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A&P ch. 11, 12 &13

which gland is referred to as the master gland pituitary gland
what is the hormone that stimulates uterine contractions oxytocin
where are the adrenal glands located they sit on top of each kidney
what hormone and gland deposit calcium in the bone calcitonin & thyroid
GTT glucose tolerance test
what is a protein-bound iodine test a blood test to measure the concentration of thyroxine (T4)circulating in the blood
what does the thymus gland do causes the development of the immune system
which gland produces testosterone testes
what is the thyroid function test a blood test to measure the levels of thyroxine, triiodothyranine, and thyroid (T3, T4 & TSH)
what hormone assists the body in dealing with stress epinephrine aka adrenalin
which glands are included in the endocrine system (10 total) adrenal cortex, adrenal medula, ovaries, parathyriod, pancreas, pineal, pituitary, testes, thymus, thyroid
what is Tetany- condition resulting from calcium deficiency in the blood characterized by muscle twitches, cramps & spasms
Define hirsutism excessive hair growth over the body
What is diabetes mellitus disease in which the pancreas fails or insulin doesn't work properly
what is -dipsia thirst
what is FBS fasting blood sugar
what is FSH follicle stimulating hormone
what is aden/o gland
define Goiter enlargement of the thyroid gland
define kal/i patassium
define glyc/o sugar
define calc/o calcium
define crin/o to secrete
what is -ectomy to surgically remove
define cortisol steroid hormone secreted by adrenal cortex it regulates carbohydrate metabolism
define hypoglycemia condition of having low blood sugar
what is cushing's disease excessive levels of cortisol with symptoms; edema, weakness, excessive hair growth and osteoporosis
what is the largest part of the brain cerebrum
what is a lumbar puncture puncture with a needle into the lumbar area to withdraw cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)
what section of the brain processes thoughts, judgement & memory cerebrum
what is the reflux test that checks for abnormalities in the nervous system Babinski reflux test
The thalamus and hypothalamus are in what part if the brain diencephalon
what is the innermost layer of the meninges pia matter
What section of the brain maintains balance cerebellum
define cephal/o head
define -paresis weakness
define neur/o nerve
define encephal/o brain
define electr/o electricity
define -graphy process of recording
define -oma tumor or swelling
define bell's palsy one sided facial paralysis with unknown cause
define -algia pain
define syncope fainting
what does the olfactory nerve do transports impulses for sense of smell
what is the cerebellum 2nd largest part of the brain
what is autisim a type of mental disorder diagnosed in children (show sever withdrawal from contact
define a coma profound unconsciousness resulting from illness or injury
what are the organs that produce tears superior & inferior lacrimal gland
what is the center of the iris called the pupil
what is the medical term for inflammation of the eyelid blepharitis
what is sclera tough protective outer layer of the eyeball called the white of the eye
what is nystagmus jerky appearing involuntary eye movement
what is the medical term for normal vision emmetropia
what is the name of the tissue that separates the auditory canal from the middle ear cavity tympanic membrane
what is conductive hearing loss disease or malfunction of the outer or middle ear
Name the three ossicles of the ear malleus incus stapes
what is the cerumen ear wax
what does OM stand for otitis media
what is tinnitus ringing in the ear
what is -opia vision condition
what is dipl/o double
what is -rrhexis to rupture
what is myring/o tympanic mambrane
what is audi/o hearing
what is ot/o ear
what is Merniere's disease abnormal condition within the labyrinth of the inner ear
define deafness the inability to hear or having some degree of hearing impairment
define decibel measure of the intensity of sound
where is the pancrease located located along the lower curvature of the stomach
What hormone does the parathyroid secrete and what does that hormone do? Secrets paarathyroid hormone which regulates level of calcium in the bloodstream
what hormone does the pituitary gland serete thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) , adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)
what are the organs of the nervous system brain, spinal cord, nerves
What does the central nervous system consit of Brain and spinal cord
what is the peripheral nervous system consist of cranial nerves & spinal nerves
central nervous system is divided into? central nervous & peripheral nervous systems
what are the four sections of the brain cerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalon & brain stem
define metabolism the chemical process that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life
what is -lysis destruction
name the regions of the inner ear cochlea, semicircular canals, utricle and saccule
what is corne/o pupil
what is polydipsi abnormal state of extreme thirst
Created by: fitnessgal
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