of how the body's structures function |
Pleura | Serous membrane surrounding each lung individually |
Positive feedback | The process the body uses to increase movement away from homeostasis |
Proximal | Closer to the connection of the body, point of attachment or origin (the elbow is proximal to the wrist) |
Serous membrane | Double-layered membrane that contains fluid between the 2 layers |
Thoracic | Cavity in the superior trunk (chest) |
Visceral | Part of a serous membrane in direct contact with a organ |
Acne | Inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin |
Contact inhibition | the end of keratinocyte lateral growth because edges of stratum basale cells are in contact with each other |
Cornification | Process in which keratinocytes fill with keratin and die as they move toward the surface of the epidermis |
Cutaneous | Pertaining to the skin |
Epidermis | Superficial layer of the skin that is subdivided into 4 or 5 general layers called strata |
Exocrine glands | Glands that produce and secret products that are delivered to the appropriate locations through ducts |
Fibrosis | Wound healed with scar tissue; normal function is not returned |
First-degree burn | A burn that involves only the epidermis and whose symptoms include redness, pain, and swelling; the most common type of burn |
Keratin | A hard, waterproof protein |
Mediators of inflammation | Chemicals produced by damaged tissues and diffuse away from the damaged area causing any blood vessels they meet to dilate |
Melanocytes | Cells found in the stratum basale that produce skin pigments called melanin |
Papillae | bumps on the superficial edge of the dermis in direct contact with the epidermis (found on palmar & plantar surfaces & tongue) |
Pathogens | Disease-causing foreign invaders |
Regeneration | Wound healing with the same tissue that was damaged; normal function is returned |
Sebum | A very oily, lipid-rich substance produced by the sebaceous gland to moisturize the skin and hair |
Stratum basale | The deepest layer of the epidermis and the only one with cells that actively grow and divide to produce new epidermis |
Subcutaneous layer | Layer of skin, technically not part of the skin, deep to the dermis and attaches skin to the rest of the body |
Sweat glands | 4 types of exocrine glands that are located in the dermis (merocrine, apocrine, ceruminous, mammary) |
Thin skin | Epidermis that contains hair follicles and lacks stratum lucidum |
Wound contracture | Scab formation that pulls the edges of the wound closer together as it dries |
Absorption | Process of putting something into the blood for the first time |
Appendicular skeleton | Bones of the arms, legs, pectoral and pelvic girdles |
Appositional bone growth | Type of growth that occurs in all bones making them more massive (and able to handle stress) |
Axial skeleton | Bones of the head, neck and trunk |
Cancellous bone | Bone connective tissue with a spongy appearance, caused by trabecular; found in the end of long bones & in the middle of flat and irregular bones |
Chondrocyte | Cartilage cell that produces a cartilage matrix of proteoglycans and water. (cells in cartilage connective tissue) |
Comminuted | A fracture in which the bone is broken into 3 or more pieces (commonly referred to as shattered) |
Compact bone | Bone connective tissue arranged in a series of osteons found in the shafts of long bones and the surfaces of flat and irregular bones. |
Deposition | The process of putting calcium phosphate crystals into the bone |
Diaphysis | Shaft of a long bone (has a fibrous covering called periosteum and is a source of osteoblasts) |
Endochondral ossification | Process that forms long bones |
Epiphyseal plate | Cartilage between the epiphysis and diaphysis in an immature long bone |
Fontanelle | Membranous area between flat bones of the skull, eventually replaced by a suture (fibrous joint). Commonly called 'soft spot'. |
Foramen magnum | Opening found in occipital bone, allows spinal cord to exit the cranial cavity |
Hydroxyapatite | Calcium phosphate mineral salt that makes up the mineral matrix of bone connective tissue (make the matrix hard) |
Meniscus | Fibrocartilage pad in the knee between the femur and the tibia |
Osteons | Haverisan system. Target-like arrangement of bone connective tissue found in compact bone |
Reabsorption | The process of putting something into the blood again, not the first time |
Synovial membrane | Membrane lining the joint space of a synovial joint (soft tissue found between the articular capsule (joint capsule) and the joint cavity of synovial joints) |
Trabeculae | Sliver-like or plate-like arrangement of bone connective tissue found in cancellous bone (gives it a spongy appearance) |
Acetylcholine (ACh) | Neurotransmitter released to stimulate a contraction of skeletal muscle tissue. (must meet threshold amount for muscles to react; adding more ACh to the threshold will not give bigger response) |
Aerobic respiration | Type of cellular respiration requiring oxygen that results in enough energy to generate 36 ATP molecules from each glucose molecule & produces carbon dioxide & water. (for endurance; converts pyruvic acid to carbon dioxide & water) See slow-twitch fibers. |
Anaerobic respiration | Type of cellular respiration in the absence of O2 resulting in enough energy to generate 2 ATP molecules from each glucose molecule & produce lactic acid (bursts of energy; converts pyruvic acid to lactic acid as a waste product.) See fast-twitch fibers |
Antagonist | A muscle that has an opposite action (ex: raise hand from waist to mouth-biceps brachii contract (shorten) & triceps brachii relax (lengthen) |
Extension | The ability to be stretched (action that bends a part of the body posteriorly, such as straightening the arm at the elbow.) |
Fascicle | Group of muscle fibers surrounded by perimysium |
Fatigue | The inability of a muscle to fully respond to a nerve impulse. |
Flexion | Action that bends a part of the body anteriorly, such as flexing the elbow |
Insertion | The attachment of a muscle to a bone or structure that does move when the muscle contracts. |
Isometric | A type of contraction in which the length of the muscle remains constant while the tension in the muscle increases. (muscles stays the same) |
Isotonic | A type of contraction in which the tension in the muscle remains constant and motion is the result. (muscle shortens & lengthens. Ex: boxer moving his arm during the punch, the tension in his muscles remained constant and motion was the result.) |
Lever | A rigid object that can be used to lift something. Bones act as levers in lever systems that muscles use to move the body. |
Motor unit | A single nerve cell and all the muscle cells it stimulates |
Muscle twitch | The contraction of one muscle cell due to one nerve impulse |
Origin | The attachment of a muscle to a bone or structure that does not move when the muscle contracts |
Recruitment | The process of getting more and more motor units involved in a contraction to create a larger motion. (ex: there is rapid recruitment in a boxer’s punch) |
Sarcomere | A section of a myofibril extending from one Z line to the next |
Sliding filament theory | An explanation of muscle contraction that involves thick myofilaments grabbing thin myofilaments and pulling them toward the center of the sarcomere |
Synergists | Muscles that have the same action (ex: raise hand from waist to mouth-biceps brachii contract (shorten) & triceps brachii relax (lengthen) |
Tetany | A sustained contraction brought about by a high frequency of nerve impulses. (ex: like holding a pencil, muscles can’t enter relaxation phase or you’ll drop the pencil. (a sustained contraction brought about by a high frequency of nerve impulses.) |
Action potential | Flow of electricity along an axon of a neuron in one direction – from the trigger zone to the synaptic knob |
Afferent | Sensory neurons carry receiving/incoming messages to the brain or spinal cord in the nervous system |
Autonomic | Nerve message sent to glands, cardiac muscle of the heart, or smooth muscle of hollow organs & blood vessels |
Axon | Portion of a neuron that carries electrical impulses along its length from the cell body to the synaptic knobs at the end of the neuron |
Bipolar | Neuron. Type of sensory neuron with one dendrite and one axon; found in the nasal cavity, retina, inner ear |
Cerebrospinal fluid | Fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord that is made by ependymal cells lining cavities in the brain called ventricles |
Decremental | Decrease with distance (effects of a local potential decrease with distance; therefore a local potential is also decremental) |
Dendrite | Portion of a neuron that receives information |
Depolarize | To change the charge across the cell membrane of a neuron by the flow of sodium into the cell |
Efferent | Motor neurons carry sending/outgoing messages away from the brain or spinal cord in the nervous system |
Multipolar | Neurons. The most common type of neuron in the brain and spinal cord; has multiple dendrites and an axon that may or may not have a collateral branch |
Myelin | A lipid-rich intermittent covering over the axons of some neurons. Gaps in the myelin sheath are called nodes of Ranvier |
Neuroglia | Cells that aid neurons in their functions (support cells for each neuron "nerve glue") |
Parasympathetic | Division of the autonomic nervous system that sends electrical messages to carry out functions for vegetative activities such as digestion, defecation, and urination |
Reflex | An involuntary, predictable, motor response to a stimulus without conscious thought |
Repolarize | To change the charge across the cell membrane of a neuron by the opening of potassium channels to allow the flow of potassium |
Resting membrane potential | A difference in charge across the cell membrane of a neuron created by the presence of many large negative ions inside the cell and many positive sodium ions outside the cell |
Sympathetic | Division of the autonomic nervous system that sends electrical messages to prepare the body for physical activity often referred to as fight or flight |
Synapse | Junction formed by the neuron’s synaptic knob with another cell (gland cell, muscle cell, or dendrite of another neuron) |
Unipolar | Neuron. Type of sensory neuron that appears to have one process that serves as dendrite and axon with the cell body pushed off to the side |
Accommodation | Ability of the eye to change the shape of the lens to keep an image in focus with a change in distance |
Dynamic equilibrium | Equilibrium perceived when the head is rotating |
Gustation | The sense of taste |
Humor | Fluid found in the eye (aqueous humor & vitreous humor) |
Hyperopia | Farsightedness caused by the cornea and lens focusing an image behind the retina |
Lacrimal | Pertaining to tears |
Lingual | Pertaining to the tongue |
Myopia | Nearsightedness caused by the cornea and lens focusing an image ahead of the retina |
Nociceptor | Pain receptor that detects tissue injury or potential tissue injury |
Olfactory | Pertaining to the sense of smell |
Otoliths | Calcium carbonate and protein granules located in the saccule and utricle of the inner ear |
Perilymph | Fluid found in the cochlea of the inner ear |
Presbyopia | A decreased ability of the eye to accommodate (lens of the eye loses its ability to focus, making it difficult to see objects up close) |
Receptive field | An area in which a single neuron is responsible for detecting a stimulus |
Refraction | The bending of light as it passes through materials of different densities |
Sensorineural | Type of hearing loss caused by a problem with the organ of Corti or the auditory nerve |
Static equilibrium | Equilibrium perceived when the head is stationary or moving in a straight line |
Umami | A meaty taste derived from some amino acids binding to taste buds |
Vestibular apparatus | Anatomy used to perceive equilibrium; includes the saccule, utricle, and semicircular canals of the inner ear |
Visual acuity | Ability to discern visual detail. The best visual acuity is the sharpest vision |
Androgens | Hormones produced by the adrenal cortex; responsible for male secondary sex characteristics & for sex drive in both genders |
Autocrine | The secretion of a hormone by the cells of the same tissue that it targets |
Down-regulation | A decrease in the number of receptors for a given hormone, causing the cell to become less sensitive to the hormone |
Endocrine | Refers to hormones that travel through the blood to get to their target tissue |
Gland | A structure on its own or groups of cells within an organ that function to produce hormones |
Glucocorticoids | Hormones produced by the adrenal cortex that stimulate the breakdown of protein and fat to make glucose, suppress the immune system, and reduce inflammation |
Gonads | Ovaries in women, testes in men |
Half-life | The length of time it takes for one-half of a substance to be eliminated from the cardiovascular system |
Hormone | Chemical used in the endocrine system to carry messages |
Mineralocorticoids | Hormones produced by the adrenal cortex that promote sodium and water reabsorption and potassium excretion in the kidney to maintain blood volume and pressure |
Pancreatic islets | 1-2 million groups of endocrine cells in the pancreas that produce the hormones insulin and glucagon |
Paracrine | Term that refers to hormones that work on neighboring cells without having to go through the blood to get to the target tissue |
Pheromone | Term that refers to chemicals that cause a response outside the body, in another individual |
Plasma protein | Transport protein (made by the liver) that binds to a hormone in the blood to extend its half-life |
Receptor | Shape-specific binding site for a hormone |
Second messenger | Chemical created by the binding of a hormone in a receptor on the cell membrane; the second messenger carries the information to where it is needed in the cell to initiate the function of the hormone |
Secondary sex characteristics | Gender-specific characteristics developed at puberty due to estrogen in females and testosterone in males. |
Target tissue | Cells of a tissue that have receptors for a specific hormone |
Thyroid hormone | Collective term for the chemicals T3 and T4; their function is to increase metabolism in most tissues |
Up-regulation | An increase in the number of receptors for a given hormone, causing the cell to become more sensitive to the hormone |
Agglutination | An immune response in which antibodies clump cells with specific antigens |
Clotting factor | An inactive chemical in the blood that, when activated, promotes a reaction cascade to form a clot |
Coagulation | Blood clotting; the third step in hemostasis |
Erythrocyte | Red blood cell |
Erythropoietin (EPO) | Chemical produced by the kidneys to stimulate red blood cell production when the oxygen blood level is low |
Fibrin | A solid protein fiber necessary for blood clot formation |
Fibrinogen | Protein dissolved in plasma that is the precursor to fibrin |
Formed elements | The cells and cell parts found in blood |
Granulocyte | Any of 3 types of leukocytes containing small granules that differ in color when stained (neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils) |
Hematocrit | A test that measures the percentage of erythrocytes to whole blood |
Hemocytoblast | A starting cell for the production of all the formed elements; stem cell |
Hemoglobin | A red, complex protein that is made of four chains of amino acids found in red blood cells and that functions to carry oxygen |
Hemopoiesis | Blood production (hemo-blood, poiesis-make) |
Hemostasis | 3 step process (vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, and coagulation) that stop bleeding |
Leukocyte | White blood cell 5 types (neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes, lymphocytes) |
Lymphoid | Type of hemopoiesis that produces lymphocytes in lymphoid tissues outside the red bone marrow |
Myeloid | Type of hemopoiesis that produces all the formed elements in the red bone marrow |
Pluripotent | The ability to become cells of differing types. (Ex: hemocytoblast can become any one of eight different formed elements) |
Serum | Plasma with the fibrinogen and clotting factors removed |
Thrombocyte | One type of formed element of the blood; commonly called platelet |
Afterload | The pressure in the pulmonary trunk and aorta during diastole |
Anastomoses | Circulatory routes that involve vessels merging together |
Angiogenesis | New blood vessel growth |
Arrhythmia | Abnormal heart rhythm |
Atherosclerosis | Buildup of fatty deposits within arterial walls, which causes the walls to roughen and project to the lumen (open space) within the vessel |
Baroreceptors | Sensors located in the aorta and carotid arteries that detect changes in blood pressure |
Cardiac cycle | One complete contraction and relaxation of the heart |
Cardiac output | The amount of blood ejected by each ventricle of the heart each minute (CO = HR [heart rate or beats per min] x SV [stroke volume]; CO written as __ mL/min) |
Chronotropic factor | Anything that changes the heart rate (of the autonomic nervous system) |
Diastole | Relaxation of a heart chamber, usually refers to the action of the ventricles |
Intercalated disks | Specialized junctions between cardiac muscle cells that enable the fast transmission of electrical impulses form one cell to another |
Ischemia | The lack of blood flow |
Mean arterial pressure (MAP) | The average pressure arteries must be able to withstand (MAP = diastolic pressure + 1/3 pulse pressure) |
Portal route | A circulatory route that contains 2 capillary beds before blood is returned to the heart (heart → arteries → capillaries → intervening vessels → capillaries → veins → heart) |
Preload | The amount of tension in the myocardium of the ventricular walls |
Pulse pressure | The surge of pressure that small arteries must withstand with each ventricular contraction (pulse pressure = systolic pressure - diastolic pressure) |
Stroke volume | The amount of blood ejected from each ventricle per beat |
Systole | Contraction of a heart chamber, usually refers to the action of the ventricles |
Tunics | 3 layers of a vessel wall (arteries & veins) |
Venous return | The process of returning blood to the heart through veins |
Acquired immunity | How forms of specific immunity are acquired (Ex: natural active immunity, natural passive immunity, artificial active immunity, and artificial passive immunity) |
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) | Final stage of an HIV infection, in which the immune system fails to provide protection against pathogen |
Anaphylaxis | Systemic vasodilation (system wide dilation of blood vessels) that occurs within a few minutes of exposure to an allergen and can cause a drop in blood pressure and even cardiac failure |
Antigen-presenting cell (APC) | A cell that samples its environment and posts what it finds. (Ex: B cells and macrophages) |
Cellular immunity | Form of specific immunity that involves Tcytotoxic cells directly attacking cells with a foreign antigen. |
Chemotaxis | Process in which WBC’s move to where the concentration of chemicals from damaged tissues is the greatest |
Complement system | 20 inactive proteins (always present in the blood) that, when activated by the presence of a pathogen, initiate one of several pathways to ensure pathogen destruction. |
Diapedesis | Process in which WBC’s crawl through vessel walls |
Epitope | Antigen fragment |
Humoral immunity | Form of specific immunity that involves B cells making antibodies to attack a foreign antigen. Also called antibody-mediated immunity |
Interferons | Chemicals that are released by virally infected cells and encourage surrounding healthy cells to make antiviral proteins so that the virus will not invade them |
Interleukins | Chemicals used by lymphocytes to communicate with one another |
Lymph | Fluid that is derived from blood and is similar to plasma but has fewer proteins |
Lymphadenitis | Condition in which a pathogen is under attack by a lymph node's lymphocytes, resulting in the lymph node becoming swollen and painful to the touch |
Major histocompatibility complex (MHS) | Protein molecule used by antigen-present cells (APC) to display an epitope |
Margination | Process in which WBC’s stick to the walls of dilated vessels in an inflamed area |
Molecular mimicry | A situation in which one molecule is so similar in structure to another molecule that it is mistaken for the other molecule |
Nonspecific resistance | Type of defense that works to fight a variety of pathogens without the need for prior exposure (consists of two lines of defense: external barriers & inflammation, antimicrobial proteins, fever, and other active attacks) |
Pyrogen | Chemical that initiates a fever |
Specific immunity | A line of defense that requires a prior exposure to a specific pathogen so the system can fight it off faster and stronger if the pathogen ever occurs in the body again (process is to recognize, react, and remember the pathogen) |
Alveoli | Tiny air sacs in the lung at which gas exchange takes place. (blood flow exchanges oxygen & carbon dioxide) |
Bronchial tree | Series of ever-decreasing-size tubes branching form the bronchi and ending with bronchioles in the lungs |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) | Disorders that cause a long-term decrease in ventilation of the lungs |
Compliance | Measurement of how well the lungs can expand and return to shape |
Expiration | Movement of air out of the lungs |
Functional residual capacity (FRC) | The amount of air remaining in the lungs after the expiration of a normal breath at rest |
Gas exchange | The movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide that occurs between capillary blood and the alveoli in the lungs and between capillary blood and the tissues of the body |
Gas transport | The movement of gases in the blood to and from the lungs and tissues |
Inspiration | Movement of air into the lungs |
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) | The amount of air that can be forcefully inspired beyond the amount inspired in a normal breath at rest |
Partial pressure | The amount of pressure an individual gas contributes to the total pressure of a mixture of gases |
Pharynx | Throat. An area that is divided into 3 sections based on location and anatomy (the nasopharynx, the oropharynx, the laryngopharynx) |
Pneumothorax | **No per instructor** A condition in which air is introduced in the pleural cavity between the pleural membranes; commonly called a collapsed lung |
Respiratory membrane | **No per instructor** A membrane that is composed of a thin layer of water with surfactant in the alveoli, a single squamous cell alveolar wall, and a single cell capillary wall and across which gas exchange takes place in the lung |
Spirometry | Measurement of lung volumes and capacities |
Surfactant | Fluid secreted by great alveolar cells in the lungs that reduces the surface tension of water |
Tidal volume (TV) | The amount of air moved in a normal breath (inspired or expired) at rest |
Ventilation | Airflow to the lungs |
Ventilation-perfusion coupling | The matching of airflow to blood flow in the lungs |
Vital capacity (VC) | The maximum amount of air that can be moved |
Alimentary canal | Or gastrointestinal. The gastrointestinal tract that begins at the mouth and ends at the anus |
Bolus | Chewed bite of food mixed with saliva |
Caries | An erosion through the enamel of a tooth into the dentin. Commonly called a cavity |
Chemical digestion | The breakdown of complex molecules to their building blocks so they can be absorbed |
Chyme | The liquefied contents of the stomach |
Constipation | **No per instructor** Condition of which defecation is difficult because too much water has been removed from the feces |
Defecation | **No per instructor** Process of removing feces from the body |
Deglutition | The process of swallowing |
Diarrhea | **No per instructor** Condition of a runny stool |
Emulsify | To break lipids into smaller droplets |
Feces | **No per instructor** The contents of the large intestine, composed of 75% water and 25% solids. |
Flatus | **No per instructor** Gas that is produced by bacteria and causes bloat, discomfort, and an unpleasant odor when released |
Ingestion | The intake of food into the mouth |
Lacteals | Small lymphatic vessels that are located in the villi of the small intestine and into which the products of lipid digestion are absorbed |
Mass movement | **No per instructor** The movement of feces from the transverse colon to the sigmoid colon to the rectum; initiated by distension of the stomach |
Mastication | The process of chewing |
Mechanical digestion | The breakdown of large pieces of complex molecules to smaller pieces of complex molecules |
Parasite | An organism that lives on or in another organism (the host) and obtains its nourishment there |
Peristalsis | Wave-like contractions used to move materials along the digestive system |
Segmentation | **No per instructor** A stationary constriction of the smooth muscle of the small intestine in ring-like patterns to further churn chyme and mix in bile and digestive enzymes to finish chemical digestion |
Cystitis | An inflammation of the urinary bladder, usually caused by a bacterial infection |
Dialysis | A treatment for renal failure in which a machine filters out excess fluid, salt, and nitrogenous wastes in the blood |
Diuretic | A type of drug often prescribed for hypertensive patients to reduce their blood pressure by increasing urine production |
Excretion | The removal of metabolic wastes from the body |
Fluid compartments | **No per instructor** The 2 locations for water in the body - intracellular and extracellular |
Glomerulonephritis | An inflammation of the filtration membrane in the glomerulus to produce hormones |
Hyperkalemia | Condition in which the level of K+ (potassium) in the blood is too high |
Hyponatremia | Condition in which the level of Na+ (sodium) in the blood is too low |
Metabolic acidosis | **No per instructor** Condition in which there is decreased elimination of hydrogen ions by the kidneys or increased production of acidic substances through metabolism |
Metabolic alkalosis | **No per instructor** A relatively rare condition that can occur if there is prolonged vomiting, which results in the repeated loss of stomach acids |
Metabolic waste | Waste produced by cells |
Metabolic water | **No per instructor** Water formed in the cells through cellular respiration |
Micturition | The passing of urine out of the body |
Nephron | **No per instructor** The functional unit of a kidney; composed of a renal corpuscle, proximal convoluted tubule, nephron loop, and distal convoluted tubule that drains into a collecting duct |
Nitrogenous wastes | Wastes removed from the blood by the kidneys; include ammonia, urea, uric acid, and creatinine |
Renal corpuscle | **No per instructor** Part of a nephron; composed of a glomerulus and glomerular capsule |
Renal tubule | **No per instructor** Part of a nephron; composed of proximal convoluted tubule, nephron loop, and distal convoluted tubule |
Respiratory acidosis | **No per instructor** Condition in which the respiratory system cannot eliminate sufficient CO2 (carbon dioxide) |
Respiratory alkalosis | **No per instructor** Condition in which the respiratory system eliminates too much CO2 (carbon dioxide) |
Secretion | The third process of urine production in the nephron; removes remaining wastes and excess hydrogen ions form the blood |
Blood-testis barrier (BTB) | Barrier formed by sustentacular cells to isolate spermatocytes from the immune system in the male |
Climacteric | A period of life for men and women, usually beginning about age 50, in which reproductive hormone levels change. This period is typically called andropause in males and menopause in females |
Crossing-over | An event in meiosis in which chromatids break and exchange parts |
Cryptorchidism | A condition in which a male infant is born with undescended testis |
Ejaculation | The discharge of semen |
Emission | A stage in the male sexual response in which sperm are moved by peristaltic contractions through the ductus deferens to its ampulla and the prostate and seminal vesicles add their secretions to semen |
Erection | A stage in the male sexual response in which the erectile tissues of the penis become engorged with blood, causing the penis to become enlarged, rigid, and erect |
Gamete | A sex cell (a sperm or egg) |
Infertility | The inability to fertilize and egg |
Meiosis | Type of cell division that produces cells with half the normal number of chromosomes. (a two-division process, used to create sperm and eggs, that starts with a parent cell of 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) |
Pampiniform plexus | A network of small veins surrounds the testicular artery |
Puberty | The first few years of adolescence that begins with the production of FSH & LH |
Resolution | A stage in the male sexual response in which the penis decreases in size and become flaccid again |
Secondary sex characteristics | Gender-specific characteristics developed at puberty due to estrogen in females and testosterone in males. (refer to ch 8, pg. 303, table 8.1 for females and more info) |
Semen | A fluid that is ejaculated from the penis during orgasm. |
Smegma | A waxy substance produced by the sebaceous glands of the male prepuce |
Spermatic cord | A composite of several structures, which include the cremaster muscle, pampiniform plexus, testicular artery, and ductus deferens |
Spermatogenesis | The first process in sperm productions; produces spermatids (each with 23 chromosomes) from a specialized stem cell (germ cell) with 46 chromosomes |
Spermiogenesis | The second process in sperm production; transforms spermatids to functional sperm |
Zygote | A fertilized egg |
Afterbirth | The placenta and its associated membranes delivered after the baby |
Atresia | Process in which oogonia and primary oocytes degenerate |
Capacitation | The acids of the vagina & other fluids of the female reproductive tract break down cholesterol of sperms' cell membrane & stimulate sperm to swim faster so after 10 hours, the sperm are able to release the enzymes of the acrosome cap to penetrate an egg |
Colostrum | A thin, watery fluid containing protein, lactose (milk sugar), and many antibodies but one-third less fat than breast milk |
Crowning | The appearance of the baby's head at the vaginal opening during birth |
Effacement | The thinning of the cervix in preparation for birth |
Episiotomy | An incision made in a female's perineum to widen the vaginal opening during birth |
Folliculogenesis | The changes in a follicle during oogenesis |
Gestation | The time from fertilization to birth |
Labor | Uterine contractions to bring about birth |
Lactation | Milk production |
Mammography | An x-ray examination of the breast used to detect breast cancer |
Menopause | Cessation of menstrual periods for at least a year |
Menstrual cycle | Part of the female sexual cycle of events that affects the uterine lining |
Milk ejection reflex | A reflex that is initiated by suckling on a breast and results in myoepithelial cells in the mammary lobules contracting to release milk to the lactiferous ducts in the breast |
Oogenesis | Egg production |
Ovarian cycle | Part of the female sexual cycle of events that occurs in the ovary |
Ovulation | The release of an egg from an ovary |
Parturition | The process of birth |
Prolapse | An effect of aging in the female reproductive system in which organs such as the urinary bladder and vagina drop out of position |