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INTRO to anatomy

Word parts that come at the beginning of words are called prefixes
word parts that come at the end of a word are called suffixes
the core/fundamental meaning of the word is called what? word root
what is a combining form? when a vowel is added to a root word
when do you use the combining form? when adding a suffix
from which direction are medical terms broken down? right to left
what is anatomical position? posture used as reference when describing body parts in relation to each other
what is a transverse plane? across the body, divides into top and bottom
what is a sagittal plane? median or middle, divides into left and right
what is a coronal or frontal plane? divides body into front and back
what cavity is within the thoracic cavity? mediastinum
what structure divides the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity? diaphragm
what space is located within the thoracic cavity that lies between the lungs and contains the heart, trachea, esophagus and great vessels mediastinum
what division is the stomach located in? the bladder? epigastric and hypogastric
what are the vertebral regions in order with how many vertebrae? cervial 7, thoracic 12, lumbar 5, sacral 5, coccyx 1
what are the four major elements the body is composed of? carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen
organize the body into the correct order of parts atoms/molecules - cells - tissue - organs - systems - organism
the fundamental basic structural unit of the body the cell
cell membrane skin of cell, outer covering
cytoplasm jelly like fluid inside the cell, holds nutrients and waste and organelles
nucleus brain of the cell contains chromosomes
how many chromosomes in a cell? 23 pairs, 46 total
karyotyping genetic testing checks for genetic defects
nucleolus small ball of protein in nucleus that produces proteins
mitrochondria power plants of cell that produce energy and make ATP
endoplasmic reticulum network of tubes and vessicles that transport proteins
what are the 4 types of tissues in the body connective, epithelial, muscle, nervous
what is the function of epithelial tissue to protect and lubricate
mucous membranes secrete what to protect and lubriacte mucus
what are the four types of epithelial tissue mucous membranes, serous membranes, cutaneous membranes, glands
what systems have organs that are lined with mucous membranes? respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive
what tissues line organs that are in contact with the external world? mucous membranes
what is the INNER layer of serous membranes called lays closest to the organs visceral layer
what is the OUTER layer called that lines the body cavity parietal
name the three serous membranes and location pericardium - heart, pleura - lungs, peritoneum - abdomen
what is the main purpose of connective tissue? to join, connect and support
name the types of connective tissue loose/areolar, adipose, dense fibrous, elastic, cartilage, bone, blood
name the three types of muscle tissue skeletal, cardiac, smooth
the central nervous system is composed of what two things? brain and spinal cord
what is homeostasis bodys tendency to maintain a steady state or constant environment
what is a nutrient any useful substance, carbs proteins fats vitamins minerals
what is energy the ability to work
what is metabolism sum of all chemical reactions
what is anabolism building up simple substances to make new ones
catabolism breaking down complex substances into simple ones
osmosis when water moves from greater concentration to lesser concentration
diffusion when particles move from greater concentration to lesser concentration
function of systems - Gastrointestinal bring in food (ingest), digest food, excrete food
function of systems - Musculoskeletal provide heat, movement, (muscles) provide structure, make blood (skeletal)
function of systems - integumentary protective
Created by: a.adams
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